On 05/06/2015 07:12 PM, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
"VO" == Vít Ondruch <vondruch@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
VO> # dnf repoquery --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=rawhide --requires rpm-build
Those dependencies could change at any time. I would like for them to
be able to change without the guidelines having to change with them.
Obviously any change would break some package somewhere, but at least it
would get one committee out of the process.
As much as I welcome this effort, I think we need a detailed and fixed
per-fedora-release package list, to be able to give packagers some
helpful guidance.
That said, why can't we have a link to the list being used by mock
(The packages being listed in mock's "buildsys-build") inside the FPG?
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