Linux TCP/IP Netfilter
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- Re: helper ftp
- From: Ale <mystic@xxxxxx>
- helper ftp
- From: Mark Coetser <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ct helper ipv6
- From: Greg KH <greg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ct helper ipv6
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- ct helper ipv6
- From: Ale <mystic@xxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] nftables 0.9.0 release
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] libnftnl 1.1.1 release
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftable FTP behind nat
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- nftable FTP behind nat
- From: Ale <mystic@xxxxxx>
- [SOLVED] Error: syntax error, unexpected table
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [Arptables] How to block flooding and gratuitous arp?
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [Arptables] How to block flooding and gratuitous arp?
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [Arptables] How to block flooding and gratuitous arp?
- From: Alvin Lovi <alvinlovi80@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Arptables] How to block flooding and gratuitous arp?
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- Error: syntax error, unexpected table
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- Re: DIFF between /usr/sbin/nft -f and /usr/local/sbin/nft
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- [Arptables] How to block flooding and gratuitous arp?
- From: Alvin Lovi <alvinlovi80@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DIFF between /usr/sbin/nft -f and /usr/local/sbin/nft
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DIFF between /usr/sbin/nft -f and /usr/local/sbin/nft
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- Re: $path problem with nftables
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- Re: $path problem with nftables
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- fail2ban should be implemented in general
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- $path problem with nftables
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [WIKI][part.solved]-Example: ... rate "over" does not work.
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [WIKI]-Example: ... rate "over" does not work.
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [WIKI]-Example: ... rate "over" does not work.
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [WIKI]-Example: "chain global" does not work.
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [WIKI]-Example: ... rate "over" does not work.
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- [WIKI]-Example: "chain global" does not work.
- From: "support@xxxxxxx" <support@xxxxxxx>
- connlimit options and improvement
- From: Carlos Sola <joropito@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using flow offload for sip server
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using specific ip address to restrict traffic flow on mips linux target is not permited ?
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Timeout in meters is not allowed anymore in 0.8.5
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- using specific ip address to restrict traffic flow on mips linux target is not permited ?
- From: "Rosysong" <rosysong@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Parts of libnetfilter_queue deprecated?
- From: Daniel Thiele <dthiele@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Helper not working "No such file or directory"
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can anybody help me add a vmap element in a dictionary
- From: Khawar Shehzad <shehzad.khawar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Timeout in meters is not allowed anymore in 0.8.5
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Timeout in meters is not allowed anymore in 0.8.5
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Timeout in meters is not allowed anymore in 0.8.5
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Timeout in meters is not allowed anymore in 0.8.5
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Timeout in meters is not allowed anymore in 0.8.5
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Parts of libnetfilter_queue deprecated?
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Parts of libnetfilter_queue deprecated?
- From: Daniel Thiele <dthiele@xxxxxxx>
- Re: How to add tcp/udp snat in one line
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to add tcp/udp snat in one line
- From: Zheng konia <konianet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using flow offload for sip server
- From: Sean Darcy <seandarcy2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using flow offload for sip server
- From: Laura Garcia <nevola@xxxxxxxxx>
- using flow offload for sip server
- From: Sean Darcy <seandarcy2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Add table of services to wiki
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Add table of services to wiki
- From: Sam Lunt <samueljlunt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Multiple programs for QUEUE target/Close Bind Queue Without Loose Packets
- From: kobi <kobi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Howto mangle with NFT
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Howto mangle with NFT
- From: MATT-NFT <matt-nft@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Howto mangle with NFT
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Howto mangle with NFT
- From: MATT-NFT <matt-nft@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Nftables does not work in OpenWrt?
- From: "Rosysong" <rosysong@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] nftlb 0.2 release
- From: Laura Garcia Liebana <nevola@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] nftables 0.8.5 release
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- SV: iptables / conntrack - state engine question
- From: André Paulsberg-Csibi (IBM Consultant) <Andre.Paulsberg-Csibi@xxxxxxxx>
- SV: iptables / conntrack - state engine question
- From: André Paulsberg-Csibi (IBM Consultant) <Andre.Paulsberg-Csibi@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables / conntrack - state engine question
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- iptables / conntrack - state engine question
- From: André Paulsberg-Csibi (IBM Consultant) <Andre.Paulsberg-Csibi@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Capacity of METERS in spoofed packets
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Capacity of METERS in spoofed packets
- From: Renzo cHv <renzochv@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables / connlimit with --connlimit-above allows more connections than configured
- From: Dmitry Andrianov <dmitry.andrianov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables / connlimit with --connlimit-above allows more connections than configured
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- iptables / connlimit with --connlimit-above allows more connections than configured
- From: Dmitry Andrianov <dmitry.andrianov@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] libnftnl 1.1.0 release
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Masquerade replaces outgoing IP with the default route IP, not the interface IP
- From: Lars Berntzon <lars.berntzon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT requires an output hook to be registered
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: NAT requires an output hook to be registered
- From: Sean Darcy <seandarcy2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] libnftnl 1.1.0 release
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Various questions
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Transport protocol agnostic way to multiplex ports and forward metainfo?
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Various questions
- From: Christian Schneider <christian@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] libnftnl 1.1.0 release
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] libnftnl 1.1.0 release
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Transport protocol agnostic way to multiplex ports and forward metainfo?
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] nftables 0.8.4 release
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] libnftnl 1.1.0 release
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Transport protocol agnostic way to multiplex ports and forward metainfo?
- From: Alexander Huemer <alexander.huemer@xxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH v2 1/5] geoip: adapt to GeoLite2 database
- From: Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] libnetfilter-conntrack 1.0.7 release
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] conntrack-tools 1.4.5 release
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH v2 1/5] geoip: adapt to GeoLite2 database
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH v2 1/5] geoip: adapt to GeoLite2 database
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH v2 1/5] geoip: adapt to GeoLite2 database
- From: Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH v2 1/5] geoip: adapt to GeoLite2 database
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Helper not working "No such file or directory"
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Helper not working "No such file or directory"
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Helper not working "No such file or directory"
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH v2 5/5] Put database into country subdirectory
- From: Philip Prindeville <philipp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH v2 5/5] Put database into country subdirectory
- From: Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH v2 1/5] geoip: adapt to GeoLite2 database
- From: Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH v2 1/5] geoip: adapt to GeoLite2 database
- From: Bruno de Paula Larini <bruno.larini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH v2 5/5] Put database into country subdirectory
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxx>
- [PATCH v2 1/5] geoip: adapt to GeoLite2 database
- From: "Philip Prindeville" <philipp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH v2 4/5] Simplify handling table column names
- From: "Philip Prindeville" <philipp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH v2 3/5] geoip: add database query tool for use with ipsets
- From: "Philip Prindeville" <philipp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH v2 5/5] Put database into country subdirectory
- From: "Philip Prindeville" <philipp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH v2 2/5] geoip: update man page for xt_geoip_build
- From: "Philip Prindeville" <philipp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Helper not working "No such file or directory"
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Helper not working "No such file or directory"
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Helper not working "No such file or directory"
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Helper not working "No such file or directory"
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [nftables] Deleting element from set from packet path
- From: rypervenche <sub@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [nftables] Deleting element from set from packet path
- From: rypervenche <sub@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [nftables] Deleting element from set from packet path
- [ANNOUNCE] ulogd2 2.0.7 release
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use limit rate on ip address through nft command ?
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use limit rate on ip address through nft command ?
- From: "Rosysong" <rosysong@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use limit rate on ip address through nft command ?
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to use limit rate on ip address through nft command ?
- From: "黄邦浪" <rosysong@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [nftables] Deleting element from set from packet path
- Re: [nftables] pre/postrouting chain: Could not process rule: Device or resource busy
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [nftables] How to rate limit 1 packet every 10 minutes
- From: rypervenche <sub@xxxxxxxxx>
- [nftables] Deleting element from set from packet path
- From: rypervenche <sub@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [nftables] pre/postrouting chain: Could not process rule: Device or resource busy
- From: Christian Schneider <christian@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: [nftables] pre/postrouting chain: Could not process rule: Device or resource busy
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- [nftables] pre/postrouting chain: Could not process rule: Device or resource busy
- From: Christian Schneider <christian@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can anybody help me add a vmap element in a dictionary
- From: Khawar Shehzad <shehzad.khawar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can anybody help me add a vmap element in a dictionary
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Can anybody help me add a vmap element in a dictionary
- From: Khawar Shehzad <shehzad.khawar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fwd: nftables ipv6 and NAT
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: nftables ipv6 and NAT
- From: "ad^2" <adsquaired@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fw: Forward chains with different priorities
- From: matthias.krauss@xxxxxxx
- Re: Forward chains with different priorities
- From: Anton Danilov <littlesmilingcloud@xxxxxxxxx>
- Forward chains with different priorities
- Re: connection track helpers in partially virtualized machines
- From: Christoph Pleger <christoph.pleger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: connection track helpers in partially virtualized machines
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- connection track helpers in partially virtualized machines
- From: Christoph Pleger <christoph.pleger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [nftables] non regression tests status
- From: Maxime de Roucy <maxime.deroucy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ulogd in pcap format is not logging any prefix
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ulogd in pcap format is not logging any prefix
- From: Anton Danilov <littlesmilingcloud@xxxxxxxxx>
- Ulogd in pcap format is not logging any prefix
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.37 released
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.37 released
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Concatenation + Interval => Broken Parser or Broken Concept
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: first rate limit on IP, then filter on port
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: first rate limit on IP, then filter on port
- From: Alexander Dahl <ada@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: first rate limit on IP, then filter on port
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- nftables: first rate limit on IP, then filter on port
- From: Alexander Dahl <ada@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- NAT requires an output hook to be registered
- From: Konstantinos Tsakiltzidis <ktsakiltzidis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] 14th Netfilter Workshop in Berlin, Germany
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meaning of network name in Iptables rules
- From: "Paul Guijt" <paul.guijt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meaning of network name in Iptables rules
- From: Anton Danilov <littlesmilingcloud@xxxxxxxxx>
- Meaning of network name in Iptables rules
- From: <paul.guijt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nft - no equivalency to ipset hash:port:hash for differing sized subnets
- From: Fran Fitzpatrick <francis.x.fitzpatrick@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Nftables: timeout > 24d20h31m23s becomes 49d17h2m47s
- From: Marco De Benedetto <debe@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Nftables: timeout > 24d20h31m23s becomes 49d17h2m47s
- Nftables: timeout > 24d20h31m23s becomes 49d17h2m47s
- From: Marco De Benedetto <debe@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables based load balancing doesn't work on lo interface
- From: salil GK <gksalil@xxxxxxxxx>
- iptables based load balancing doesn't work on lo interface
- From: salil GK <gksalil@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: "Raymond Burkholder" <ray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Collect Flow Stats: libmnl vs libnetfilter-conntrack
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Collect Flow Stats: libmnl vs libnetfilter-conntrack
- From: Psyspy rambo <psyspy2020@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Collect Flow Stats: libmnl vs libnetfilter-conntrack
- From: Psyspy rambo <psyspy2020@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Yves <yves@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SYNPROXY, packet loss, and window sizes
- From: Joshua Vijsma / True <Joshua.Vijsma@xxxxxxx>
- Re: SYNPROXY, packet loss, and window sizes
- From: Remy de Boer <remydb@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: defining new RELATED associations
- From: Robby Workman <robby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- defining new RELATED associations
- From: "Brian J. Murrell" <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log statement seems to be not working
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Log statement seems to be not working
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Nft list counters is not returning anything
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Nft list counters is not returning anything
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Nft list counters is not returning anything
- From: darius <dram@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: device or resource busy while adding element in named sets
- From: Laura Garcia <nevola@xxxxxxxxx>
- nftables: device or resource busy while adding element in named sets
- From: "Ninad N. Shaha" <ninad@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: SYNPROXY, packet loss, and window sizes
- From: Llorente Santos Jesus <jesus.llorente.santos@xxxxxxxx>
- nftables: device or resource busy while adding element in named sets
- From: Ninad <ninad@xxxxxxxxxx>
- SYNPROXY, packet loss, and window sizes
- From: Remy de Boer <remydb@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet (what you are missing)
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Nftables Patch proposal: debug_mask propagate through cache_update() just as it is.
- From: nozzy123nozzy@xxxxxxxxx
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet (what you are missing)
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nft - no equivalency to ipset hash:port:hash for differing sized subnets
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nft - no equivalency to ipset hash:port:hash for differing sized subnets
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- nft - no equivalency to ipset hash:port:hash for differing sized subnets
- From: Fran Fitzpatrick <francis.x.fitzpatrick@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to reset package's TTL in nftables
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to reset package's TTL in nftables
- From: Zheng konia <konianet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Nftables Patch proposal: debug_mask propagate through cache_update() just as it is.
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem in setting up netfilter repository
- From: Harsha Sharma <harshasharmaiitr@xxxxxxxxx>
- Problem in setting up netfilter repository
- From: SIMRAN SINGHAL <singhalsimran0@xxxxxxxxx>
- Nftables Patch proposal: debug_mask propagate through cache_update() just as it is.
- From: nozzy123nozzy@xxxxxxxxx
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH v1 3/3] geoip: add database query tool for use with ipsets
- From: "Philip Prindeville" <philipp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH v1 1/3] geoip: adapt to GeoLite2 database
- From: "Philip Prindeville" <philipp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH v1 2/3] geoip: update man page for xt_geoip_build
- From: "Philip Prindeville" <philipp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables vs iptables+ipset
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables vs iptables+ipset
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- nftables vs iptables+ipset
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: How to filter only ipv6 SSH traffic in an inet table?
- From: Merlin Büge <toni@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: build tagging bridge based on SRC/DST Mac
- From: Llorente Santos Jesus <jesus.llorente.santos@xxxxxxxx>
- RE: build tagging bridge based on SRC/DST Mac
- From: IMMO WETZEL <IMMO.WETZEL@xxxxxxxxxx>
- build tagging bridge based on SRC/DST Mac
- From: IMMO WETZEL <IMMO.WETZEL@xxxxxxxxxx>
- TCP failover doesn't work as expected
- From: Donat Zenichev <donat@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] nftables 0.8.3 release
- From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.36 released
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- NAT doesn't forward TCP ACKs with sack option
- From: Mark <zxm927@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- nftables with two WAN, dnat not working
- From: ?????? ????? <krey@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: "Neal P. Murphy" <neal.p.murphy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables inet family not working with the type nat chain ( ip family works )
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- nftables inet family not working with the type nat chain ( ip family works )
- From: "ad^2" <adsquaired@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Michal Kubecek <mkubecek@xxxxxxx>
- Query the verdict for a hypothetical packet
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: iptables PREROUTING to-destination hit but no hit in FORWARD (advanced)
- From: Alex Dubois <bowabos@xxxxxxxxx>
- iptables PREROUTING to-destination hit but no hit in FORWARD (advanced)
- From: Alex Dubois <bowabos@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.28 released
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPSET in DNAT rule
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IPSET in DNAT rule
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: How to filter only ipv6 SSH traffic in an inet table?
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: How to filter only ipv6 SSH traffic in an inet table?
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: How to filter only ipv6 SSH traffic in an inet table?
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH v1 1/1] geoip: cleanup intermediate files and run quieter
- From: "Philip Prindeville" <philipp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SV: using iptables to route between subnets
- From: A <publicface@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SV: using iptables to route between subnets
- From: A <publicface@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH v1 1/1] geoip: store database in network byte order
- From: "Philip Prindeville" <philipp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- SV: using iptables to route between subnets
- From: André Paulsberg-Csibi (IBM Consultant) <Andre.Paulsberg-Csibi@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: using iptables to route between subnets
- From: A <publicface@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using iptables to route between subnets
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- using iptables to route between subnets
- From: A <publicface@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2 questions about rules for Multicast and ICMP
- From: "toml@xxxxxxx" <toml@xxxxxxx>
- Re: How to check why HTTP proxy is not accessible from outside?
- From: "Neal P. Murphy" <neal.p.murphy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- SV: How to check why HTTP proxy is not accessible from outside?
- From: André Paulsberg-Csibi (IBM Consultant) <Andre.Paulsberg-Csibi@xxxxxxxx>
- How to check why HTTP proxy is not accessible from outside?
- From: Peng Yu <pengyu.ut@xxxxxxxxx>
- xtables-addons maintainers... specifically xt_geoip
- From: Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ENOENT when adding conntrack rule
- From: "Andreas Koller" <kollergefahr@xxxxxx>
- Re: ENOENT when adding conntrack rule
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ENOENT when adding conntrack rule
- From: "Andreas Koller" <kollergefahr@xxxxxx>
- Re: Unable to query reply direction with conntrack-tools / libnetfilter_conntrack
- From: Omri Bahumi <>
- TCPMSS packet modification
- From: Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Unable to query reply direction with conntrack-tools / libnetfilter_conntrack
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Unable to query reply direction with conntrack-tools / libnetfilter_conntrack
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: linux martian packets
- From: John Ratliff <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Unable to query reply direction with conntrack-tools / libnetfilter_conntrack
- From: Omri Bahumi <>
- Re: linux martian packets
- From: Rob Thomas <xrobau@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: How to filter only ipv6 SSH traffic in an inet table?
- From: Merlin Büge <toni@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: linux martian packets
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- linux martian packets
- From: John Ratliff <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: How to filter only ipv6 SSH traffic in an inet table?
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: How to filter only ipv6 SSH traffic in an inet table?
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- nftables: How to filter only ipv6 SSH traffic in an inet table?
- From: Merlin Büge <toni@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to retrieve original source address with FTP/NAT/TPROXY
- From: Gregory Vander Schueren <gregory.vanderschueren@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to add rules to ip6/inet tables without getting unknown [invalid type] with nft list?
- From: Eric Grunt <gruntblue@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] nftables 0.8.2 release
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] iptables 1.6.2 release
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to get rule handle when adding a rule using libnftnl?
- From: Eric Grunt <gruntblue@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to add rules to ip6/inet tables without getting unknown [invalid type] with nft list?
- From: Eric Grunt <gruntblue@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables set - network/netmask
- From: Hüsnü Demir <hdemir@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to get rule handle when adding a rule using libnftnl?
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to get rule handle when adding a rule using libnftnl?
- From: Eric Grunt <gruntblue@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to get rule handle when adding a rule using libnftnl?
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to get rule handle when adding a rule using libnftnl?
- From: Eric Grunt <gruntblue@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How to trace IPSec packets?
- From: "Raymond Burkholder" <ray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables set - network/netmask
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables set - network/netmask
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables set - network/netmask
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables set - network/netmask
- From: hdemir <hdemir@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- nftables set - network/netmask
- From: hdemir <hdemir@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to trace IPSec packets?
- From: Glen Huang <heyhgl@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to trace IPSec packets?
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to trace IPSec packets?
- From: Glen Huang <heyhgl@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to trace IPSec packets?
- From: Glen Huang <heyhgl@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: filter all outgoing frames with specific client hardware address
- From: Mark Coetser <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- filter all outgoing frames with specific client hardware address
- From: IMMO WETZEL <IMMO.WETZEL@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to trace IPSec packets?
- From: Glen Huang <heyhgl@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to trace IPSec packets?
- From: Humberto Jucá <betolj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to trace IPSec packets?
- From: Glen Huang <heyhgl@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to trace IPSec packets?
- From: Glen Huang <heyhgl@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Slow 'connection refused' on REJECT rules
- From: Renaud Drousies <renaudd@xxxxxxxxx>
- SV: Slow 'connection refused' on REJECT rules
- From: André Paulsberg-Csibi (IBM Consultant) <Andre.Paulsberg-Csibi@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to get conntrack statics from proc system?
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Slow 'connection refused' on REJECT rules
- From: Renaud Drousies <renaudd@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to get conntrack statics from proc system?
- From: hdemir <hdemir@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to get conntrack statics from proc system?
- From: hdemir <hdemir@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Differences in FTP-Handling (Client-Sender) between iptables/nftables?
- From: "toml@xxxxxxx" <toml@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Differences in FTP-Handling (Client-Sender) between iptables/nftables?
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Differences in FTP-Handling (Client-Sender) between iptables/nftables?
- From: "toml@xxxxxxx" <toml@xxxxxxx>
- question about UNDEFINE/REDEFINE
- From: David Fabian <david.fabian@xxxxxxx>
- introduction
- From: Kommuru jai shankar reddy <kommurujaishankarreddy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error: interval overlaps with previous one (with previously valid configuration)
- From: Jeff <jmk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error: interval overlaps with previous one (with previously valid configuration)
- From: James <vger_tracker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error: interval overlaps with previous one (with previously valid configuration)
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error: interval overlaps with previous one (with previously valid configuration)
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Error: interval overlaps with previous one (with previously valid configuration)
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Symmetric / Asymmetric Connection Tracking
- From: "Raymond Burkholder" <ray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPSET persistence on Ubuntu 16.04
- From: "Oliver O'Boyle" <oliver.oboyle@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPSET persistence on Ubuntu 16.04
- From: "Oliver O'Boyle" <oliver.oboyle@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] nftables 0.8.1 release
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- NFLOG with threads
- From: icovnik <icovnik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPSET persistence on Ubuntu 16.04
- From: "Oliver O'Boyle" <oliver.oboyle@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPSET persistence on Ubuntu 16.04
- From: Joerg Dorchain <joerg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPSET persistence on Ubuntu 16.04
- From: "Oliver O'Boyle" <oliver.oboyle@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPSET persistence on Ubuntu 16.04
- From: Mark Coetser <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ulogd2 doc
- From: volga629@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- IPSET persistence on Ubuntu 16.04
- From: "Oliver O'Boyle" <oliver.oboyle@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using dynamic IP lists to block forwarding
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using dynamic IP lists to block forwarding
- From: "Neal P. Murphy" <neal.p.murphy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using dynamic IP lists to block forwarding
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using dynamic IP lists to block forwarding
- From: Dave Osbourne <dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using dynamic IP lists to block forwarding
- From: "Neal P. Murphy" <neal.p.murphy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using dynamic IP lists to block forwarding
- From: Joerg Dorchain <joerg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using dynamic IP lists to block forwarding
- From: Mauro Santos <registo.mailling@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using dynamic IP lists to block forwarding
- From: Dave Osbourne <dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using dynamic IP lists to block forwarding
- From: Joerg Dorchain <joerg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Using dynamic IP lists to block forwarding
- From: Dave Osbourne <dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.35 released
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and ICMP echo replies not showing as ESTABLISHED
- From: "Oliver O'Boyle" <oliver.oboyle@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and ICMP echo replies not showing as ESTABLISHED
- From: "Oliver O'Boyle" <oliver.oboyle@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and ICMP echo replies not showing as ESTABLISHED
- From: Humberto Jucá <betolj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and ICMP echo replies not showing as ESTABLISHED
- From: "Oliver O'Boyle" <oliver.oboyle@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: conntrack and ICMP echo replies not showing as ESTABLISHED
- From: André Paulsberg-Csibi (IBM Consultant) <Andre.Paulsberg-Csibi@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and ICMP echo replies not showing as ESTABLISHED
- From: "Neal P. Murphy" <neal.p.murphy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and ICMP echo replies not showing as ESTABLISHED
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: conntrack and ICMP echo replies not showing as ESTABLISHED
- From: André Paulsberg-Csibi (IBM Consultant) <Andre.Paulsberg-Csibi@xxxxxxxx>
- conntrack and ICMP echo replies not showing as ESTABLISHED
- From: "Oliver O'Boyle" <oliver.oboyle@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] libnftnl 1.0.9 release
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Lots of initial TCP packets with same sequence number
- From: André Paulsberg-Csibi (IBM Consultant) <Andre.Paulsberg-Csibi@xxxxxxxx>
- Lots of initial TCP packets with same sequence number
- From: James <vger_tracker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- OT: tracking default route
- From: Alessandro Vesely <vesely@xxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables wiki
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- nftables wiki
- From: paulo bruck <paulobruck1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: limit + log + tcp not working ?
- From: paulo bruck <paulobruck1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: limit + log + tcp not working ?
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: limit + log + tcp not working ?
- From: paulo bruck <paulobruck1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: limit + log + tcp not working ?
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Service names
- From: Jeremy Audet <ichimonji10@xxxxxxxxx>
- limit + log + tcp not working ?
- From: paulo bruck <paulobruck1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Service names
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Service names
- From: Jeremy Audet <ichimonji10@xxxxxxxxx>
- Service names
- From: JereBear <jerebear@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Nftables atomic reload at reboot
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Nftables atomic reload at reboot
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Nftables atomic reload at reboot
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Nftables atomic reload at reboot
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Nftables atomic reload at reboot
- From: Jeff <jarvis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- debug a --connlimit-above rule
- From: Toralf Förster <toralf.foerster@xxxxxx>
- [conntrack-tools] - Multiple Routing Tables
- From: Isabell Cowan <izzi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: SNMP mangling anybody?
- From: André Paulsberg-Csibi (IBM Consultant) <Andre.Paulsberg-Csibi@xxxxxxxx>
- RE: SNMP mangling anybody?
- From: "FAIR, ED" <ef7193@xxxxxxx>
- RE: SNMP mangling anybody?
- From: André Paulsberg-Csibi (IBM Consultant) <Andre.Paulsberg-Csibi@xxxxxxxx>
- RE: SNMP mangling anybody?
- From: "FAIR, ED" <ef7193@xxxxxxx>
- Re: SNMP mangling anybody?
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: SNMP mangling anybody?
- From: "FAIR, ED" <ef7193@xxxxxxx>
- Re: CGNAT - Deterministic port ranges RFC7422
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- netfilter, libiptc and QUEUEing
- From: mat rowlands <mat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SNMP mangling anybody?
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: SNMP mangling anybody?
- From: "FAIR, ED" <ef7193@xxxxxxx>
- How to reduce insert_failed error on conntrack ?
- From: Max Laverse <max@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: SNMP mangling anybody?
- From: "FAIR, ED" <ef7193@xxxxxxx>
- Re: SNMP mangling anybody?
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- SNMP mangling anybody?
- From: "FAIR, ED" <ef7193@xxxxxxx>
- CGNAT - Deterministic port ranges RFC7422
- From: Rafael Ganascim <rganascim@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fwd: How to enable Xen VM traffic using nft]
- From: Leonardo Bruno <leonardo@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packages leaving interface wrongly using loadbalance
- From: paulo bruck <paulobruck1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why is the bugzilla private?
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Ingress by adapter group ID instead of just adapter?
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Why is the bugzilla private?
- From: Louis Sautier <sautier.louis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Counters for individual elements in maps and sets?
- From: Raymond Burkholder <ray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Counters for individual elements in maps and sets?
- From: Tomas Mudrunka <mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fwd: How to enable Xen VM traffic using nft]
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Counters for individual elements in maps and sets?
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ipset support for nftables?
- From: Thomas Winter <Thomas.Winter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fwd: How to enable Xen VM traffic using nft]
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packages leaving interface wrongly using loadbalance
- From: paulo bruck <paulobruck1@xxxxxxxxx>
- [Fwd: How to enable Xen VM traffic using nft]
- From: Leonardo Bruno <leonardo@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packages leaving interface wrongly using loadbalance
- From: paulo bruck <paulobruck1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packages leaving interface wrongly using loadbalance
- From: Mark Coetser <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packages leaving interface wrongly using loadbalance
- From: paulo bruck <paulobruck1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Counters for individual elements in maps and sets?
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: packages leaving interface wrongly using loadbalance
- From: Fatih USTA <fatihusta86@xxxxxxxxx>
- Counters for individual elements in maps and sets?
- From: Tomas Mudrunka <mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx>
- packages leaving interface wrongly using loadbalance
- From: paulo bruck <paulobruck1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Is libnetfilter_queue works in container?
- From: Muneyuki KAWATANI <kawatani.muneyuki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Why NFQUEUE doesn't use source port number on hashing.
- From: Muneyuki KAWATANI <kawatani.muneyuki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic shaping with nftables maps and tc
- From: Tomas Mudrunka <mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic shaping with nftables maps and tc
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Matching daddr and saddr in single rule?
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Matching daddr and saddr in single rule?
- From: Tomas Mudrunka <mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic shaping with nftables maps and tc
- From: Tomas Mudrunka <mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic shaping with nftables maps and tc
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic shaping with nftables maps and tc
- From: Tomas Mudrunka <mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx>
- Traffic shaping with nftables maps and tc
- From: Tomas Mudrunka <mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx>
- HW accelerated DPI hardware and software for module x86 ?
- From: Jan Rovner <jan.rovner@xxxxxxxxxx>
- How to enable Xen VM traffic using nft
- From: Leonardo Bruno <leonardo@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to enable jhash for nftables v0.8
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to enable jhash for nftables v0.8
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to enable jhash for nftables v0.8
- From: Laura García Liébana <laura.garcia@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to enable jhash for nftables v0.8
- From: Zheng konia <konianet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CONNMARK not working ?
- From: paulo bruck <paulobruck1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is "--ctstate RELATED" deprecated ?
- From: Knute Johnson <groups@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: CONNMARK not working ?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is "--ctstate RELATED" deprecated ?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Is "--ctstate RELATED" deprecated ?
- nfqueue "match"
- From: James <vger_tracker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- CONNMARK not working ?
- From: paulo bruck <paulobruck1@xxxxxxxxx>
- What is the best way to contribute to
- From: "Frank A. Cancio Bello" <frank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and NAT rules behaviour on return path
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and NAT rules behaviour on return path
- From: modano <modano@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and NAT rules behaviour on return path
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- conntrack and NAT rules behaviour on return path
- From: LB <netfilter@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can I use iptables instead of hosts to block adservers?
- From: Imran Geriskovan <imran.geriskovan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can I use iptables instead of hosts to block adservers?
- From: "Neal P. Murphy" <neal.p.murphy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can I use iptables instead of hosts to block adservers?
- From: Jean Weisbuch <jean@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Can I use iptables instead of hosts to block adservers?
- From: "Walter Dnes" <waltdnes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Probably bug detected with ip6tables in CentOS6 ...
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Probably bug detected with ip6tables in CentOS6 ...
- From: "Walter H." <Walter.H@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Probably bug detected with ip6tables ...
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Probably bug detected with ip6tables ...
- From: "Walter H." <Walter.H@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Probably bug detected with ip6tables ...
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Probably bug detected with ip6tables ...
- From: "Walter H." <walter.h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] libnftnl 1.0.8 release
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] nftables 0.8 release
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] libnftnl 1.0.8 release
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- nftables equivalent for ebtables BROUTING trick?
- From: "Deposite Pirate" <dpirate@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why I can not use physdev module on iptables POSTROUTING chain?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why are two hash tuples stored for each connection in the connection tracking system?
- From: Will Sewell <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Why I can not use physdev module on iptables POSTROUTING chain?
- From: İbrahim Ercan <ibrahim.metu@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [nftables][ipv6] Header examination
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why are two hash tuples stored for each connection in the connection tracking system?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why are two hash tuples stored for each connection in the connection tracking system?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Possible nftables U32 equivalent to read packet's data contents
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why are two hash tuples stored for each connection in the connection tracking system?
- From: Will Sewell <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why are two hash tuples stored for each connection in the connection tracking system?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why are two hash tuples stored for each connection in the connection tracking system?
- From: Will Sewell <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [nftables][ipv6] Header examination
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why are two hash tuples stored for each connection in the connection tracking system?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why are two hash tuples stored for each connection in the connection tracking system?
- From: Will Sewell <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [nftables][ipv6] Header examination
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why are two hash tuples stored for each connection in the connection tracking system?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why are two hash tuples stored for each connection in the connection tracking system?
- From: Will Sewell <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Nftables bridge interface redirect to local machine
- From: "Evan Davies" <evan.davies@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why are two hash tuples stored for each connection in the connection tracking system?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why are two hash tuples stored for each connection in the connection tracking system?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Why are two hash tuples stored for each connection in the connection tracking system?
- From: Will Sewell <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.34 released
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Blog post: Per-IP rate limiting with iptables
- From: Will Sewell <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use Netlink to create a concatination based verdict-map element in nftables?
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPtables and HTTP/2-Push?
- From: "Walter H." <Walter.H@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPtables and HTTP/2-Push?
- From: "Walter H." <walter.h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPtables and HTTP/2-Push?
- From: Imran Geriskovan <imran.geriskovan@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to use Netlink to create a concatination based verdict-map element in nftables?
- From: khawar shehzad <shehzad.khawar@xxxxxxxxx>
- IPtables and HTTP/2-Push?
- From: "Walter H." <walter.h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] ipset 6.33 released
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Change source or destination for packets arriving locally (for Direct Server Return)
- From: "Thomas Rosenstein" <thomas.rosenstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Change source or destination for packets arriving locally (for Direct Server Return)
- From: "Thomas Rosenstein" <thomas.rosenstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Change source or destination for packets arriving locally (for Direct Server Return)
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Change source or destination for packets arriving locally (for Direct Server Return)
- From: "Thomas Rosenstein" <thomas.rosenstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Change source or destination for packets arriving locally (for Direct Server Return)
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Change source or destination for packets arriving locally (for Direct Server Return)
- From: "Thomas Rosenstein" <thomas.rosenstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Change source or destination for packets arriving locally (for Direct Server Return)
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NFLOG Performance issues ...
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Change source or destination for packets arriving locally (for Direct Server Return)
- From: "Thomas Rosenstein" <thomas.rosenstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Change source or destination for packets arriving locally (for Direct Server Return)
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: An article on writing custom expression for nftables
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- An article on writing custom expression for nftables
- From: Xiang Gao <qasdfgtyuiop@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: difference between "meta l4proto tcp" and "ip protocol tcp"
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: difference between "meta l4proto tcp" and "ip protocol tcp"
- From: Louis Sautier <sautier.louis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nftables: difference between "meta l4proto tcp" and "ip protocol tcp"
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Change source or destination for packets arriving locally (for Direct Server Return)
- From: "Thomas Rosenstein" <thomas.rosenstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- nftables: difference between "meta l4proto tcp" and "ip protocol tcp"
- From: Louis Sautier <sautier.louis@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Possible nftables U32 equivalent to read packet's data contents
- From: Raul Martinez <mraul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NFLOG Performance issues ...
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Possible nftables U32 equivalent to read packet's data contents
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NFLOG Performance issues ...
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Possible nftables U32 equivalent to read packet's data contents
- From: Raul Martinez <mraul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Possible nftables U32 equivalent to read packet's data contents
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NFLOG Performance issues ...
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NFLOG Performance issues ...
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NFCT writing localhost conntrack entries too
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Possible nftables U32 equivalent to read packet's data contents
- From: Raul Martinez <mraul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NFCT writing localhost conntrack entries too
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- NFLOG Performance issues ...
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Getting "OUT OF ORDER" error
- From: pradeep <pradeep.malke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't override filter section OUTPUT DROP / INPUT DROP Policy
- From: gazoxtapod <gazoxtapod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [nftables][git] Current nftables HEAD requires new version of libnftnl
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't override filter section OUTPUT DROP / INPUT DROP Policy
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Can't override filter section OUTPUT DROP / INPUT DROP Policy
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Can't override filter section OUTPUT DROP / INPUT DROP Policy
- From: gazoxtapod <gazoxtapod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dup to gretap
- From: Ben Higgins <bhiggins@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NFTABLES - Can we do filtering based on SRC address before doing DNAT
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Empirically determined limits on identifier name length
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPtables and String Match
- From: "Walter H." <walter.h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- NFCT writing localhost conntrack entries too
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- IPtables and String Match
- From: "Walter H." <walter.h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- NFTABLES - Can we do filtering based on SRC address before doing DNAT
- From: khawar shehzad <shehzad.khawar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Create set and/or chain accessible across multiple tables
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hints needed to find causes of non-specific error messages
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Empirically determined limits on identifier name length
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Stateful objects and nft version
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Stateful objects and nft version
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Empirically determined limits on identifier name length
- From: "Neal P. Murphy" <neal.p.murphy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Empirically determined limits on identifier name length
- From: Jeff Kletsky <jmk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hints needed to find causes of non-specific error messages
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hints needed to find causes of non-specific error messages
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Hints needed to find causes of non-specific error messages
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Create set and/or chain accessible across multiple tables
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Stateful objects and nft version
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- does nftable support double tagging vlan?
- From: Omer Anisfeld <omer.a26@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Create set and/or chain accessible across multiple tables
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Create set and/or chain accessible across multiple tables
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Create set and/or chain accessible across multiple tables
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Diagnosing "Error: NAT is only supported for IPv4/IPv6"
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "Test" mode for nft?
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Diagnosing "Error: NAT is only supported for IPv4/IPv6"
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Diagnosing "Error: NAT is only supported for IPv4/IPv6"
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPv6: unknown packet logged ...
- From: Mark Coetser <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPv6: unknown packet logged ...
- From: "Walter H." <Walter.H@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPv6: unknown packet logged ...
- From: Mark Coetser <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPv6: unknown packet logged ...
- From: "Walter H." <Walter.H@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPv6: unknown packet logged ...
- From: Mark Coetser <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPv6: unknown packet logged ...
- From: "Walter H." <walter.h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPv6: unknown packet logged ...
- From: Mark Coetser <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IPv6: unknown packet logged ...
- From: "Walter H." <walter.h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Diagnosing "Error: NAT is only supported for IPv4/IPv6"
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "Test" mode for nft?
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "Test" mode for nft?
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "Test" mode for nft ?
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- "Test" mode for nft?
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Unable to create set -- neftilter v0.5 on Ubuntu
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why can't we use DNAT in the INPUT Chain?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why can't we use DNAT in the INPUT Chain?
- From: khawar shehzad <shehzad.khawar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Unable to create set -- neftilter v0.5 on Ubuntu
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Unable to create set -- neftilter v0.5 on Ubuntu
- From: Jeff Kletsky <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why can't we use DNAT in the INPUT Chain?
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Failure with when building libnftnl
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Failure with when building libnftnl
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why can't we use DNAT in the INPUT Chain?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why can't we use DNAT in the INPUT Chain?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why can't we use DNAT in the INPUT Chain?
- From: khawar shehzad <shehzad.khawar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why can't we use DNAT in the INPUT Chain?
- From: /dev/rob0 <rob0@xxxxxxxxx>
- Why can't we use DNAT in the INPUT Chain?
- From: khawar shehzad <shehzad.khawar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Omission in
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Question regarding flow table selectors
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH] man: use https for wiki link
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH] man: use https for wiki link
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nft and sip with debian 9 stretch
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nft and sip with debian 9 stretch
- From: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using sets for protocols ?
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Question regarding meta skuid
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Netfilter Study material
- From: Raymond Burkholder <ray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bridge Logging
- From: "Chris" <chris2014@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to Filtering and Queue the Packets of a Process using Iptable
- From: "Moh'd Reza Abbasi" <mr.mrabbasi@xxxxxxxxx>
- Netfilter Study material
- From: Sina Owolabi <>
- Bridge Logging
- From: "Chris" <chris2014@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error in IPSET : Unknown argument `skbinfo'
- From: /dev/rob0 <rob0@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error in IPSET : Unknown argument `skbinfo'
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error in IPSET : Unknown argument `skbinfo'
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Error in IPSET : Unknown argument `skbinfo'
- From: Akshat Kakkar <akshat.1984@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nft and sip with debian 9 stretch
- From: Eric Leblond <eric@xxxxxxxxx>
- nft and sip with debian 9 stretch
- From: Marc Neudorfer <marc.neudorfer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LXC and netfilter log
- From: aeris <aeris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error on
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using sets for protocols ?
- From: Eric Leblond <eric@xxxxxxxxx>
- Error on
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Using sets for protocols ?
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Question regarding meta skuid
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH] man: use https for wiki link
- From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Routing some packets different?
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Routing some packets different?
- From: "Walter H." <Walter.H@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Question regarding nft and tables
- From: Anatole Denis <anatole@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LXC and netfilter log
- From: Michal Kubecek <mkubecek@xxxxxxx>
- LXC and netfilter log
- From: aeris <aeris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Ampersand operator in wiki
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Question regarding nft and tables
- From: J Doe <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- tc show rate over ceil value
- From: "Paolo Malfatti" <paolo@xxxxxxxx>
- Adding verdict-map elements with concatenation using C
- From: khawar shehzad <shehzad.khawar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: recent module in nftables
- From: Perry Thompson <contact@xxxxxxxxx>
- Transport protocol agnostic way to multiplex ports and forward metainfo?
- From: Alexander Huemer <alexander.huemer@xxxxx>
- Re: recent module in nftables
- From: Martin Bednar <martin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: recent module in nftables
- From: James <vger_tracker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: recent module in nftables
- From: /dev/rob0 <rob0@xxxxxxxxx>
- recent module in nftables
- From: Perry Thompson <contact@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrackd exits during failover when there are around 30000 connections
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: conntrackd exits during failover when there are around 30000 connections
- From: "PATEL, SAMEER" <sameer.patel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrackd exits during failover when there are around 30000 connections
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: User defined chains to reduce/make more readable
- From: /dev/rob0 <rob0@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: conntrackd exits during failover when there are around 30000 connections
- From: "PATEL, SAMEER" <sameer.patel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- User defined chains to reduce/make more readable
- From: "Walter H." <walter.h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrackd exits during failover when there are around 30000 connections
- From: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- conntrackd exits during failover when there are around 30000 connections
- From: "PATEL, SAMEER" <sameer.patel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: quick cut-over iptables to firewalld
- From: /dev/rob0 <rob0@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: quick cut-over iptables to firewalld
- From: iptables@xxxxxxxxxxx
- quick cut-over iptables to firewalld
- From: iptables@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Questionable cBPF behaviour
- From: i.chudov@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: FTP NAT fails after kernel upgrade
- From: Bruno de Paula Larini <bruno.larini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FTP NAT fails after kernel upgrade
- From: Adel Belhouane <bugs.a.b@xxxxxxx>
- Re: FTP NAT fails after kernel upgrade
- From: Adel Belhouane <bugs.a.b@xxxxxxx>
- Re: FTP NAT fails after kernel upgrade
- From: Bruno de Paula Larini <bruno.larini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What wrong with snat in nftables?
- Re: FTP NAT fails after kernel upgrade
- From: Bruno de Paula Larini <bruno.larini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Distinguishing NAT(PAT) inbound frames when using IPsec Transport mode from multiple NAT(PAT) systems
- From: "Rajcan, Steven L" <Steven.Rajcan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FTP NAT fails after kernel upgrade
- From: Bruno de Paula Larini <bruno.larini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE]: New Coreteam Member Arturo Borrero
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What wrong with snat in nftables?
- Re: FTP NAT fails after kernel upgrade
- From: Adel Belhouane <bugs.a.b@xxxxxxx>
- RE: Distinguishing NAT(PAT) inbound frames when using IPsec Transport mode from multiple NAT(PAT) systems
- From: "Rajcan, Steven L" <Steven.Rajcan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What wrong with snat in nftables?
- FTP NAT fails after kernel upgrade
- From: Bruno de Paula Larini <bruno.larini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Distinguishing NAT(PAT) inbound frames when using IPsec Transport mode from multiple NAT(PAT) systems
- From: Noel Kuntze <noel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Distinguishing NAT(PAT) inbound frames when using IPsec Transport mode from multiple NAT(PAT) systems
- From: Noel Kuntze <noel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Distinguishing NAT(PAT) inbound frames when using IPsec Transport mode from multiple NAT(PAT) systems
- From: "Rajcan, Steven L" <Steven.Rajcan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What wrong with snat in nftables?
- From: Anton Danilov <littlesmilingcloud@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: cgroup match failing for synack packets
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- cgroup match failing for synack packets
- From: Amit Limaye <amit.limaye@xxxxxxxxx>
- What wrong with snat in nftables?
- Netfilter performance test dnat and forwarding
- From: Sharma Ganesh <ganesh.sharma@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hairpin NAT - possible without packet marking?
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hairpin NAT - possible without packet marking?
- From: zrm <zrm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Userspace HMARK sanity check?
- From: Joel Krauska <joel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why is --in-interface illegal in POSTROUTING?
- From: Anton Danilov <littlesmilingcloud@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hairpin NAT - possible without packet marking?
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hairpin NAT - possible without packet marking?
- From: "Neal P. Murphy" <neal.p.murphy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hairpin NAT - possible without packet marking?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Input interface not showing in iptables-save for mangle table
- From: Stuart Bailey <Stuart.Bailey@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hairpin NAT - possible without packet marking?
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hairpin NAT - possible without packet marking?
- From: "Neal P. Murphy" <neal.p.murphy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hairpin NAT - possible without packet marking?
- From: K <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Hairpin NAT - possible without packet marking?
- From: Robert White <rwhite@xxxxxxxxx>
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