PHP Users
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(Perl) Regular Expressions - oposite match or get the non-matches of a substring,
German Geek
Module Structure ideas,
Sancar Saran
APC problem with PHP,
Jamie Krasnoo
Creating A Unique List With Table Query,
Looking for some PHP OO programming guides,
Michael Kubler
problem with sending data,
Mousa Masri
Jim Douglas
Generate unique login token,
sean greenslade
strtr array replace issue..., Brad Freshour
Marc Fromm
sqlsrv vs Mssql,
Andrew Williams
mysql_query - CREATE DATABASE,
Re: PHP OOP, Larry Garfield
Re: PHP OOP, Ondrej Kulaty
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: PHP OOP, Kyle Terry
Re: PHP OOP, Stuart
Re: PHP OOP, Yannick Mortier
Fwd: Interface OOP,
Andrew Williams
Newbie Help - No .php file extension,
Hibbert Miller
[PHP]: php validate user password,
Andrew Williams
xls to pdf conversion in unix, Thodoris
Securing suexec PHP against local attacks by the webserver user,
Class constant inconsistency,
Appending query result sets?,
Skip Evans
php get rss tag using DOM,
PHP usage stats,
Richard Heyes
Re: PHP usage stats, Daniel Brown
Seeking PHP Work in Chicago or Telecommute,
Richard Lynch
Sending XML requests as raw post data,
Marc Steinert
Adding Records & Capture The New Record ID,
Using DLL with PHP,
Dan Shirah
going blind for looking...need eyes,
Terion Miller
long echo statement performance question,
Frank Stanovcak
preg_match question...,
php COM example usage, Alpár Török
Pausing PHP scripts,
Ron Piggott
require() causing strange characters ?,
How can I use a function's default arguments but change one of the end ones in the list?,
Daevid Vincent
CLI not obeying php.ini,
Philip Thompson
Preserving History,
DB Comparisons,
Garbage Collection,
cgi vs php,
Vikas Sharma
German characters Ö,Ä etc. show up as ?,
Merlin Morgenstern
Email configuration,
It flance
Where does the sendmail() function come from?,
Per Jessen
File Manager,
Reg-ex help,
Craige Leeder
PHP pop-up windows,
Speed Opinion,
Clarity needed,
Re: Clarity needed, Thodoris
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Clarity needed, Edmund Hertle
Re: Clarity needed, TG
Re: Clarity needed, Daniel Brown
Re: Clarity needed, Yannick Mortier
Passing an undetermined amount of arguments by reference,
Jay Moore
is this use of subquery "smart",
Afan Pasalic
php rpm,
why does a html mail send as text ?,
Bulend Kolay
calculate the time that day ends,
Throwing an exception seems to defeat output buffering,
Leif Wickland
Visibility of class constant,
How can I do the opposite of property_exists(), maybe a creat_property() in PHP5?,
Daevid Vincent
Another matching question,
Ron Piggott
pear:Auth invalid username/password,
John Corry
Blank page of hell..what to look for,
Terion Miller
Re: Blank page of hell..what to look for, Jim Lucas
Re: Blank page of hell..what to look for, Frank Stanovcak
Re: Blank page of hell..what to look for, Lupus Michaelis
Re: Blank page of hell..what to look for, Thodoris
Boolean Assignment Operator,
Gavin Hodge
Includes only if required?,
Edmund Hertle
check public key of SSL client certificate, Serge
PHP Linux/Windows Outlook 2003 HTML email problem,
German Geek
Re: [PHP-QA] problem code,
Daniel Brown
CLI [Lack of] Performance on Windows, Jason Young
Weird url passing what does it mean, am I hacked?,
Terion Miller
Re: Weird url passing what does it mean, am I hacked?, clive
More questions about SESSION use,
Terion Miller
Re: Re: Session won't pick up one variable (SOLVED), Terion Miller
Ron Piggott
Session won't pick up one variable,
Terion Miller
Web Shop Management,
Sancar Saran
Payment question in Canada,
Ernie Kemp
PHP Enclosing Tags? Do You Close Your PHP Declarations?,
Nitsan Bin-Nun
Re: PHP Enclosing Tags? Do You Close Your PHP Declarations?, Yannick Mortier
Zend Framework and IIS,
Andrew Ballard
Include PHP library file in the .htaccess,
help with end of line charater,
Adam Williams
CURL vs stream_socket_client,
Yves Arsenault
Mail subject encoding problem,
link problems in Ubuntu: undefined symbol core_globals, executor_globals in gs, pgsql, Balázs Bámer
Extract code from XML,
Angelo Zanetti
Database Tables Relation Issue,
Nitsan Bin-Nun
PHP Content Management,
Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle
kadm5 Library,
Tim Gustafson
Philip Thompson
Weird problem while reading in a file to an Array,
Michelle Konzack
Switch statement Question,
Alice Wei
Re: Rounded rectangle in php,
PHP 5.3.0beta1, Johannes Schlüter
help with require/includes pathing frustration,
Daevid Vincent
Making a Variable from different tables with Matching Db fields?,
Terion Miller
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