If it's just documentation you could use a wiki.
I've found that mediawiki <http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki> is
the best (the one that wikipedia uses), although twiki isn't too bad,
but the problems with wiki's are that they expect you to know how to use
them, and all their crazy words and syntax. Something like Google Docs
<http://www.google.com/google-d-s/tour1.html> is actually really sexy
(can I say that about a web app that looks like a slimmed down version
of office?), because it is so easy to use.
You could also check out things like dotproject
<http://www.dotproject.net/>, or google 'project management + PHP'.
As a non PHP, hosted alternatively you could look into basecamp
<http://www.basecamphq.com/>, which is designed for making project
collaboration, with goals, timelines, and all sorts, although that
doesn't quite sound like what you want as it isn't something you host,
and you'd basically need to create a new one for each project.
Michael Kubler
*G*rey *P*hoenix *P*roductions <http://www.greyphoenix.biz>
Sancar Saran wrote:
Not really.
It was someting like customer tracking.
Finding 200 apache directory with no info was very frustrating experiment.
Some of them are abandoned, some customers are leaved. some of them just
projects but customers does not accept.
I want store some info about the customer or project. Maybe categorize them.
Lets call it customer documentation.
I want to record something like that
This was blahblah.com owned by some guy, needs this. dislikes this. Please be
careful when moving or altering site.
He was sychopath to check every 30 min to his 5 hit per day site.
This system uses uber CMS system which needs php-tidy php-postgresql etc etc.
Have to acess some blah blah service.