Re: Throwing an exception seems to defeat output buffering

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Output buffer is flushed at the end of script. When you throw that exception 
in try block, this command: exit( 'Contents: ' . ob_get_clean()); never 
executes and it continues to catch block where you are outputing exception 
message, and it is added to the buffer, then the script ends and buffer 

"Leif Wickland" <leifwickland@xxxxxxxxx> pí¹e v diskusním pøíspìvku 
>I would expect that if I turn on output buffering, echo something,
> throw an exception,
> and catch the exception, nothing will have been actually output.  That
> doesn't seem
> to be the case.  Throwing an exception seems to defeat output buffering.
> In the following code, I would not expect to see the <h1>, but I do.
> <?
> try {
>    ob_start();
>    echo '<h1>You should not see this!</h1>';
>    throw new Exception('<h2>This should be the first output.</h2>');
>    exit( 'Contents: ' . ob_get_clean());
> }
> catch (Exception $ex) {
>    exit('<h2>Exception:</h2>' . $ex->getMessage());
> }
> I'm exercising that code on PHP 5.2.4 and 5.2.8.
> Does anybody know why throwing an exception seems to override
> ob_start(), flushing the buffered output?  Is there a workaround?
> Thank you,
> Leif Wickland 

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