Fedora Packaging
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- Re: Darktable and Rawspeed, (continued)
- Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-07-09 16:00 - 17:10 UTC),
James Antill
- Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-07-08 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
- Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-07-02 16:00 - 17:55 UTC),
James Antill
- dangling symlink vs file dependencies,
Vít Ondruch
- Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-07-02 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
- DRAFT: SourceURL addition/clarification - Git Hosting Services,
Gerald B. Cox
- Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-06-25 16:00 - 17:55 UTC),
James Antill
- Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-06-25 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
- build failure - Failed to create the file ./: Is a directory,
David Timms
- Github URL clarification,
Michael Cronenworth
- Issue with EPEL testing repo?,
Dave Johansen
- Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-06-18 16:00 - 17:35 UTC),
James Antill
- Have secure by default permissions for configuration and log files,
Kurt Seifried
- Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-06-18 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
- Packages without a dist tag,
Martin Krizek
- Packaging Guidelines for Applications using Git Submodules,
Gerald B. Cox
Doubt about the name for a package mkdocs,
William Moreno
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-06-11 16:00 - 17:20 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-06-11 16:00 UTC) Follow ups: 5,
James Antill
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-06-04 16:00 - 17:35 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-06-04 16:00 UTC) Follow-ups: 4, New: 4,
James Antill
AppData Guidelines,
Gerald B. Cox
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (YYYY-MM-DD 16:00 - HH:MM UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-05-28 16:00 UTC) Follow-ups: 4, New: 3,
James Antill
MHDAC, MSFileReader, WRDAC, Wiff Reader Library licenses,
Antonio Trande
configure macro and FCFLAGS,
How to packaging desktop integration ?,
Sérgio Basto
Package depends on source of gcc,
Pavel Zhukov
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-05-21 16:00 - 17:45 UTC),
James Antill
Re: packaging Digest, Vol 123, Issue 12,
Denis Arnaud
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-05-21 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Compiling boost-related C++ projects,
Antonio Trande
New Rpm-ecosystem Mailing List,
Florian Festi
Find with -exec?,
Dave Johansen
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-06-14 16:00 - 17:15 UTC),
James Antill
SeqAn downgrading,
Antonio Trande
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-05-14 16:00 UTC) Follow ups: 3 New: 3,
James Antill
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-05-07 16:00 - 17:20 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-05-07 16:00 UTC) Followups: 6 New: 0,
James Antill
FC21/22 anomalies?,
John Dodson
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-04-30 16:00 UTC) Followups: 5,
James Antill
Go Packaging Guidelines: What's next?,
Adam Miller
Shared libraries unversioned .so symlinks packaging,
Daniel Letai
Re: /usr/share vs /usr/libexec,
Sérgio Basto
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-04-23 16:00 - 17:30 UTC),
James Antill
Broken Symlinks,
John Dodson
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-04-23 16:00 UTC) Followups:6 New:1,
James Antill
qt-examples, libqxt-devel - Need exceptions?,
Gerald B. Cox
github URLs?,
Dave Johansen
critical path security update policy,
Jerry Bratton
Re: critical path security update policy,
Jaroslav Reznik
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-04-16 16:00 - 17:25 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-04-17 16:00 UTC) Followups:6 New:2,
James Antill
Source files of official RPM packages,
Martin Cigorraga
how to delete koji build,
Martin Gansser
%license and directory ownership,
Jonathan Underwood
Re: why gem install always use the --force option? [SOLVED],
Athenas Jimenez
Merging 2 packages,
Scott Talbert
%doc doesn't seem to use _defaultdocdir definition,
Daniel Letai
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-04-02 16:00 UTC),
Jason L Tibbitts III
why gem install always use the --force option?,
Athenas Jimenez
[rfc][icedtea-web] [policyeditor] making it aware of -verbose swithc,
Jiri Vanek
Update Java packaging guidelines to reflect current package names,
Jonathan Underwood
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-03-26 16:00 - 17:50 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-03-26 16:00 UTC) Followup:1 New:5,
James Antill
sphinx-build to be used in %build or %install,
Parag Nemade
GenericError: file removal failed (code 11)?,
Dave Johansen
bundling of jemalloc,
Paolo Bonzini
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-03-19 17:00 - 17:50 UTC),
James Antill
how to handle translations problems with macro find_lang,
Martin Gansser
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-03-19 16:00 UTC) Followup:3 New:3,
James Antill
%license for EPEL6,
Thomas Moschny
Packaging a library that creates a Ruby gem...,
Darryl L. Pierce
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-03-12 17:00 - 19:10 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-03-12 16:00 UTC) Followup:5 New:3,
James Antill
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (YYYY-MM-DD 17:00 - 18:55 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-03-05 17:00 UTC) Followup:4 New:5,
James Antill
Guideline Draft: Service First-Time Setup,
Stephen Gallagher
Question regarding packaging standalone java jar's.,
Eric Griffith
questions about license file migration,
Björn Persson
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-02-26 17:00 - 18:20 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-02-26 17:00 UTC) Followup:7 New:1,
James Antill
rpmbuild changes in Fedora 23 Rawhide?,
Michael Schwendt
Few questions regarding spec file standard,
Eric Griffith
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-02-19 17:00 - 18:45 UTC),
James Antill
[rfc][icedtea-web] make threads in ResourceTracker's ExecutorService daemon,
Jiri Vanek
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-02-19 17:00 UTC) Followup:12 New:0,
James Antill
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-02-12 17:00 - 19:15 UTC),
James Antill
[Proposal] Ring-based Packaging Policies,
Stephen Gallagher
Proposal: Remove BuildRequires: exceptions from the guidelines,
Jason L Tibbitts III
mock build - python setup.py test fails,
Martin Gansser
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-02-12 17:00 UTC) Followup:18 New:0,
James Antill
fedpkg build: failed to connect,
Brad Bell
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-02-05 17:00 - 18:25 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-02-05 17:00 UTC) Followup:16 New:3,
James Antill
Re: nodejs-ws - should I change it to a noarch,
Stephen Gallagher
missing the FPC meeting on Feb 5th,
Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
Should release number (DistTag) agree between branches ?,
Brad Bell
Can %license be inside folder specified in %doc?,
Miro Hrončok
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-01-29 17:00 - 18:10 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-01-29 17:00 UTC) Followup:17 New:1,
James Antill
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-01-22 17:00 - 19:20 UTC),
James Antill
Packaging Guildelines Proposal: PreupgradeAssistant contents packages,
Petr Hracek
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-01-22 17:00 UTC) Followup:14 New:1,
James Antill
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-01-15 17:00 - 19:00 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-01-15 17:00 UTC), Followup:16 New:3,
James Antill
Appdata validation alternative,
Mario Blättermann
Requirements for l10n in Qt5,
Mario Blättermann
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2015-01-08 17:00 - 19:00 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2015-01-08 17:00 UTC), Followup:15 New:7,
James Antill
Type switching to bugfix when there's an error on New Update page,
Dave Johansen
Better example for multiple ownership of a directory,
Jason L Tibbitts III
Interesting blog on simplifying packaging for OS bootstrapping,
Jason L Tibbitts III
Re: Interesting blog on simplifying packaging for OS bootstrapping,
Miroslav Suchý
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-12-18 17:00 - 18:35 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-12-18 17:00 UTC), Followup:12 New:8,
James Antill
Guidelines about %license,
Remi Collet
Packaging Guidelines Proposal: DevAssistant Assistant packages (DAP),
Tomas Radej
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-12-11 17:00 - 18:25 UTC),
James Antill
Provides for python shared objects,
Paul Howarth
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-12-11 17:00 UTC),
James Antill
Re: introducing alternatives into a package,
Stephen Gallagher
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-12-04 17:00 - 17:50 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-12-04 17:00 UTC),
James Antill
How to request exception for static linking?,
Dave Johansen
Changes in Guidelines Connected to "Python 3 as Default" Change,
Bohuslav Kabrda
Message not available
Re: Changes in Guidelines Connected to "Python 3 as Default" Change,
Barry Warsaw
Re: Changes in Guidelines Connected to "Python 3 as Default" Change,
Bohuslav Kabrda
guidance on package with _really_ generic name in bin (that doesn't currently conflict),
Matthew Miller
vim add-on and arch-dependent-file-in-usr-share,
Michele Baldessari
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-11-20 17:00 - 18:30 UTC),
James Antill
Packaging of /usr/share/doc/{%name}-{%version} directories not 100% clear,
Alexander Todorov
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-11-20 17:00 UTC),
James Antill
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-11-13 17:00 - 18:40 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-11-13 17:00 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-11-06 17:00 UTC),
James Antill
Expanding RPM macros,
Peter Lemenkov
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-10-30 16:00 - 17:00 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-10-30 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
when does package become status stable,
Martin Gansser
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-10-23 16:00 - 17:55 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-10-23 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
how to remove buggy packages from repo,
Martin Gansser
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-10-16 16:00 - 17:00 UTC),
James Antill
New members of the Fedora Packaging Committee,
Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
Do we need to relicense font packages to add metainfo files?,
Parag N(पराग़)
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-10-16 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Requires: kmod(some_module),
spec-cleaner from openSUSE,
Miro Hrončok
naming forever pre-release versions or svn versions,
Sérgio Basto
discussion on Fedora Council Engineering representative,
Matthew Miller
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-10-09 16:00 - 17:45 UTC),
James Antill
Wrong package name,
Fabian Affolter
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-10-02 16:00 - 17:35 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-10-02 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Code Fragments - Bundling or Not?,
Scott Talbert
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-09-25 16:00 - 17:15 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-09-25 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Open Seats on the Fedora Packaging Committee,
Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
Source0 for github ?,
Simo Sorce
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-09-11 16:00 - 17:45 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-09-11 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Language file handling in Django packages,
Matthias Runge
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-09-04 16:00 - 17:45 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-09-04 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
jquery-ui packaging for use in OpenStack-Dashboard,
Matthias Runge
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-08-28 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Package that has a BR: on itself,
Darryl L. Pierce
Soft dependencies guidelines,
Miroslav Suchý
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-08-21 16:00 - 16:55 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-08-21 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Add bitbucket to SourceURL list,
Susi Lehtola
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-08-07 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-07-31 16:00 - 17:20 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-07-31 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-07-27 16:00 - 18:05 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-07-24 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Problem initializing mock environment,
Jason Kusar
BZ#1103420 stalled,
Antonio Trande
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-07-17 16:00 - 17:20 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-07-17 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-07-10 16:00 - 18:00 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-07-10 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Per-product Packaging Draft,
Stephen Gallagher
Orphaning kate-plugin-cpphelper,
Mario Blättermann
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-07-03 16:00 - 17:00 UTC),
James Antill
Conflicting binaries location,
Christopher Meng
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-07-03 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
mimeinfo scriptlets update draft,
Rex Dieter
FPC ticket 317,
Rich Mattes
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-06-26 16:00 - 18:00 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-06-26 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
question regarding the release tag of speed-dreams 2.1.0rc1-r5781 new rc1 release,
Martin Gansser
Retrieving the value of a macro defined in a spec file,
Jeff Peeler
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-06-19 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-06-12 16:00 - 17:45 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-06-12 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Using file system links to unbundle python packages,
Sergio Pascual
[Guidelines changes] - Changes to PHP Guidelines.,
Remi Collet
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-06-05 16:00 - 17:30 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-06-05 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Re: fedoras default cflags & clang,
Ralf Corsepius
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-05-29 16:00 - 17:45 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-05-29 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Is there any legal barrier for packaging Popcorn Time for Fedora?,
James Abtahi
Common name for subpackage contains tools for a library?,
Christopher Meng
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-05-22 16:00 - 18:00 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-05-2 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Summary/Minutes from today's FPC Meeting (2014-05-15 16:00 - 17:00 UTC),
James Antill
Schedule for Thursday's FPC Meeting (2014-05-15 16:00 UTC),
James Antill
Building a non functional package just to remove dependency mess,
Miro Hrončok
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