Asp(.net) has no real problems connecting to mysql. But it's slower
than php.
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On Feb 5, 2009, at 16:39, Ashley Sheridan <ash@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On Thu, 2009-02-05 at 16:19 -0500, Robert Cummings wrote:
On Thu, 2009-02-05 at 21:03 +0000, Nathan Rixham wrote:
revDAVE wrote:
Hi Folks,
I¹m curious if there are any previous discussions / Articles /
URL¹s that
compare the power and scalability of MySQL (with php) with other
technologies like MS sequel server oracle - coldfusion etc....
I imagine that most middleware like php / asp / coldfusion is
good & fast - (let me know if one is better ). Mostly I¹m con
cerned with
the speed and power of the backend database as to how it
functions on an
enterprise scale such as how many hits it can handle per hour
how many
users before it starts to slow down etc.
honestly, if you're thinking enterprise scale then database is the
of you're worries, you'll be needing to move away from a scripting
language and go for a pre compiled programming language.
Isn't Yahoo using PHP? I thought Facebook too? Doesn't seem like they
moved away from a scripting language.
Application and Templating Framework for PHP
As far as DB's are concerned, this is my experience:
SQLLite is blindingly fast, but limited in functionality. For most
needs its fine though, and it is free.
MySQL is fully powered and very fast, faster than MSSQL and Oracle,
it's free.
Oracle is the slowest, but has a lot of features in to safeguard data
against accidents, so is the best for critical apps where data loss
would be a major issue. As far as I know it's also the most expensive.
MSSQL is slow, and you need the latest versions to get the features
need (I'm stuck at work writing work-arounds for apps because they
want to buy the latest versions!)
SQLLite, MySQL and Oracle are all cross-platform, and MSSQL is Windows
only. The major languages have modules that let you connect to all of
the databases, although I think ASP can only connect to MSSQL and
ASP.Net connects only to MSSQL and Oracle (but I'm not 100% certain on
this) Also, as far as I'm aware, there are no drawbacks to mixing and
matching the various DB's with the various languages.
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