Per Jessen wrote:
Michelle Konzack wrote:
My biggest problem is, that the "/fileupload.php" was always
from outside my webspace. OK, I was thinking this can be solved
using HTTP_REFERER which has then worked for some days but NOW
those pigs are back and sending spoofed HTTP_REFERER.
Since I have only a VHost @ISP I can not go deeper into the
Apache2 config what I have done when I was running my own server.
Can anyone suggest me something, how to block requests from outside?
Check client IP-addresses?
/Per Jessen, Zürich
The problem that the OP is going to run into is the "Chicken before the Egg"
problem. PHP will not start processing until the file upload has already been
completely uploaded.
Personally, I do not see a PHP solution to your problem. Unless allowing them
to upload then just throwing it away is ok with the op.
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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