PHP Users
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Adding new encodings to mbstring?,
Haluk AKIN
Another instance of shameless self promotion,
Richard Heyes
localconv() monetary grouping, Ian Carter
[Q] Exec'ing a command,
Eric Gorr
how to load uneven XML file into an array,
FW: [SPAM] RE: [PHP] FW: [SPAM] RE: [PHP] fwrite() Append Files, Chris Scott
segfault help,
Tim Rupp
FW: [SPAM] RE: [PHP] fwrite() Append Files,
Chris Scott
unset and circular references,
Abu Warez
Help with login,
fwrite() Append Files,
Wei, Alice J.
FW: [SPAM] Re: [PHP] Inspiration for a Tombstone., Chris Scott
de lester,
Re: [PHP-DB] php upload questions --move_uploaded_file, Daniel Brown
iconv() problem,
Stefano Noffke
Inspiration for a Tombstone.,
- Re: Inspiration for a Tombstone., Aschwin Wesselius
- RE: Inspiration for a Tombstone., Boyd, Todd M.
- RE: Inspiration for a Tombstone., Edward Kay
- Re: Inspiration for a Tombstone., tedd
- Re: Inspiration for a Tombstone., Shawn McKenzie
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Inspiration for a Tombstone., Daniel Brown
- Re: Inspiration for a Tombstone., Dan Shirah
- Re: Inspiration for a Tombstone., Eric Butera
- Re: Inspiration for a Tombstone., Thiago H. Pojda
- Re: Inspiration for a Tombstone., Dotan Cohen
- Re: Inspiration for a Tombstone., Brice
a download limitation script that defies logic!,
PHP4 vs PHP5 Memcache compatibility issue,
Bob Fisher
prepared statement,
Thiago H. Pojda
How to check if $string contains Hebrew characters?,
Nitsan Bin-Nun
Problem with IE 6.0,
juanmanuel . vilela
exec() Error,
Wei, Alice J.
ImageTTFText leaves Black in letters,
Stephen Pynenburg
Monitor a WP website,
Ryan S
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Monitor a WP website, Ryan S
Re: Monitor a WP website, Ryan S
Re: Monitor a WP website, Ryan S
Re: Monitor a WP website, Ryan S
Re: Monitor a WP website, Ryan S
Re: Monitor a WP website, Ryan S
RE: Monitor a WP website, Boyd, Todd M.
O-T What are we going to do about the O-T thread that asks the question: What we are going to do about those OT's?, Ryan S
Memory profiling tools,
Larry Garfield
Uploading files without saving them,
James Colannino
php.ini and command line,
Marten Lehmann
Output Blank?,
Dan Shirah
NOLOH Launches Beta Program to Developers,
Asher Snyder
run php file in browser with exec command or any other command,
Javed Chauhan
class as default property,
Osman A. Osman (عثمان)
Variables in forms,
Ron Piggott
escape character in query string,
Communicated-Key/Token for SOAP Authentication,
Steve Finkelstein
5.3 Timeline and Features(true anon functions? shorter array syntax?),
Weston C
Another canvas example,
Richard Heyes
How to make a "Auto View" and a "Download" Link for PDF?,
Michelle Konzack
[gnupg] HOW to check signed files from withing PHP,
Michelle Konzack
(*OT) What we are going to do about those OT's?,
Nitsan Bin-Nun
Sessions across multiple pages,
RE: RE: Military Service WAS [PHP] Capitalization of variable, admin
Installing PEAR on machines without internet access.,
Lester Caine
download file from an ajax request,
pere roca
format mobile number,
PDF inline viewer,
Mário Gamito
http response 200,
Re: http response 200, Daniel Brown
Associative Arrays,
associative arrays, JEFFRY KILLEN
exif_imagetype and constant confusion,
eric cash
Re: Re: Military Service WAS [PHP] Capitalization of variable,
SOAP Client - Cannot use object of type stdClass as array, Dan Joseph
Discussion of method -- config files,
[Fwd: Re: Please stop me from tearing my hair out.],
Richard Heyes
Please stop me from tearing my hair out.,
Newbie Question: How to pass URL info to .php script ?,
Ethan Whitt
Case sensitive password,
Capitalization of variable,
Ron Piggott
Re: Capitalization of variable, tedd
Setting session to not expire, Skip Evans
GD - Print Animated GIF,
Stephen Pynenburg
Adding a page with FPDF,
Brian Dunning
mail problem (newlines becomes =0A),
Exporting to Excel,
Dan Shirah
losing mysql connection during cron job,
Paul Novitski
climb up the path,
Iv Ray
phpinfo shows wrong value of post_max_size,
Yi Wang
Password Protecting a page and email notification,
CAD file decoding,
Lester Caine
mkdir() Cannot Create Directories,
Wei, Alice J.
Jason Pruim
A somewhaat better example of CANVAS,
Richard Heyes
how can convert phonetic symbols and chinese pinyin to NCR(Numeric character reference),
gege wan
conversion of unicode characters into utf-8,
mysqliconnect issue,
Jason Pruim
looping through a database,
Richard Kurth
Binary data in $_POST, not in $_FILES, why?,
Jim Feniello
Boa Webserver and PHP5,
Michelle Konzack
How to prevent DoS on PHP script?,
Michelle Konzack
question about the week's data read and show, EVEL_LIU
Does PHP support utf16 encode / decode,
PHP session expiring too early?, gh vs. ;extension=php_mssql.dll,
Wei, Alice J.
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