*accidentally sent* Guys, Perhaps I'm missing something or just trying with the wrong tools... But the thing is, I have two arrays and want to know what values are in one that aren't in the other. They're very long arrays (label files for translation) and the array_diff() is returning null, even if I force a difference. What's up? <?php $file1 = 'label_es.ini'; $file2 = 'label_pt.ini'; $fh1 = fopen ($file1,'r'); $fh2 = fopen ($file2,'r'); $file1 = array(); $file2 = array(); while (($line = fgets($fh1))) { $label = explode("=",$line); $array1[] = $label[0]; } while (($line = fgets($fh2))) { $label = explode("=",$line); $array2[] = $label[0]; } $missingLabels= array_diff($array1,$array2); var_dump($labelsFaltantes); // returns nothing var_dump($array1); // returns a lot of stuff var_dump($array2); // returns a lot of stuff ?> -- Thiago Henrique Pojda -- Thiago Henrique Pojda