Hi everyone, I need assistance using sendmail or mail() as my web hosting service does not allow opening sockets. This is the code I use: clsMailer.php /* Author: Macdonald Robinson Date: April 2007 Class Name: clsMailer Dependencies: PHP 4.0+ Description: This is a wrapper class for the XPertMailer library which is included in this distribution Functions Exposed: sendMail($subject,$toAddress,$plainMessage,$htmlMessage='',$fromAddress = '',$fromName = '',$toName='') Arguments: $subject = The subject of the email $fromAddress = The from email address $fromName = The from name $toAddress = The to email address $toName = The to name $plainMessage = This is the message that will be displayed when the email client does not support HTML format emails $htmlMessage = This is the HTML formatted email */ include 'smtp.php'; class clsMailer { var $mailer; function clsMailer() { $this->mailer = new SMTP(); return $this->mailer; } function sendMail($subject, $fromAddress, $fromName='', $replyToAddress='',$method = 'client') { $this->mailer->Delivery($method); $this->mailer->From($fromAddress,$fromName); $this->mailer->FromHost($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $havemx); if($replyToAddress != '') $this->mailer->AddHeader('Reply-To',$replyToAddress); $this->mailer->send($subject); return $this->mailer->result; } function setTo($addressNamePair) { foreach ($addressNamePair as $key=>$value) { $this->mailer->AddTo($key,$value); } } function setMessage($plainTextMessage, $htmlMessage = '') { $this->mailer->Text($plainTextMessage); if($htmlMessage != '') $this->mailer->Html($htmlMessage); } function setCC($addressNamePair) { foreach ($toAddresses as $key=>$value) { $this->mailer->AddCc($key,$value); } } function setBCC($addresses) { foreach ($addresses as $key=>$value) { $this->mailer->AddBcc($value); } } function attachFiles($addressNamePair) { $msgs = array(); foreach ($addressNamePair as $index=>$path) { $msgs[$path] = $this->mailer->AttachFile($path); } return $msgs; } } email-sender.php $mailer=new clsMailer(); $toAddresses = array('john@xxxxxx'=>'john doe' ,'joe@bloe'=>'joe bloe'); $mailer->setTo($toAddresses); /* $plainTextMessage = $_POST['comments'];*/ $htmlMessage = 'Title: '.$_POST['title'].'<BR> First Name: '.$_POST['first-name'].'<BR> Last Name: '.$_POST['last-name']. '<BR> Address: '.$_POST['address']. '<BR> Postal Code: '.$_POST['postal']. '<BR> Email Address: '.$_POST['email']. '<BR> Occupation: '.$_POST['occupation']. '<BR> Cell Phone: '.$_POST['cell-phone']. '<BR> Home Phone Number: '.$_POST['home-phone']. '<BR> Lawn Sign: '.$_POST['lawn-sign2']. '<BR> Help In The Office: '.$_POST['lawn-sign3']. '<BR> Lawn Sign Crew: '.$_POST['lawn-sign4']. '<BR> Election Day Scrutineering: '.$_POST['lawn-sign5']. '<BR> Comment: '.$_POST['comments']; $mailer->setMessage($plianTextMessage,$htmlMessage); $subject = 'Jilian Saweczko Contact Request'; $fromAddress = $_POST['email']; $fromName = $_POST['first-name'].' '.$_POST['last-name']; $replyToAddress = $_POST['email']; echo $mailer->sendMail($subject, $fromAddress, $fromName, $replyToAddress); smtp.php /*************************************************************************************** * * * This file is part of the XPertMailer package (http://xpertmailer.sourceforge.net/) * * * * XPertMailer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * XPertMailer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * * XPertMailer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, * * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * * XPertMailer SMTP & POP3 PHP Mail Client. Can send and read messages in MIME Format. * * Copyright (C) 2006 Tanase Laurentiu Iulian * * * ***************************************************************************************/ require_once 'func.php'; require_once 'mime.php'; class SMTP extends MIME { var $_smtpconn; var $_subject; var $_content; var $_arrcon; var $_arrenc; var $_port = 25; var $_unique = 0; var $_timeout = 30; var $max_cl = 99; var $max_sl = 1024; var $result = 'unknown'; var $_header = false; var $_attach = false; var $_toaddrs = false; var $_ccaddrs = false; var $_bccaddrs = false; var $_fromaddr = false; var $_fromhost = false; var $_relay = false; var $_chunk = false; var $_atext = false; var $_ahtml = false; function SMTP(){ //parent::MIME(); $this->_smtpconn = array('local'); $this->_arrcon = array('local' => '', 'client' => '', 'relay' => ''); $this->_arrenc = array('7bit' => '', '8bit' => '', 'quoted-printable' => '', 'base64' => ''); } function delivery($conn){ $ret = false; if(is_string($conn)){ $conn = trim($conn); if(FUNC::is_alpha($conn, false, '-')){ $exp = explode('-', $conn); $rep = array(); foreach($exp as $val){ $val = strtolower($val); if(isset($this->_arrcon[$val])) $rep[] = $val; else trigger_error('Invalid connection type value "'.$val.'", on class SMTP::delivery()', 512); } if(count($rep) > 0){ $this->_smtpconn = $rep; $ret = true; } }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter value, on class SMTP::delivery()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter type value, on class SMTP::delivery()', 512); return $ret; } function port($num){ $ret = false; if(is_int($num)){ $this->_port = $num; $ret = true; }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter type value, on class SMTP::port()', 512); return $ret; } function timeout($num){ $ret = false; if(is_int($num)){ $this->_timeout = $num; $ret = true; }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter type value, on class SMTP::timeout()', 512); return $ret; } function relay($raddr, $ruser = false, $rpass = false, $rport = 25, $rauth = 'autodetect', $rvssl = false){ $ret = false; if(is_string($raddr)){ $raddr = FUNC::str_clear($raddr, array(' ')); $raddr = trim(strtolower($raddr)); if($raddr != ""){ $ret = true; if(FUNC::is_ipv4($raddr)) $rvip = $raddr; else{ $rvip = gethostbyname($raddr); if($rvip == $raddr){ $ret = false; trigger_error('Invalid hostname value "'.$raddr.'", on class SMTP::relay()', 512); } } }else trigger_error('Invalid hostname/ip value, on class SMTP::relay()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid hostname/ip type value, on class SMTP::relay()', 512); if($ret){ if(is_bool($ruser)){ if(!$ruser) $ruser = ''; else trigger_error('Invalid username 1 type value, on class SMTP::relay()', 512); }elseif(is_string($ruser)){ $ruser = FUNC::str_clear($ruser); $ruser = trim($ruser); }else{ $ruser = ''; trigger_error('Invalid username 2 type value, on class SMTP::relay()', 512); } if(is_bool($rpass)){ if(!$rpass) $rpass = ''; else trigger_error('Invalid password 1 type value, on class SMTP::relay()', 512); }elseif(is_string($rpass)){ $rpass = FUNC::str_clear($rpass); $rpass = trim($rpass); }else{ $rpass = ''; trigger_error('Invalid password type value, on class SMTP::relay()', 512); } if(($ruser != "" && $rpass == "") || ($ruser == "" && $rpass != "")){ $ruser = $rpass = ''; trigger_error('Invalid username and password combination value, on class SMTP::relay()', 512); } if(!is_int($rport)){ $rport = 25; trigger_error('Invalid port type value, on class SMTP::relay()', 512); } if(is_string($rauth)){ $rauth = trim(strtolower($rauth)); if(!($rauth == "autodetect" || $rauth == "login" || $rauth == "plain")){ $rauth = 'autodetect'; trigger_error('Invalid auth value, on class SMTP::relay()', 512); } }else{ $rauth = 'autodetect'; trigger_error('Invalid auth type value, on class SMTP::relay()', 512); } if(is_string($rvssl)){ $rvssl = FUNC::str_clear($rvssl); $rvssl = trim(strtolower($rvssl)); if(!($rvssl == "tls" || $rvssl == "ssl")){ $rvssl = false; trigger_error('Invalid TLS/SSL value, on class SMTP::relay()', 512); } }else{ if(is_bool($rvssl)){ $rvssl = $rvssl ? 'tls' : false; }else{ $rvssl = false; trigger_error('Invalid TLS/SSL type value, on class SMTP::relay()', 512); } } $this->_relay = array('host' => $raddr, 'ip' => $rvip, 'user' => $ruser, 'pass' => $rpass, 'port' => $rport, 'auth' => $rauth, 'ssl' => $rvssl); } return $ret; } function addheader($hname, $hvalue, $charset = 'utf-8', $encoding = 'quoted-printable'){ $ret = false; if(is_string($charset)){ $charset = FUNC::str_clear($charset, array(' ')); $charset = trim($charset); $charlen = strlen($charset); if(!($charlen > 1 && $charlen < 60)){ $charset = 'utf-8'; trigger_error('Invalid charset value, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); } }else{ $charset = 'utf-8'; trigger_error('Invalid charset type value, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); } if(is_string($encoding)){ $encoding = FUNC::str_clear($encoding, array(' ')); $encoding = trim(strtolower($encoding)); if(!($encoding != 'quoted-printable' || $encoding != 'base64')){ $encoding = 'quoted-printable'; trigger_error('Invalid encoding value, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); } }else{ $encoding = 'quoted-printable'; trigger_error('Invalid encoding type value, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); } if(is_string($hname)){ $hname = FUNC::str_clear($hname, array(' ')); $hname = trim($hname); if($hname != ""){ if(is_string($hvalue)){ $hvalue = str_replace("\r\n\t", " ", $hvalue); $hvalue = FUNC::str_clear($hvalue); $hvalue = trim($hvalue); if($hvalue != ""){ $vname = strtolower($hname); if($vname == "subject") trigger_error('Can not set "Subject" header value, for this, use function "Send()", on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); elseif($vname == "from") trigger_error('Can not set "From" header value, for this, use function "From()", on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); elseif($vname == "to") trigger_error('Can not set "To" header value, for this, use function "AddTo()", on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); elseif($vname == "cc") trigger_error('Can not set "Cc" header value, for this, use function "AddCc()", on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); elseif($vname == "bcc") trigger_error('Can not set "Bcc" header value, for this, use function "AddBcc()", on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); elseif($vname == "date") trigger_error('Can not set "Date" header value, this value is automaticaly set, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); elseif($vname == "x-mailer") trigger_error('Can not set "X-Mailer" header value, this value is automaticaly set, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); elseif($vname == "content-type") trigger_error('Can not set "Content-Type" header value, this value is automaticaly set, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); elseif($vname == "content-transfer-encoding") trigger_error('Can not set "Content-Transfer-Encoding" header value, this value is automaticaly set, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); elseif($vname == "content-disposition") trigger_error('Can not set "Content-Disposition" header value, this value is automaticaly set, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); elseif($vname == "x-priority") trigger_error('Can not set "X-Priority" header value, for this, use function "Priority()", on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); elseif($vname == "x-msmail-priority") trigger_error('Can not set "X-MSMail-Priority" header value, for this, use function "Priority()", on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); elseif($vname == "mime-version") trigger_error('Can not set "MIME-Version" header value, this value is automaticaly set, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); else{ $ret = true; $this->_header[] = array('name' => ucfirst($hname), 'value' => $this->enc_header($hvalue, $charset, $encoding)); } }else trigger_error('Invalid 2\'nd parameter value, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid 2\'nd parameter type value, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid 1\'st parameter value, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid 1\'st parameter type value, on class SMTP::addheader()', 512); return $ret; } function delheader($hname){ $ret = false; if(is_string($hname)){ $hname = FUNC::str_clear($hname, array(' ')); $hname = trim($hname); if($hname != ""){ if($this->_header && count($this->_header) > 0){ $reparr = array(); foreach($this->_header as $harr){ if(strtolower($harr['name']) != strtolower($hname)) $reparr[] = $harr; else $ret = true; } $this->_header = $reparr; } }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter value, on class SMTP::delheader()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter type value, on class SMTP::delheader()', 512); return $ret; } function addto($adrr, $name = ''){ $ret = false; if(is_string($adrr)){ $adrr = FUNC::str_clear($adrr, array(' ')); $adrr = strtolower(trim($adrr)); if($adrr != "" && FUNC::is_mail($adrr)){ if(!isset($this->_toaddrs[$adrr])){ $this->_toaddrs[$adrr] = ''; $ret = true; if(is_string($name)){ $name = FUNC::str_clear($name); $name = trim($name); if($name != "") $this->_toaddrs[$adrr] = $name; }else trigger_error('Invalid 2\'nd parameter type value, on class SMTP::addto()', 512); }else trigger_error('Already exists, on class SMTP::addto()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid 1\'st parameter value, on class SMTP::addto()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid 1\'st parameter type value, on class SMTP::addto()', 512); return $ret; } function delto($adrr = 'all'){ $ret = false; if(is_string($adrr)){ $adrr = FUNC::str_clear($adrr, array(' ')); $adrr = strtolower(trim($adrr)); if($adrr != ""){ if($adrr == "all"){ $this->_toaddrs = false; $ret = true; }elseif(FUNC::is_mail($adrr)){ if(is_array($this->_toaddrs) && count($this->_toaddrs) > 0){ $reb = array(); foreach($this->_toaddrs as $num => $val){ if($num != $adrr) $reb[$num] = $val; else $ret = true; } $this->_toaddrs = $reb; } }else trigger_error('Invalid 2 parameter value, on class SMTP::delto()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid 1 parameter value, on class SMTP::delto()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter type value, on class SMTP::delto()', 512); return $ret; } function addcc($adrr, $name = ''){ $ret = false; if(is_string($adrr)){ $adrr = FUNC::str_clear($adrr, array(' ')); $adrr = strtolower(trim($adrr)); if($adrr != "" && FUNC::is_mail($adrr)){ if(!isset($this->_ccaddrs[$adrr])){ $this->_ccaddrs[$adrr] = ''; $ret = true; if(is_string($name)){ $name = FUNC::str_clear($name); $name = trim($name); if($name != "") $this->_ccaddrs[$adrr] = $name; }else trigger_error('Invalid 2\'nd parameter type value, on class SMTP::addcc()', 512); }else trigger_error('Already exists, on class SMTP::addcc()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid 1\'st parameter value, on class SMTP::addcc()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid 1\'st parameter type value, on class SMTP::addcc()', 512); return $ret; } function delcc($adrr = 'all'){ $ret = false; if(is_string($adrr)){ $adrr = FUNC::str_clear($adrr, array(' ')); $adrr = strtolower(trim($adrr)); if($adrr != ""){ if($adrr == "all"){ $this->_ccaddrs = false; $ret = true; }elseif(FUNC::is_mail($adrr)){ if(is_array($this->_ccaddrs) && count($this->_ccaddrs) > 0){ $reb = array(); foreach($this->_ccaddrs as $num => $val){ if($num != $adrr) $reb[$num] = $val; else $ret = true; } $this->_ccaddrs = $reb; } }else trigger_error('Invalid 2 parameter value, on class SMTP::delcc()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid 1 parameter value, on class SMTP::delcc()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter type value, on class SMTP::delcc()', 512); return $ret; } function addbcc($adrr){ $ret = false; if(is_string($adrr)){ $adrr = FUNC::str_clear($adrr, array(' ')); $adrr = strtolower(trim($adrr)); if($adrr != "" && FUNC::is_mail($adrr)){ if(!isset($this->_bccaddrs[$adrr])){ $this->_bccaddrs[$adrr] = ''; $ret = true; }else trigger_error('Already exists, on class SMTP::addbcc()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter value, on class SMTP::addbcc()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter type value, on class SMTP::addbcc()', 512); return $ret; } function delbcc($adrr = 'all'){ $ret = false; if(is_string($adrr)){ $adrr = FUNC::str_clear($adrr, array(' ')); $adrr = strtolower(trim($adrr)); if($adrr != ""){ if($adrr == "all"){ $this->_bccaddrs = false; $ret = true; }elseif(FUNC::is_mail($adrr)){ if(is_array($this->_bccaddrs) && count($this->_bccaddrs) > 0){ $reb = array(); foreach($this->_bccaddrs as $num => $val){ if($num != $adrr) $reb[$num] = $val; else $ret = true; } $this->_bccaddrs = $reb; } }else trigger_error('Invalid 2 parameter value, on class SMTP::delbcc()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid 1 parameter value, on class SMTP::delbcc()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter type value, on class SMTP::delbcc()', 512); return $ret; } function from($adrr, $name = ''){ $this->_fromaddr = $ret = false; if(is_string($adrr)){ $adrr = FUNC::str_clear($adrr, array(' ')); $adrr = strtolower(trim($adrr)); if($adrr != "" && FUNC::is_mail($adrr)){ $ret = true; $this->_fromaddr = array('address' => $adrr, 'name' => ''); if(is_string($name)){ $name = FUNC::str_clear($name); $name = trim($name); if($name != "") $this->_fromaddr = array('address' => $adrr, 'name' => $name); }else trigger_error('Invalid 2\'nd parameter type value, on class SMTP::from()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid mail address format, on class SMTP::from()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid first parameter type value, on class SMTP::from()', 512); return $ret; } function fromhost($server, &$havemx){ $this->_fromhost = $ret = $havemx = false; if(is_string($server)){ $server = FUNC::str_clear($server, array(' ')); $server = strtolower(trim($server)); if($server != ""){ $ret = true; $this->_fromhost = $server; if(FUNC::is_hostname($server)){ $havemx = FUNC::is_win() ? FUNC::getmxrr_win($server, $mxhost) : getmxrr($server, $mxhost); } }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter value, on class SMTP::fromhost()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter type value, on class SMTP::fromhost()', 512); return $ret; } function text($text, $charset = 'us-ascii', $encoding = 'quoted-printable', $disposition = 'inline'){ $this->_atext = $ret = false; if(is_string($charset)){ $charset = FUNC::str_clear($charset, array(' ')); $charset = trim($charset); $charlen = strlen($charset); if(!($charlen > 1 && $charlen < 60)){ $charset = 'us-ascii'; trigger_error('Invalid charset value, on class SMTP::text()', 512); } }else{ $charset = 'us-ascii'; trigger_error('Invalid charset type value, on class SMTP::text()', 512); } if(is_string($encoding)){ $encoding = FUNC::str_clear($encoding, array(' ')); $encoding = trim(strtolower($encoding)); if(!($encoding != "" && isset($this->_arrenc[$encoding]))){ $encoding = 'quoted-printable'; trigger_error('Invalid encoding value, on class SMTP::text()', 512); } }else{ $encoding = 'quoted-printable'; trigger_error('Invalid encoding type value, on class SMTP::text()', 512); } if(is_string($disposition)){ $disposition = FUNC::str_clear($disposition, array(' ')); $disposition = trim(strtolower($disposition)); if(!($disposition == "attachment" || $disposition == "inline")){ $disposition = 'inline'; trigger_error('Invalid disposition value, on class SMTP::text()', 512); } }else{ $disposition = 'inline'; trigger_error('Invalid disposition type value, on class SMTP::text()', 512); } if(is_string($text)){ $text = trim($text); if($text != ""){ $htext = 'Content-Type: text/plain;'.$this->_crlf."\t".'charset="'.$charset.'"'.$this->_crlf. 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: '.$encoding.$this->_crlf. 'Content-Disposition: '.$disposition; $this->_atext = array($htext, $encoding, $text); $ret = true; }else trigger_error('Invalid text/plain value, on class SMTP::text()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid text/plain type value, on class SMTP::text()', 512); return $ret; } function html($html, $charset = 'us-ascii', $encoding = 'quoted-printable', $disposition = 'inline'){ $this->_ahtml = $ret = false; if(is_string($charset)){ $charset = FUNC::str_clear($charset, array(' ')); $charset = trim($charset); $charlen = strlen($charset); if(!($charlen > 1 && $charlen < 60)){ $charset = 'us-ascii'; trigger_error('Invalid charset value, on class SMTP::html()', 512); } }else{ $charset = 'us-ascii'; trigger_error('Invalid charset type value, on class SMTP::html()', 512); } if(is_string($encoding)){ $encoding = FUNC::str_clear($encoding, array(' ')); $encoding = trim(strtolower($encoding)); if(!($encoding != "" && isset($this->_arrenc[$encoding]))){ $encoding = 'quoted-printable'; trigger_error('Invalid encoding value, on class SMTP::html()', 512); } }else{ $encoding = 'quoted-printable'; trigger_error('Invalid encoding type value, on class SMTP::html()', 512); } if(is_string($disposition)){ $disposition = FUNC::str_clear($disposition, array(' ')); $disposition = trim(strtolower($disposition)); if(!($disposition == "attachment" || $disposition == "inline")){ $disposition = 'inline'; trigger_error('Invalid disposition value, on class SMTP::html()', 512); } }else{ $disposition = 'inline'; trigger_error('Invalid disposition type value, on class SMTP::html()', 512); } if(is_string($html)){ $html = trim($html); if($html != ""){ $hhtml = 'Content-Type: text/html;'.$this->_crlf."\t".'charset="'.$charset.'"'.$this->_crlf. 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: '.$encoding.$this->_crlf. 'Content-Disposition: '.$disposition; $this->_ahtml = array($hhtml, $encoding, $html); $ret = true; }else trigger_error('Invalid text/html value, on class SMTP::html()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid text/html type value, on class SMTP::html()', 512); return $ret; } function attachsource($source, $name, $mimetype = 'autodetect', $disposition = 'attachment', $encoding = 'base64'){ $ret = false; if(is_string($source) && $source != ""){ if(is_string($name)){ $name = FUNC::str_clear($name); $name = trim($name); if($name != ""){ $ret = true; $mime = 'application/octet-stream'; if(is_string($mimetype)){ $mimetype = FUNC::str_clear($mimetype, array(' ')); $mimetype = trim(strtolower($mimetype)); $mime = ($mimetype == "autodetect" || $mimetype == "") ? FUNC::mimetype($name) : $mimetype; } $disp = 'attachment'; if(is_string($disposition)){ $disposition = FUNC::str_clear($disposition, array(' ')); $disposition = trim(strtolower($disposition)); if($disposition == "attachment" || $disposition == "inline") $disp = $disposition; else trigger_error('Invalid disposition value, on class SMTP::attachsource()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid disposition type value, on class SMTP::attachsource()', 512); $encode = 'base64'; if(is_string($encoding)){ $encoding = FUNC::str_clear($encoding, array(' ')); $encoding = trim(strtolower($encoding)); if($encoding != "" && isset($this->_arrenc[$encoding])) $encode = $encoding; else trigger_error('Invalid encoding value, on class SMTP::attachsource()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid encoding type value, on class SMTP::attachsource()', 512); $this->_attach[] = array('name' => $name, 'mime' => $mime, 'disp' => $disp, 'encode' => $encode, 'source' => $source); }else trigger_error('Invalid name value, on class SMTP::attachsource()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid name type value, on class SMTP::attachsource()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid source value, on class SMTP::attachsource()', 512); return $ret; } function attachfile($file, $name = false, $mimetype = 'autodetect', $disposition = 'attachment', $encoding = 'base64'){ $ret = false; if(is_string($file)){ $file = FUNC::str_clear($file); $file = trim($file); if($file != "" && is_file($file) && is_readable($file)){ if((is_bool($name) && !$name) || (is_string($name) && $name == '')){ $exp1 = explode("/", $file); $name = $exp1[count($exp1)-1]; $exp2 = explode("\\", $name); $name = $exp2[count($exp2)-1]; } $ret = $this->attachsource(file_get_contents($file), $name, $mimetype, $disposition, $encoding); }else trigger_error('Invalid file source, on class SMTP::attachfile()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid file type value, on class SMTP::attachfile()', 512); return $ret; } function delattach($name = true){ $ret = false; if(is_bool($name)){ if($name){ $this->_attach = false; $ret = true; }else trigger_error('Invalid 2 file name type value, on class SMTP::delattach()', 512); }elseif(is_string($name)){ $name = trim($name); if($name != ""){ if($this->_attach && count($this->_attach) > 0){ $rebatt = array(); foreach($this->_attach as $attarr){ if($attarr['name'] != $name) $rebatt[] = $attarr; else $ret = true; } if($ret) $this->_attach = $rebatt; } }else trigger_error('Invalid file name value, on class SMTP::delattach()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid file name type value, on class SMTP::delattach()', 512); return $ret; } function priority($level = 3){ $ret = $set = false; if(is_int($level)){ if($level == 1) $set = array('1', 'High'); elseif($level == 3) $set = array('3', 'Normal'); elseif($level == 5) $set = array('5', 'Low'); else trigger_error('Invalid 1 parameter value, on class SMTP::priority()', 512); }elseif(is_string($level)){ $level = FUNC::str_clear($level, array(' ')); $level = trim(strtolower($level)); if($level == "high") $set = array('1', 'High'); elseif($level == "normal") $set = array('3', 'Normal'); elseif($level == "low") $set = array('5', 'Low'); else trigger_error('Invalid 2 parameter value, on class SMTP::priority()', 512); }else trigger_error('Invalid parameter type value, on class SMTP::priority()', 512); if($set){ $this->delheader('X-Priority'); $this->delheader('X-MSMail-Priority'); $this->_header[] = array('name' => 'X-Priority', 'value' => $set[0]); $this->_header[] = array('name' => 'X-MSMail-Priority', 'value' => $set[1]); $ret = true; } return $ret; } function _sendtoip($ip, $arrto, $isrelay){ $ssl = ''; $pnm = $this->_port; if($isrelay){ $ssl = $this->_relay['ssl'] ? $this->_relay['ssl'].'://' : ''; $pnm = $this->_relay['port']; } if(!$sock = fsockopen($ssl.$ip, $pnm, $errnum, $errmsg, $this->_timeout)){ $this->result = 'Error 10: '.$errmsg; return false; } stream_set_timeout($sock, $this->_timeout); $loop = $rcv = 0; while(!feof($sock)){ $loop++; if($rcv = fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ if($loop == $this->max_cl || substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "220-") break; }else break; } if(!$rcv){ $this->result = 'Error 11: can\'t read'; return false; } if(substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "220 "){ $this->result = 'Error 12: '.$rcv; return false; } if(!FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ $this->result = 'Error 13: invalid resource connection'; return false; } if($isrelay && $this->_relay['user'] != "" && $this->_relay['pass'] != ""){ if(!fputs($sock, 'EHLO '.$this->_fromhost.$this->_crlf)){ $this->result = 'Error 20: can\'t write'; return false; } $loop = $rcv = 0; $getinfo = ''; while(!feof($sock)){ $loop++; if($rcv = fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ $getinfo .= $rcv; if($loop == $this->max_cl || substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "250-") break; }else break; } if(!$rcv){ $this->result = 'Error 21: can\'t read'; return false; } if(substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "250 "){ if(!FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ $this->result = 'Error 22: invalid resource connection'; return false; } if(!fputs($sock, 'HELO '.$this->_fromhost.$this->_crlf)){ $this->result = 'Error 23: can\'t write'; return false; } $loop = $rcv = 0; $getinfo = ''; while(!feof($sock)){ $loop++; if($rcv = fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ $getinfo .= $rcv; if($loop == $this->max_cl || substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "250-") break; }else break; } if(!$rcv){ $this->result = 'Error 24: can\'t read'; return false; } if(substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "250 "){ $this->result = 'Error 25: '.$rcv; return false; } } $authlogin = strstr($getinfo, 'LOGIN'); $authplain = strstr($getinfo, 'PLAIN'); $authtype = 'login'; if($this->_relay['auth'] == "autodetect" || $this->_relay['auth'] == "login"){ if(!$authlogin){ if($authplain) $authtype = 'plain'; } }elseif($this->_relay['auth'] == "plain"){ if($authplain) $authtype = 'plain'; } if(!FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ $this->result = 'Error 26: invalid resource connection'; return false; } if($authtype == "login"){ if(!fputs($sock, 'AUTH LOGIN'.$this->_crlf)){ $this->result = 'Error 270: can\'t write'; return false; } if(!$rcv = fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ $this->result = 'Error 271: can\'t read'; return false; } if(substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "334 "){ $this->result = 'Error 272: '.$rcv; return false; } if(!FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ $this->result = 'Error 273: invalid resource connection'; return false; } if(!fputs($sock, base64_encode($this->_relay['user']).$this->_crlf)){ $this->result = 'Error 274: can\'t write'; return false; } if(!$rcv = fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ $this->result = 'Error 275: can\'t read'; return false; } if(substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "334 "){ $this->result = 'Error 276: '.$rcv; return false; } if(!FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ $this->result = 'Error 277: invalid resource connection'; return false; } if(!fputs($sock, base64_encode($this->_relay['pass']).$this->_crlf)){ $this->result = 'Error 278: can\'t write'; return false; } if(!$rcv = fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ $this->result = 'Error 279: can\'t read'; return false; } if(substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "235 "){ $this->result = 'Error 280: '.$rcv; return false; } }elseif($authtype == "plain"){ if(!FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ $this->result = 'Error 281: invalid resource connection'; return false; } if(!fputs($sock, 'AUTH PLAIN '.base64_encode($this->_relay['user'].chr(0).$this->_relay['user'].chr(0).$this->_relay['pass']).$this->_crlf)){ $this->result = 'Error 282: can\'t write'; return false; } if(!$rcv = fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ $this->result = 'Error 283: can\'t read'; return false; } if(substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "235 "){ $this->result = 'Error 284: '.$rcv; return false; } } }else{ if(!fputs($sock, 'HELO '.$this->_fromhost.$this->_crlf)){ $this->result = 'Error 30: can\'t write'; return false; } $loop = $rcv = 0; while(!feof($sock)){ $loop++; if(!$rcv = fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ if($loop == $this->max_cl || substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "250-") break; }else break; } if(!$rcv){ $this->result = 'Error 31: can\'t read'; return false; } if(substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "250 "){ if(!FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ $this->result = 'Error 32: invalid resource connection'; return false; } if(!fputs($sock, 'EHLO '.$this->_fromhost.$this->_crlf)){ $this->result = 'Error 33: can\'t write'; return false; } $loop = $rcv = 0; while(!feof($sock)){ $loop++; if(!$rcv = fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ if($loop == $this->max_cl || substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "250-") break; }else break; } if(!$rcv){ $this->result = 'Error 34: can\'t read'; return false; } if(substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "250 "){ $this->result = 'Error 35: '.$rcv; return false; } } } if(!FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ $this->result = 'Error 40: invalid resource connection'; return false; } if(!fputs($sock, 'MAIL FROM:<'.$this->_fromaddr['address'].'>'.$this->_crlf)){ $this->result = 'Error 41: can\'t write'; return false; } if(!$rcv = fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ $this->result = 'Error 42: can\'t read'; return false; } if(substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "250 "){ $this->result = 'Error 43: '.$rcv; return false; } $relayh = $isrelay ? '@'.$this->_relay['host'].':' : ''; $setver = true; foreach($arrto as $arrval){ if(!FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ $this->result = 'Error 50: invalid resource connection'; $setver = false; break; } if(!fputs($sock, 'RCPT TO:<'.$relayh.$arrval.'>'.$this->_crlf)){ $this->result = 'Error 51: can\'t write'; $setver = false; break; } if(!$rcv = fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ $this->result = 'Error 52: can\'t read'; $setver = false; break; } $submsg = substr($rcv, 0, 4); if(!($submsg == "250 " || $submsg == "251 ")){ $this->result = 'Error 53: '.$rcv; $setver = false; break; } } if(!$setver) return false; if(!FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ $this->result = 'Error 60: invalid resource connection'; return false; } if(!fputs($sock, 'DATA'.$this->_crlf)){ $this->result = 'Error 61: can\'t write'; return false; } if(!$rcv = fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ $this->result = 'Error 62: can\'t read'; return false; } if(substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "354 "){ $this->result = 'Error 63: '.$rcv; return false; } if(!FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ $this->result = 'Error 70: invalid resource connection'; return false; } if(!fputs($sock, $this->_content['header']['client'])){ $this->result = 'Error 71: can\'t write'; return false; } $setver = true; foreach($this->_content['body'] as $partmsg){ if(!FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ $this->result = 'Error 72: invalid resource connection'; $setver = false; break; } if(!fputs($sock, $partmsg)){ $this->result = 'Error 73: can\'t write'; $setver = false; break; } } if(!$setver) return false; if(!FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ $this->result = 'Error 80: invalid resource connection'; return false; } if(!fputs($sock, $this->_crlf.'.'.$this->_crlf)){ $this->result = 'Error 81: can\'t write'; return false; } if(!$rcv = fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ $this->result = 'Error 82: can\'t read'; return false; } if(substr($rcv, 0, 4) != "250 "){ $this->result = 'Error 83: '.$rcv; return false; } if(FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ if(fputs($sock, 'RSET'.$this->_crlf)){ if(FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ if($rcvr = @fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)){ if(substr($rcvr, 0, 3) == "250"){ if(fputs($sock, 'QUIT'.$this->_crlf)){ if(FUNC::is_connection($sock)){ if($rcvq = @fgets($sock, $this->max_sl)) $rcv = $rcvq; FUNC::close($sock); } } } } } } } $this->result = 'Success: '.$rcv; return true; } function _sendtohost($hname, $arrto, $isrelay){ $ret = false; if($hname == "localhost"){ $ret = mail($this->_content['header']['to'], $this->_subject, implode('', $this->_content['body']), $this->_content['header']['local']); if(!$ret) $ret = $this->_sendtoip('', $arrto, $isrelay); }else{ if($isrelay) $ret = $this->_sendtoip($hname, $arrto, $isrelay); else{ if(FUNC::is_ipv4($hname)) $ret = $this->_sendtoip($hname, $arrto, $isrelay); else{ $resmx = FUNC::is_win() ? FUNC::getmxrr_win($hname, $mxhost) : getmxrr($hname, $mxhost); $iparr = array(); if($resmx){ foreach($mxhost as $hostname){ $iphost = gethostbyname($hostname); if($iphost != $hname && FUNC::is_ipv4($iphost) && !isset($iparr[$iphost])) $iparr[$iphost] = $iphost; } }else{ $iphost = gethostbyname($hname); if($iphost != $hname && FUNC::is_ipv4($iphost)) $iparr[$iphost] = $iphost; } if(count($iparr) > 0){ foreach($iparr as $ipaddr) if($ret = $this->_sendtoip($ipaddr, $arrto, $isrelay)) break; }else trigger_error('Can not find any valid ip address for hostname "'.$hname.'", on class SMTP::_sendtohost()', 512); } } } return $ret; } function _splitmsg($longmsg, $approx = 10240){ $longmsg = str_replace(array(".\r\n", ".\n", ".\r"), ". ".$this->_crlf, $longmsg); $msgarr = explode($this->_crlf, $longmsg); $addmsg = ""; $arrmsg = array(); foreach($msgarr as $inline){ $addmsg .= $inline.$this->_crlf; if(strlen($addmsg) >= $approx){ $arrmsg[] = $addmsg; $addmsg = ""; } } if(count($arrmsg) > 0 && $addmsg != "") $arrmsg[] = $addmsg; else $arrmsg[] = $longmsg; return $arrmsg; } function _getunique(){ return md5(microtime(1).$this->_unique++); } function _putcid($str, $ids){ $find1 = $repl1 = array(); foreach($ids as $name => $code){ $find1[] = "=\"".$name; $repl1[] = "=\"cid:".$code; $find2[] = "=".$name; $repl2[] = "=cid:".$code; } $res = str_replace($find1, $repl1, $str); $res = str_replace($find2, $repl2, $res); return $res; } function _encodemsg($src, $enc){ $res = ''; if($enc == "7bit" || $enc == "8bit") $res .= chunk_split($src, $this->_chunklen, $this->_crlf); elseif($enc == "base64") $res .= chunk_split(base64_encode($src), $this->_chunklen, $this->_crlf); elseif($enc == "quoted-printable") $res .= $this->qpencode($src, $this->_chunklen, $this->_crlf); return $res; } function _writemsg(){ if(!$this->_fromaddr){ $fromaddr = ini_get('sendmail_from'); if($fromaddr == ""){ if(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']) && FUNC::is_mail($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'])) $fromaddr = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']; elseif(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) $fromaddr = 'postmaster@'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; elseif(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) $fromaddr = 'postmaster@'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; elseif(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $fromaddr = 'postmaster@'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; elseif(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) $fromaddr = 'postmaster@'.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; else $fromaddr = 'postmaster@localhost'; } $this->_fromaddr = array('address' => $fromaddr, 'name' => ''); } if(!$this->_fromhost){ if(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) $this->_fromhost = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; elseif(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) $this->_fromhost = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; elseif(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $this->_fromhost = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; elseif(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) $this->_fromhost = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; else{ $fexp = explode('@', $this->_fromaddr['address']); $this->_fromhost = $fexp[1]; } } $tostr = $ccstr = $bccstr = ''; foreach($this->_toaddrs as $taddr => $tname){ if($tname == "") $tostr .= $taddr.', '; else $tostr .= '"'.str_replace('"', '\\"', $tname).'" <'.$taddr.'>, '; } $tostr = $hto = substr($tostr, 0, -2); if($this->_ccaddrs && count($this->_ccaddrs) > 0){ foreach($this->_ccaddrs as $caddr => $cname){ if($cname == "") $ccstr .= $caddr.', '; else $ccstr .= '"'.str_replace('"', '\\"', $cname).'" <'.$caddr.'>, '; } $ccstr = substr($ccstr, 0, -2); } if($this->_bccaddrs && count($this->_bccaddrs) > 0){ foreach($this->_bccaddrs as $baddr => $bname) $bccstr .= $baddr.', '; $bccstr = substr($bccstr, 0, -2); } if($this->_fromaddr['name'] == "") $fromstr = $this->_fromaddr['address']; else $fromstr = '"'.str_replace('"', '\\"', $this->_fromaddr['name']).'" <'.$this->_fromaddr['address'].'>'; $arrval1 = $arrval2 = array(); $arrval1[] = array('name' => 'From', 'value' => $fromstr); $arrval2[] = array('name' => 'From', 'value' => $fromstr); $arrval2[] = array('name' => 'To', 'value' => $tostr); $arrval2[] = array('name' => 'Subject', 'value' => $this->_subject); if($ccstr != ""){ $arrval1[] = array('name' => 'Cc', 'value' => $ccstr); $arrval2[] = array('name' => 'Cc', 'value' => $ccstr); } if($bccstr != "") $arrval1[] = array('name' => 'Bcc', 'value' => $bccstr); $arrval2[] = array('name' => 'Date', 'value' => date('r')); if($this->_header && count($this->_header) > 0){ foreach($this->_header as $hvarr){ $arrval1[] = $hvarr; $arrval2[] = $hvarr; } } $xmail = array('name' => base64_decode('WC1NYWlsZXI='), 'value' => base64_decode('WFBNMiB2LjAuMiA8d3d3LnhwZXJ0bWFpbGVyLmNvbT4=')); $arrval1[] = $xmail; $arrval2[] = $xmail; $hval1 = $hval2 = $bval = ''; foreach($arrval1 as $heach1) $hval1 .= $heach1['name'].': '.$heach1['value'].$this->_crlf; foreach($arrval2 as $heach2) $hval2 .= $heach2['name'].': '.$heach2['value'].$this->_crlf; $multipart = false; if($this->_atext && $this->_ahtml) $multipart = true; if($this->_attach && count($this->_attach) > 0) $multipart = true; if($multipart){ $bval .= 'This is a message in MIME Format. If you see this, your mail reader does not support this format.'.$this->_crlf.$this->_crlf; $boundary1 = '=_'.$this->_getunique(); $boundary2 = '=_'.$this->_getunique(); $boundary3 = '=_'.$this->_getunique(); $haveatt = ($this->_attach && count($this->_attach) > 0) ? true : false; $inline = $attachment = false; $idarr = array(); if($haveatt){ foreach($this->_attach as $attdesc){ if($attdesc['disp'] == "inline"){ $inline = true; $fname = $attdesc['name']; if(!isset($idarr[$fname])) $idarr[$fname] = $this->_getunique(); }else $attachment = true; } } $hadd = ''; if($this->_atext && $this->_ahtml){ $vhtml = (count($idarr) > 0) ? $this->_putcid($this->_ahtml[2], $idarr) : $this->_ahtml[2]; if($inline && $attachment){ $hadd .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'.$this->_crlf."\t".'boundary="'.$boundary1.'"'.$this->_crlf; $bval .= '--'.$boundary1.$this->_crlf. 'Content-Type: multipart/related;'.$this->_crlf."\t".'boundary="'.$boundary2.'"'.$this->_crlf.$this->_crlf. 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'Content-ID: <'.$idarr[$attdesc['name']].'>'.$this->_crlf.$this->_crlf. $this->_encodemsg($attdesc['source'], $attdesc['encode']); } } $bval .= '--'.$boundary2.'--'.$this->_crlf; foreach($this->_attach as $attdesc){ if($attdesc['disp'] == "attachment"){ $bval .= '--'.$boundary1.$this->_crlf. 'Content-Type: '.$attdesc['mime'].$this->_crlf. 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: '.$attdesc['encode'].$this->_crlf. 'Content-Disposition: '.$attdesc['disp'].' '.$this->_crlf."\t".'filename="'.$attdesc['name'].'"'.$this->_crlf.$this->_crlf. $this->_encodemsg($attdesc['source'], $attdesc['encode']); } } $bval .= '--'.$boundary1.'--'; }elseif($inline){ $hadd .= 'Content-Type: multipart/related;'.$this->_crlf."\t".'boundary="'.$boundary1.'"'.$this->_crlf; $bval .= '--'.$boundary1.$this->_crlf. 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative;'.$this->_crlf."\t".'boundary="'.$boundary2.'"'.$this->_crlf.$this->_crlf. 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'Content-ID: <'.$idarr[$attdesc['name']].'>'.$this->_crlf.$this->_crlf. $this->_encodemsg($attdesc['source'], $attdesc['encode']); } $bval .= '--'.$boundary1.'--'; }elseif($attachment){ $hadd .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'.$this->_crlf."\t".'boundary="'.$boundary1.'"'.$this->_crlf; $bval .= '--'.$boundary1.$this->_crlf. $this->_ahtml[0].$this->_crlf.$this->_crlf. $this->_encodemsg($vhtml, $this->_ahtml[1]).$this->_crlf; foreach($this->_attach as $attdesc){ $bval .= '--'.$boundary1.$this->_crlf. 'Content-Type: '.$attdesc['mime'].$this->_crlf. 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: '.$attdesc['encode'].$this->_crlf. 'Content-Disposition: '.$attdesc['disp'].' 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