So now I have SESSIONs set: user, AdminID, AdminLogin but I'm trying to use them without showing them in links...currently the pages only load if I make the links like this: <a href="Welcome.php?AdminID=<?php echo $_SESSION['AdminID']; ?>" target="mainFrame">Home</a> I thought the whole purpose of having/using Sessions is to not have to pass variables in url's, but if I remove the session in the link above when I click to it, It logs me out, even though it IS holding the SESSION (which I checked by revealing my variables) so I guess I am confused about this bit of code, I think its saying if the SESSION is there great if not logout... but even when I expose the variables and see that the session is passing from page to page it keeps sending me to the logout page: This is how it was originally written: if (empty($_SESSION['AdminLogin']) || $_SESSION['AdminLogin'] != true){ header ("Location: LogOut.php"); $_SESSION['user']=$UserName; $_SESSION['AdminID']=$AdminID; <--*I added this one originally the script only used 'user' and 'AdminLogin'* but passed them in urls } Is the above part not needed since the Session is already active? Should I be not using the header part (honestly I havent read up on that chapter yet)