<snippy> If it's RSS, I think it's going to be XML regardless of the language they're using to assemble it (Perl, PHP, ASP, etc.). I might be wrong, but I thought that's part of what made it RSS. I'm afraid to click on a site with the url "ballz.info" while I'm at work. :D Any other WP feed examples? </snippy> LOL, no worries, all links that i sent are work safe... although if someone saw you open that their opinion of you might be lowered as its a celeb site and presently has super dumbo Paris H on the first page... Pretty much the same is this one (again work safe) http://www.ballzbollywood.com/feed/ A client runs both of these... Cheers! R -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php