David Sky wrote:
Can't use your example, as you check weather
$sorted is empty, if it is -> run the foreach and return,
but on next recursion when it's not empty - do nothing :)
Though I found how to cut a few seconds (on very big array),
removing the first if, and adding a $return=true to functions'
parameters, and in future calls set it to false:
function recur($array, &$sorted=array(), $pid=0, $level=0, $return=true)
foreach($array as $id=>$parent)
$sorted[$id]= $level;
recur($array, &$sorted, $id, $level+1, false);
if($return){return $sorted;}
Well, I guess that's it, I'm sure I can think of
another way to cut execution time, but, well,
I don't have much time for it :)
Why are you returning anything at all? I mean, you are making your
function call like this right?
$dataOut = recur($dataIn, array(), 3);
You are passing the second argument as a reference already, why not keep
it that way at the top level. Do this instead.
recur($dataIn, $dataOut, 3);
Now, from what you function looks like, it would return $sorted through
the reference $dataOut.
Then you can get rid of the extra if($return){return $sorted;} thing.
Remove the last argument from the function definition and you should now
be a little faster also.
Thanks all!
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