Linux TCP/IP Netfilter
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- Help with set-mark and sip calls
- From: Alex Samad <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Trying to add RTP proxy extension
- From: Javier Gálvez Guerrero <javier.galvez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Trying to add RTP proxy extension
- From: Самусенко Андрей <samusenko@xxxxxx>
- Trying to add RTP proxy extension
- From: Javier Gálvez Guerrero <javier.galvez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to route per process?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] libnfnetlink 1.0.0 release
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- libnetfilter_queue+libnetfilter_conntrack: Performance
- From: Bruno Moreira Guedes <thbmatrix@xxxxxxxxx>
- SIP support on server side
- From: Самусенко Андрей <samusenko@xxxxxx>
- Re: How to route per process?
- Re: Problem with IPv6 tunnel
- From: Chris Hills <chaz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with IPv6 tunnel
- From: Chris Hills <chaz@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to route per process?
- [Libipq] packet_id what does it means?
- From: carrug <carrug@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with IPv6 tunnel
- From: David Balažic <xerces9@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with IPv6 tunnel
- From: Benedikt Gollatz <ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with IPv6 tunnel
- From: David Balažic <xerces9@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with IPv6 tunnel
- From: Benedikt Gollatz <ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with IPv6 tunnel
- From: David Balažic <xerces9@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with IPv6 tunnel
- From: Benedikt Gollatz <ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with IPv6 tunnel
- From: Benedikt Gollatz <ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 1.17 xtables woes
- From: Brent Clark <brentgclarklist@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: David Balažic <xerces9@xxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with IPv6 tunnel
- From: David Balažic <xerces9@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: workaround for no DROP in table nat ?
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] Xtables-addons 1.17 released
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE]: Release of iptables-1.4.4
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE]: Release of iptables-1.4.4
- From: Patrick McHardy <kaber@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE]: Release of iptables-1.4.4
- From: Patrick McHardy <kaber@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE]: Release of iptables-1.4.4
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE]: Release of iptables-1.4.4
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE]: Release of iptables-1.4.4
- From: Patrick McHardy <kaber@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE]: Release of iptables-1.4.4
- From: "Gabor Z. Papp" <gzp@xxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE]: Release of iptables-1.4.4
- From: Patrick McHardy <kaber@xxxxxxxxx>
- libiptc/.libs/libip4tc.o: file not recognized: Bad value
- From: Venkateshwarlu Vangala <vvenkat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: workaround for no DROP in table nat ?
- From: Amos Jeffries <squid3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: workaround for no DROP in table nat ?
- From: Vincent Bernat <bernat@xxxxxxxx>
- workaround for no DROP in table nat ?
- From: David Madore <david+ml@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Information of
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Mr. VITRY - ROUTE PATCH download problem
- From: geethanjali.ns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- [Fwd: REG:patch-o-matic download - ROUTE]
- From: geethanjali.ns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: How do we arp for NAT? Secondary IPs, proxy arp? something else?
- From: Jesse Molina <jesse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: REG: ROUTE Target
- From: vitry <>
- REG: ROUTE Target
- From: geethanjali.ns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Information of
- From: Joffily Ferreira <kelserific@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't the UDP source port change?
- From: Christoph Paasch <christoph.paasch@xxxxxxxxx>
- Why doesn't the UDP source port change?
- From: Mark Ryden <markryde@xxxxxxxxx>
- strange incoming speed behaver of hashlimit
- From: Dongsheng Song <>
- Packet, Netfilter and libnetfilter_conntrack
- From: Bruno Moreira Guedes <thbmatrix@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: blocking only https access
- From: Leonardo Carneiro <lscarneiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: blocking only https access
- From: Marek Kierdelewicz <marek@xxxxxxxxx>
- blocking only https access
- From: Leonardo Carneiro <lscarneiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to send pat of traffic through local gateway
- From: Александр <sss123next@xxxxxxx>
- Query: On the ordering of stateful rules over stateless rules best practice
- From: william fitzgerald <wfitzgerald@xxxxxxxx>
- Query: implicit TCP flag settings when filtering in a stateless manner
- From: william fitzgerald <wfitzgerald@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Port Forwarding
- From: Aleksander Kamenik <aleksander@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Rakotomandimby Mihamina <mihamina@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "new not syn" packets.. false positive?
- From: Technical Support <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query: iptables Conflict Policy Avoidance/Reduction
- From: william fitzgerald <wfitzgerald@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: "new not syn" packets.. false positive?
- From: Paul Evans <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query: iptables Conflict Policy Avoidance/Reduction
- From: Gáspár Lajos <swifty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- "new not syn" packets.. false positive?
- From: Technical Support <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Query: iptables Conflict Policy Avoidance/Reduction
- From: william fitzgerald <wfitzgerald@xxxxxxxx>
- Query: stateless versus statefull best practice choices
- From: william fitzgerald <wfitzgerald@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT + (libnfqueue || libipq): There are some documents about it?
- From: Bruno Moreira Guedes <thbmatrix@xxxxxxxxx>
- Can Blocking Reserved RFC1918 and RFC3330 Spoofing be simplified?
- From: william fitzgerald <wfitzgerald@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp and nat
- From: matthias <mensch0815@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack INVALID packets
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: what is the '-m' flag?
- From: Leonardo Carneiro <lscarneiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: what is the '-m' flag?
- From: Christoph Paasch <christoph.paasch@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: what is the '-m' flag?
- From: Ivan Petrushev <ivanatora@xxxxxxxxx>
- what is the '-m' flag?
- From: Leonardo Carneiro <lscarneiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Parts of firewall disappearing under load
- From: Chris <chris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Parts of firewall disappearing under load
- From: "Jason Pyeron" <jpyeron@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack INVALID packets
- From: Xesc Arbona <X.Arbona@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Parts of firewall disappearing under load
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Parts of firewall disappearing under load
- From: Chris <chris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Parts of firewall disappearing under load
- From: "Jason Pyeron" <jpyeron@xxxxxxxx>
- Parts of firewall disappearing under load
- From: Chris <chris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ipset nethash with cidr 32
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- NAT + (libnfqueue || libipq): There are some documents about it?
- From: Bruno Moreira Guedes <thbmatrix@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT + (libnfqueue || libipq): There are some documents about it?
- From: Eric Leblond <eric@xxxxxx>
- Re: Atomic get-and-watch of conntrack table
- From: Eric Leblond <eric@xxxxxx>
- Atomic get-and-watch of conntrack table
- From: Paul Evans <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- UDP filter with 2 public interfaces
- From: Flávio Costa <fcosta75@xxxxxxxxx>
- Possible bug in owner match
- From: vitry <>
- info on dequeue
- From: Fabio Marcone <fabio.marcone@xxxxxxx>
- ipset nethash with cidr 32
- From: Victor Safronov <vitek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT + (libnfqueue || libipq): There are some documents about it?
- From: Bruno Moreira Guedes <thbmatrix@xxxxxxxxx>
- SNAT and obsolete SAME
- From: Marek Kierdelewicz <marek@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: netfilter queue
- From: Vincent Bernat <bernat@xxxxxxxx>
- netfilter queue
- From: Michael Mefford <meffordm@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Saatvik Agarwal <saatvik.agarwal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Christoph Paasch <christoph.paasch@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Saatvik Agarwal <saatvik.agarwal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Christoph Paasch <christoph.paasch@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dumb question on NAT and multicast
- From: Richard Horton <>
- libnfqueue: What about performance?
- From: Bruno Moreira Guedes <thbmatrix@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Excluding IP from connection tracking
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Excluding IP from connection tracking
- From: Martin Millnert <millnert@xxxxxxxxx>
- Excluding IP from connection tracking
- From: "Dennis J." <dennisml@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do we arp for NAT? Secondary IPs, proxy arp? something else?
- From: Jesse Molina <jesse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Does nat rules take effect on local ip traffic?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables+nat+Tcp KeepAlive Problem
- From: Emiliano Romero <emilianoromero@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Does nat rules take effect on local ip traffic?
- From: Oskar Berggren <oskar.berggren@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Does nat rules take effect on local ip traffic?
- From: Oskar Berggren <oskar.berggren@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Saatvik Agarwal <saatvik.agarwal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Does nat rules take effect on local ip traffic?
- From: Sharevon <sharevon@xxxxxxxxx>
- Port Forwarding
- From: "Barry A Rich" <barich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: sachin sanap <sachin.sanap.1gb@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- prio advanced parameter
- From: Fabio Marcone <fabio.marcone@xxxxxxx>
- Re: TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Saatvik Agarwal <saatvik.agarwal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- TCP simultaneous open using iptables NAT?
- From: Saatvik Agarwal <saatvik.agarwal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT + (libnfqueue || libipq): There are some documents about it?
- From: Bruno Moreira Guedes <thbmatrix@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp and nat
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ftp and nat
- From: matthias <mensch0815@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- tc filters info
- From: Fabio Marcone <fabio.marcone@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active
- From: Elvir Kuric <omasnjak@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: access problem
- From: Leonardo Carneiro <lscarneiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT + (libnfqueue || libipq): There are some documents about it?
- From: Eric Leblond <eric@xxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Fabio Marcone <fabio.marcone@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Policy NAT, pools etc. Is netfilter for me?
- From: "George B." <georgeb@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Anatoly Muliarski <x86ever@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Policy NAT, pools etc. Is netfilter for me?
- From: "George B." <georgeb@xxxxxxxxx>
- NAT + (libnfqueue || libipq): There are some documents about it?
- From: Bruno Moreira Guedes <thbmatrix@xxxxxxxxx>
- Policy NAT, pools etc. Is netfilter for me?
- From: "George B." <georgeb@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Choices for virtual IP failover (was Re: Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active)
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Choices for virtual IP failover (was Re: Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active)
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Choices for virtual IP failover (was Re: Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active)
- From: Tore Anderson <tore.anderson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active
- From: Marek Kierdelewicz <marek@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Fabio Marcone <fabio.marcone@xxxxxxx>
- RE: Choices for virtual IP failover (was Re: Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active)
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Choices for virtual IP failover (was Re: Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active)
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active
- From: Eduardo Sachs <edu.sachs@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active
- From: Marek Kierdelewicz <marek@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active
- From: Eduardo Sachs <edu.sachs@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Fabio Marcone <fabio.marcone@xxxxxxx>
- Firewall in Load Balance - Active/Active
- From: Eduardo Sachs <edu.sachs@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do we arp for NAT? Secondary IPs, proxy arp? something else?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do we arp for NAT? Secondary IPs, proxy arp? something else?
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do we arp for NAT? Secondary IPs, proxy arp? something else?
- From: Robert Nichols <rnicholsNOSPAM@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do we arp for NAT? Secondary IPs, proxy arp? something else?
- From: Mike Wright <mike.wright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- errors with ebtables 2.0.8-2 in dmesg (tried OpenWRT)
- From: Linus Lüssing <linus.luessing@xxxxxx>
- Re: How do we arp for NAT? Secondary IPs, proxy arp? something else?
- From: Tore Anderson <tore.anderson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do we arp for NAT? Secondary IPs, proxy arp? something else?
- From: Jesse Molina <jesse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do we arp for NAT? Secondary IPs, proxy arp? something else?
- From: Jesse Molina <jesse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do we arp for NAT? Secondary IPs, proxy arp? something else?
- From: Tore Anderson <tore.anderson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How do we arp for NAT? Secondary IPs, proxy arp? something else?
- From: Jesse Molina <jesse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: hfsc guide
- From: Michal Soltys <soltys@xxxxxxxx>
- Ebtables NAT (OUTPUT)
- From: Stefano <stefano1981@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Anatoly Muliarski <x86ever@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: hfsc guide
- From: Ivan Petrushev <ivanatora@xxxxxxxxx>
- hfsc guide
- From: Fabio Marcone <fabio.marcone@xxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Fabio Marcone <fabio.marcone@xxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Anatoly Muliarski <x86ever@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Anatoly Muliarski <x86ever@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Robert L Mathews <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Anatoly Muliarski <x86ever@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Robert L Mathews <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re:(ebtables log) (DHCP) Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Miguel Ghobangieno <mikeeusa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re:(ebtables log) (DHCP) Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re:(ebtables log) (DHCP) Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Miguel Ghobangieno <mikeeusa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables to add same rule
- From: Sudarshan Soma <sudarshan12s@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Fabio Marcone <fabio.marcone@xxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Fabio Marcone <fabio.marcone@xxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Anatoly Muliarski <x86ever@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Fabio Marcone <fabio.marcone@xxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re:(ebtables log) (DHCP) Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Anatoly Muliarski <x86ever@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Fabio Marcone <fabio.marcone@xxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and priority
- From: Anatoly Muliarski <x86ever@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re:(ebtables log) (DHCP) Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Miguel Ghobangieno <mikeeusa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT64
- From: "Jorge Bastos" <mysql.jorge@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp port forwarding
- From: Leonardo Carneiro <lscarneiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Robert L Mathews <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (DHCP) Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ftp port forwarding
- From: Leonardo Carneiro <lscarneiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (DHCP) Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Miguel Ghobangieno <mikeeusa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (DHCP) Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- tc and priority
- From: Fabio Marcone <fabio.marcone@xxxxxxx>
- Re: (DHCP) Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (DHCP) Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Miguel Ghobangieno <mikeeusa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (DHCP) Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (DHCP) Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Miguel Ghobangieno <mikeeusa@xxxxxxxxx>
- MASQUERADE/SNAT problems for iptables > 1.3.7
- From: Andreas Haumer <andreas@xxxxxxxxx>
- Routing & NAT'ing PTPP VPN Problem
- From: "Matt" <Matt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT64
- From: Petr Pisar <petr.pisar@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- NAT64
- From: Tore Anderson <tore.anderson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Philip Craig <philipc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Philip Craig <philipc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Robert L Mathews <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Iptables statistic module and nth seems broken in
- From: Matthew Schumacher <mschumacher@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Miguel Ghobangieno <mikeeusa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Christoph Paasch <christoph.paasch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables to add same rule
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Ebtables ruleset isn't working, any ideas?
- From: Miguel Ghobangieno <mikeeusa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables to add same rule
- From: Miguel Ghobangieno <mikeeusa@xxxxxxxxx>
- iptables to add same rule
- From: Sudarshan Soma <sudarshan12s@xxxxxxxxx>
- Iptables only on specified interface
- From: Azher Mughal <azher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Ebtables build frames howto
- From: Ricardo Faria <ricardo.faria@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Anyone achieved BSD natd(8) compatibility with Linux netfilter or Solaris ipf - ie. single-address-on-same-interface bidirectional mapping to DMZ private subnet ?
- From: Jason Vas Dias <jason.vas.dias@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Anyone achieved BSD natd(8) compatibility with Linux netfilter or Solaris ipf - ie. single-address-on-same-interface bidirectional mapping to DMZ private subnet ?
- From: Jason Vas Dias <jason.vas.dias@xxxxxxxxx>
- Can someone PLEASE help me? Please please please? Re: Bridge firewall that allows ssh in, and allows http/https out, but nothing else... ebtable ruleset isn't working :(
- From: Miguel Ghobangieno <mikeeusa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Bridge firewall that allows ssh in, and allows http/https out, but nothing else... ebtable ruleset isn't working :(
- From: Miguel Ghobangieno <mikeeusa@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How to reset everything
- From: "Barry A Rich" <barich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Port Forwarding Question
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Port Forwarding Question
- From: Aaron Clausen <mightymartianca@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Anyone achieved BSD natd(8) compatibility with Linux netfilter or Solaris ipf - ie. single-address-on-same-interface bidirectional mapping to DMZ private subnet ?
- From: Brian Austin - Standard Universal <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Robert L Mathews <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] ipset-3.0 released
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Anyone achieved BSD natd(8) compatibility with Linux netfilter or Solaris ipf - ie. single-address-on-same-interface bidirectional mapping to DMZ private subnet ?
- From: Jason Vas Dias <jason.vas.dias@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Routing before LOCAL
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- conntrack and RSTs received during CLOSE_WAIT
- From: Robert L Mathews <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Routing before LOCAL
- From: Michael Douglass <mikedoug@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dead mailinglist ???
- From: Billy Crook <billycrook@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dead mailinglist ???
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dead mailinglist ???
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dead mailinglist ???
- From: "Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y)" <mihamina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Dead mailinglist ???
- From: Gáspár Lajos <swifty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use mark and connmark in one rule
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use mark and connmark in one rule
- From: Tino Keitel <tkeitel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use mark and connmark in one rule
- From: Tino Keitel <tkeitel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- netlink sockets and NETFILTER_FIREWALL
- From: Mark Ryden <markryde@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Port Forwarding Question
- From: Michele Petrazzo - Unipex <michele.petrazzo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Block outgoing spam from a network using iptables?
- From: Michele Petrazzo - Unipex <michele.petrazzo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: When do rp_filter happen?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- When do rp_filter happen?
- From: Oskar Berggren <oskar.berggren@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PostgreSQL x iptables
- From: Elvir Kuric <omasnjak@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How to reset everything
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Select chain from set?
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Select chain from set?
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: PostgreSQL x iptables
- From: "Slansky Lukas" <Lukas.Slansky@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Select chain from set?
- From: Susan Hinrichs <shinrich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Select chain from set?
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How to reset everything
- From: "Barry A Rich" <barich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Select chain from set?
- From: Susan Hinrichs <shinrich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Select chain from set?
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to reset everything
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems accessing port 3389
- From: Daniel Huhardeaux <daniel.huhardeaux@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Block outgoing spam from a network using iptables?
- From: Fredrik Strömberg <stromberg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Reg: TCP Packet Modification
- From: Subhadeep Ghosh <subhadeep.ghosh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Problems accessing port 3389
- From: Jack Lauman <jlauman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to reset everything
- From: "Barry A Rich" <barich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PostgreSQL x iptables
- From: Elvir Kuric <omasnjak@xxxxxxxxx>
- Port Forwarding Question
- From: Aaron Clausen <mightymartianca@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables 1.4.x and xt_recent: my rules have fallen and they can't get up!
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- PostgreSQL x iptables
- From: "Slansky Lukas" <Lukas.Slansky@xxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables 1.4.x and xt_recent: my rules have fallen and they can't get up!
- From: Weedy <weedy2887@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables 1.4.x and xt_recent: my rules have fallen and they can't get up!
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- iptables 1.4.x and xt_recent: my rules have fallen and they can't get up!
- From: Weedy <weedy2887@xxxxxxxxx>
- [announce] Xtables-addons 1.15
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Select chain from set?
- From: Susan Hinrichs <shinrich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Select chain from set?
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Select chain from set?
- From: Susan Hinrichs <shinrich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems with DNAT'ing in PREROUTING
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problems with DNAT'ing in PREROUTING
- From: Subhadeep Ghosh <subhadeep.ghosh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Select chain from set?
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Select chain from set?
- From: Martin Millnert <millnert@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ugly problem with ebtables
- From: "Juan Antonio" <pushakk@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ugly problem with ebtables
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: drop all packet on one interface of a bridge.
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Select chain from set?
- From: Oskar Berggren <oskar.berggren@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Limiting outbound connections and using the QUEUE target
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Limiting outbound connections and using the QUEUE target
- From: samsonpablo@xxxxxxxxx
- Re: Ugly problem with ebtables
- From: "Juan Antonio" <pushakk@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SNAT and multiple ISP problem
- From: Vlado Držík <vlado@xxxxxx>
- drop all packet on one interface of a bridge.
- From: mopsosforum <mopsosforum@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ugly problem with ebtables
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: Bruno Moreira Guedes <thbmatrix@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SNAT and multiple ISP problem
- From: Vlado Drz(ík <vlado@xxxxxx>
- Ugly problem with ebtables
- From: "Juan Antonio Rodriguez Moreno" <pushakk@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: "Jorge Bastos" <mysql.jorge@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: Daniel Huhardeaux <daniel.huhardeaux@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: "Jorge Bastos" <mysql.jorge@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SNAT and multiple ISP problem
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: Ivan Petrushev <ivanatora@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: Ivan Petrushev <ivanatora@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: Bruno Moreira Guedes <thbmatrix@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: "Jorge Bastos" <mysql.jorge@xxxxxxxxxx>
- SNAT and multiple ISP problem
- From: Maxim Koshelev <chuchelo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Should "Transparent web-caching" work with ppp0/pptp? (It doesn't...)
- From: Aleksey Tsalolikhin <>
- Re: Should "Transparent web-caching" work with ppp0/pptp? (It doesn't...)
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Should "Transparent web-caching" work with ppp0/pptp? (It doesn't...)
- From: Aleksey Tsalolikhin <>
- Re: Should "Transparent web-caching" work with ppp0/pptp? (It doesn't...)
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Should "Transparent web-caching" work with ppp0/pptp? (It doesn't...)
- From: Aleksey Tsalolikhin <>
- Dynamic IP address in a rule?
- From: "Paddie O'Brien" <paddieobrien@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Should "Transparent web-caching" work with ppp0/pptp? (It doesn't...)
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Should "Transparent web-caching" work with ppp0/pptp? (It doesn't...)
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Should "Transparent web-caching" work with ppp0/pptp? (It doesn't...)
- From: Aleksey Tsalolikhin <>
- Re: How to use mark and connmark in one rule
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use mark and connmark in one rule
- From: Gáspár Lajos <swifty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - Trying to understand "no longer support implicit source local NAT"
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use mark and connmark in one rule
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use mark and connmark in one rule
- From: Gáspár Lajos <swifty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use mark and connmark in one rule
- From: Tino Keitel <tkeitel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use mark and connmark in one rule
- From: Gáspár Lajos <swifty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use mark and connmark in one rule
- From: Brian Austin - Standard Universal <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to use mark and connmark in one rule
- From: Brian Austin - Standard Universal <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to use mark and connmark in one rule
- From: Tino Keitel <tkeitel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- module string doesn't work without any error
- From: Jedy <jedywu@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables - Trying to understand "no longer support implicit source local NAT"
- From: Data Shock <datashock@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to do nat filtering in
- From: "Jorge Bastos" <mysql.jorge@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to do nat filtering in
- From: Leonardo Rodrigues <leolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to do nat filtering in
- From: "Jorge Bastos" <mysql.jorge@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to do nat filtering in
- From: Leonardo Rodrigues <leolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to do nat filtering in
- From: "Jorge Bastos" <mysql.jorge@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Help to schedule nf_register_hook
- From: Bruno Fiss <bruno_fiss@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: "Lloyd Standish" <lloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Javier Gálvez Guerrero <javier.galvez.guerrero@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: warnings in current tree
- From: David Miller <davem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: "Lloyd Standish" <lloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: traffic shaping documentation
- From: Julien Vehent <julien@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: traffic shaping documentation
- From: "SISINT BA" <INFO@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: traffic shaping documentation
- From: Julien Vehent <julien@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: traffic shaping documentation
- From: "SISINT BA" <INFO@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: traffic shaping documentation
- From: Michele Petrazzo - Unipex <michele.petrazzo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: traffic shaping documentation
- From: Julien Vehent <julien@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack -E problem
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: warnings in current tree
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- traffic shaping documentation
- From: "Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y)" <mihamina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: warnings in current tree
- From: David Miller <davem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- warnings in current tree
- From: David Miller <davem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- how to connect from outside to several identical networks
- From: "Pablo Pita Leira" <pablo.pita@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack -E problem
- From: "Paddie O'Brien" <paddieobrien@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: "Lloyd Standish" <lloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack -E problem
- From: Gáspár Lajos <swifty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Javier Gálvez Guerrero <javier.galvez.guerrero@xxxxxxxxx>
- conntrack -E problem
- From: "Paddie O'Brien" <paddieobrien@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Javier Gálvez Guerrero <javier.galvez.guerrero@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Brian Austin - Standard Universal <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Javier Gálvez Guerrero <javier.galvez.guerrero@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: "Lloyd Standish" <lloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Learning iptables
- From: Amos Jeffries <squid3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: "Lloyd Standish" <lloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: "Lloyd Standish" <lloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: "Lloyd Standish" <lloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: "Lloyd Standish" <lloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Learning iptables
- From: Bruno Moreira Guedes <thbmatrix@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Learning iptables
- From: Leonardo Carneiro <lscarneiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Learning iptables
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Learning iptables
- From: Brian Austin - Standard Universal <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Learning iptables
- From: Leonardo Carneiro <lscarneiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: still can't route using fwmark
- From: Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- still can't route using fwmark
- From: "Lloyd Standish" <lloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FORWARD -P DROP + allow MSN
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FORWARD -P DROP + allow MSN
- From: "Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y)" <mihamina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: need help on *nat filter for multiple source IP
- From: no doubt <>
- Re: FORWARD -P DROP + allow MSN
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to block DHCPv4/v6, ARP, RADVD with ebtables/iptables on bridge?
- From: Petr Pisar <petr.pisar@xxxxxxxx>
- From: "Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y)" <mihamina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: need help on *nat filter for multiple source IP
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: need help on *nat filter for multiple source IP
- From: no doubt <>
- unregister_netdevice: waiting for tun1 to become free.
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT and a public IP
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: need help on *nat filter for multiple source IP
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: need help on *nat filter for multiple source IP
- From: no doubt <>
- Re: mask 10 -> 29
- From: Martin Millnert <millnert@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: mask 10 -> 29
- From: "Nikolay S. Rybaloff" <nowhere@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- NAT and a public IP
- From: sgmayo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: mask 10 -> 29
- From: Gáspár Lajos <swifty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- mask 10 -> 29
- From: "Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y)" <mihamina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about using iptables.
- From: Gáspár Lajos <swifty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- question about using iptables.
- From: Nicolas Grossi <nicolas.grossi@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to block DHCPv4/v6, ARP, RADVD with ebtables/iptables on bridge?
- From: Linus Lüssing <linus.luessing@xxxxxx>
- connection tracking problem ?
- From: Mekabe Ramein <mrmrmrmr@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Transparent bridge and proxy - with only lo?
- From: Gáspár Lajos <swifty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Doc Nielsen <docnielsen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: load balancing between ppp0 and ppp1, private IPs
- From: "Lloyd Standish" <lloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Simple routing over a single NIC
- From: Mark Hennessy <mark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Zhenwen Xu <helight.xu@xxxxxxxxx>
- NATed internal IP leaking
- From: "Paul Rice" <paul.rice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Andrew Schulman <andrex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: load balancing between ppp0 and ppp1, private IPs
- From: Brian Austin - Standard Universal <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- load balancing between ppp0 and ppp1, private IPs
- From: "Lloyd Standish" <lloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: need help on *nat filter for multiple source IP
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- need help on *nat filter for multiple source IP
- From: no doubt <>
- Thanks for Help ::: question about table filter, nat and mangle with chain default policy
- From: my mail <amfpg@xxxxxxxxx>
- From: Serega 555 <gold_dolphin@xxxxxxx>
- Re: question about table filter, nat and mangle with chain default policy
- From: Amos Jeffries <squid3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about table filter, nat and mangle with chain default policy
- From: my mail <amfpg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about table filter, nat and mangle with chain default policy
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- question about table filter, nat and mangle with chain default policy
- From: my mail <amfpg@xxxxxxxxx>
- The death of policy (WAS -> Re: [ANNOUNCE] Release of iptables-
- From: Gáspár Lajos <swifty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - full cone
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - full cone
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] Release of iptables-
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] Release of iptables-
- From: Vincent Bernat <bernat@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] Release of iptables-
- From: Payam Chychi <pchychi@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] Release of iptables-
- From: Eray Aslan <erayaslan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] Release of iptables-
- From: Eray Aslan <eray.aslan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] Release of iptables-
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Compiling ebtables statically or dynamically results in different behaviour
- From: Tim Verhoeven <>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] Release of iptables-
- From: Eray Aslan <eray.aslan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables - Trying to understand "no longer support implicit source local NAT"
- From: Data Shock <datashock@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables - Trying to understand "no longer support implicit source local NAT"
- From: Data Shock <datashock@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - Trying to understand "no longer support implicit source local NAT"
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Transparent bridge and proxy - with only lo?
- From: "bldrnorth@xxxxxxxxx" <bldrnorth@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - Trying to understand "no longer support implicit source local NAT"
- From: Mike Wright <mike.wright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables - Trying to understand "no longer support implicit source local NAT"
- From: Data Shock <datashock@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH] Fix selection of "LED" target in netfilter
- From: Alex Riesen <fork0@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables - Trying to understand "no longer support implicit source local NAT"
- From: Data Shock <datashock@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: esp mark not working
- From: Patrick McHardy <kaber@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH] Fix selection of "LED" target in netfilter
- From: Patrick McHardy <kaber@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] Release of iptables-
- From: "Dennis J." <dennisml@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] Release of iptables-
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Need some suggestions for doing l7 routing
- From: Pranav Desai <pranavadesai@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [netfilter bug] BUG: using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [00000000] code: ssh/9115, caller is ipt_do_table+0xc8/0x559
- From: "Paul E. McKenney" <paulmck@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [netfilter bug] BUG: using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [00000000] code: ssh/9115, caller is ipt_do_table+0xc8/0x559
- From: Ingo Molnar <mingo@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH] netfilter: iptables: lock free counters, PREEMPT_RCU=y fix
- From: Ingo Molnar <mingo@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH] netfilter: iptables: lock free counters, PREEMPT_RCU=y fix
- From: Stephen Hemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [netfilter bug] BUG: using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [00000000] code: ssh/9115, caller is ipt_do_table+0xc8/0x559
- From: Ingo Molnar <mingo@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [netfilter bug] BUG: using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [00000000] code: ssh/9115, caller is ipt_do_table+0xc8/0x559
- From: Ingo Molnar <mingo@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [netfilter bug] BUG: using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [00000000] code: ssh/9115, caller is ipt_do_table+0xc8/0x559
- From: Eric Dumazet <dada1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH] netfilter: iptables: lock free counters, PREEMPT_RCU=y fix
- From: Ingo Molnar <mingo@xxxxxxx>
- [netfilter bug] BUG: using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [00000000] code: ssh/9115, caller is ipt_do_table+0xc8/0x559
- From: Ingo Molnar <mingo@xxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - full cone
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Regression caused by commit "netfilter: iptables: lock free counters"
- From: David Miller <davem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables - full cone
- From: Hugo Miguel Mendes <est-h-mendes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] Xtables-addons 1.14
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] conntrack-tools 0.9.12 released
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Incoming traffic: TOS works; MARK doesn't
- From: Javier Gálvez Guerrero <javier.galvez.guerrero@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: poll() call gives POLLERR, then hangs
- From: Ingmar Schuster <ingmar.schuster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- esp mark not working
- From: Lewis Shobbrook <lew@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrackd and counters
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Regression caused by commit "netfilter: iptables: lock free counters"
- From: Stephen Hemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: filter bittorent and so on
- From: "Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y)" <mihamina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- filter bittorent and so on
- From: "Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y)" <mihamina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Regression caused by commit "netfilter: iptables: lock free counters"
- From: Patrick McHardy <kaber@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Regression caused by commit "netfilter: iptables: lock free counters"
- From: Patrick McHardy <kaber@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Regression caused by commit "netfilter: iptables: lock free counters"
- From: Roman Mindalev <r000n@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Regression caused by commit "netfilter: iptables: lock free counters"
- From: Eric Dumazet <dada1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Regression caused by commit "netfilter: iptables: lock free counters"
- From: Roman Mindalev <r000n@xxxxxxxxx>
- nf_conntrack entry lost after using ipq_set_verdict() with NF_ACCEPT
- From: Yun Lin <overcloud@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT and openvpn
- From: "G. Skillen" <g@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT and openvpn
- From: "G. Skillen" <g@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE]: Release of iptables-
- From: "Gabor Z. Papp" <gzp@xxxxxxx>
- [PATCH] Fix selection of "LED" target in netfilter
- From: Alex Riesen <fork0@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT and openvpn
- From: "G.W. Haywood" <ged@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: NAT and openvpn
- From: "Nikolay S. Rybaloff" <nowhere@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT and openvpn
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT and openvpn
- From: jason.faulkner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: NAT and openvpn
- From: "G. Skillen" <g@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: NAT and openvpn
- From: jason.faulkner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: relaying tcp traffic?
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Verify rules
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- NAT and openvpn
- From: "G. Skillen" <g@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Verify rules
- From: "Scott Miller" <srmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Verify rules
- From: Mike Wright <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Verify rules
- From: Mike Wright <mike.wright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Verify rules
- From: "Scott Miller" <srmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Verify rules
- From: Rob Sterenborg <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- relaying tcp traffic?
- From: John Conner <bs7799@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Verify rules
- From: Mike Wright <mike.wright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Verify rules
- From: Mike Wright <mike.wright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Verify rules
- From: "Scott Miller" <srmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Verify rules
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Verify rules
- From: Mike Wright <mike.wright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Verify rules
- From: "Scott Miller" <srmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Identifiying and modifying packets
- From: Kristian Evensen <kristian.evensen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Identifiying and modifying packets
- Re: Identifiying and modifying packets
- From: Kristian Evensen <kristian.evensen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Transparent bridge and proxy - with only lo?
- From: "bldrnorth@xxxxxxxxx" <bldrnorth@xxxxxxxxx>
- Identifiying and modifying packets
- RE: iptables - Trying to understand "no longer support implicit source local NAT"
- From: Data Shock <datashock@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- poll() call gives POLLERR, then hangs
- From: Ingmar Schuster <ingmar.schuster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: User specific ip addresses
- From: Andrew Schulman <andrex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: not ip address
- From: <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- User specific ip addresses
- From: "Robert M. Albrecht" <linux@xxxxxxxx>
- not ip address
- From: "Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y)" <mihamina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] Xtables-addons 1.13 released
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] Xtables-addons 1.13 released
- From: Jir(í Moravec <jim.lkml@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE]: Release of iptables-
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] Xtables-addons 1.13 released
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] Xtables-addons 1.13 released
- From: Changli Gao <xiaosuo@xxxxxxxxx>
- getsockopt with SO_ORIGINAL_DST failed with ENOENT
- From: Kai Wang <w2w2k2k2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Use string match to make routing decision on a proxy
- From: Pranav Desai <pranavadesai@xxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH]: drop packet without verdict from nfqueue after timeout
- From: Kuzin Andrey <kuzinandrey@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] Xtables-addons 1.13 released
- From: Robby Workman <rw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] Xtables-addons 1.13 released
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [Fwd: [ANNOUNCE]: Release of iptables-1.4.3]
- From: Patrick McHardy <kaber@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SO_ORIGINAL_DST failed with ENOENT
- From: Kai Wang <w2w2k2k2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fwd: Re: Re: [PATCH 2.4.37] iptables: handle IPT_RETURN from user target]
- From: Patrick McHardy <kaber@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fwd: Re: Re: [PATCH 2.4.37] iptables: handle IPT_RETURN from user target]
- From: Changli Gao <xiaosuo@xxxxxxxxx>
- HELP!! responded Tuple doesn't match after MASQUERADE, and marked as IP_CT_NEW,therefor no DNAT will be applied
- From: Yun Lin <overcloud@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RFC 4890 (icmpv6 firewall recommendations) and ip6tables
- From: Chris Hills <chaz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Outgoing redirection with iptables - TCP skips NAT?
- From: whiplash <whiplash@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables - Trying to understand "no longer support implicit source local NAT"
- From: Data Shock <datashock@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - Trying to understand "no longer support implicit source local NAT"
- From: Jonathan Knight <j.knight@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables - Trying to understand "no longer support implicit source local NAT"
- From: Data Shock <datashock@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Outgoing redirection with iptables - TCP skips NAT?
- From: Christoph Paasch <christoph.paasch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Outgoing redirection with iptables - TCP skips NAT?
- From: Kristian Evensen <kristian.evensen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Outgoing redirection with iptables - TCP skips NAT?
- Outgoing redirection with iptables - TCP skips NAT?
- From: Kristian Evensen <kristian.evensen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Fwd: Re: Re: [PATCH 2.4.37] iptables: handle IPT_RETURN from user target]
- From: Patrick McHardy <kaber@xxxxxxxxx>
- [Fwd: Re: Re: [PATCH 2.4.37] iptables: handle IPT_RETURN from user target]
- From: Haim Daniel <haim.daniel@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH 2.4.37] iptables: handle IPT_RETURN from user target
- From: Patrick McHardy <kaber@xxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH 2.4.37] iptables: handle IPT_RETURN from user target
- From: Haim Daniel <haim.daniel@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Destination MAC Address
- From: AMIT ARORA <amitarora.iitb@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: access problem
- From: Brian Austin - Standard Universal <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: access problem
- From: Leonardo Carneiro <lscarneiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Iptables port forwarding reset problem
- From: Zsolt Papp <pappzs@xxxxxxxxx>
- newbie question: log all packets to closed ports?
- From: Xin Huang <xhuang2001@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating an equivalent to ESFQ using flow classifier
- From: Andrew Beverley <andy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- access problem
- From: Leonardo Carneiro <lscarneiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Forwarding packets that have your IP as source
- From: Nick Martin <martinn6@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating an equivalent to ESFQ using flow classifier
- From: Tom Eastep <teastep@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Creating an equivalent to ESFQ using flow classifier
- From: "Nikolay S. Rybaloff" <nowhere@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Creating an equivalent to ESFQ using flow classifier
- From: Andrew Beverley <andy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: kernel 2.6.28/iptables <=1.4.2 not working together?
- From: "J.O. Aho" <trizt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: kernel 2.6.28/iptables <=1.4.2 not working together?
- From: Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: kernel 2.6.28/iptables <=1.4.2 not working together?
- From: "J.O. Aho" <trizt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Iptables special config
- From: Покотиленко Костик <casper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Iptables special config
- From: "Vitor António das Neves Pinto" <vpinto@xxxxxxxx>
- Iptables special config
- From: "Vitor António das Neves Pinto" <vpinto@xxxxxxxx>
- RE: Help with whitelist
- From: "Nikolay S. Rybaloff" <nowhere@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Help with whitelist
- From: "Joey" <Joey@xxxxxxxxx>
- Marking packets and using a different routing table from main
- From: Javier Gálvez Guerrero <javier.galvez.guerrero@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RFC 4890 (icmpv6 firewall recommendations) and ip6tables (was: ip6tables icmp conntracking on 2.6.18 vs 2.6.24)
- From: martin f krafft <madduck@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: torrent client traffic shaping question
- From: "Nikolay S. Rybalov" <nowhere@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ulogd2 / IPFIX
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Determining number of active connections
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- torrent client traffic shaping question
- From: Brent Clark <brentgclarklist@xxxxxxxxx>
- ulogd2 / IPFIX
- From: Andreas Bourges <andy-lists@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Determining number of active connections
- From: jason.faulkner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Determining number of active connections
- From: Erik Wasser <erik.wasser@xxxxxxxxx>
- Determining number of active connections
- From: jason.faulkner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: iptables bad byte counter?!?
- From: Erik Wasser <erik.wasser@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables bad byte counter?!?
- From: "G.W. Haywood" <ged@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables bad byte counter?!?
- From: Erik Wasser <erik.wasser@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables sporadic "sendmsg: operation not permitted" problem and packet loss
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables sporadic "sendmsg: operation not permitted" problem and packet loss
- From: "Dennis J." <dennisml@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: ULOGD: Log file size limitation?
- From: dstorvik <dstorvik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables sporadic "sendmsg: operation not permitted" problem and packet loss
- From: Gáspár Lajos <swifty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables sporadic "sendmsg: operation not permitted" problem and packet loss
- From: Dennis Jacobfeuerborn <d.jacobfeuerborn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: route local packages
- From: bsilva <bsilva@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] Xtables-addons 1.12
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with iptables-restore in iptables v1.4.3-rc1
- From: Pranav Desai <pranavadesai@xxxxxxxxx>
- Connection tracking/iptables problem
- From: Rich Rauenzahn <rrauenza@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] ulogd 2.0.0beta3
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- route local packages
- From: paulobruck1 <paulobruck1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] libnetfilter_queue 0.0.17 release
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] libnetfilter_log 0.0.16 release
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] libnetfilter_queue 0.0.17 release
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] libnfnetlink 0.0.41 release
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- conntrack modules in fedora
- From: "Andrew O. Zhukov" <andre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- conntrack_sip
- From: "Andrew O. Zhukov" <andre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Nated connection behavior
- From: Mr Vandeley <mr.vandeley@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] ipset-2.5.0
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Nated connection behavior
- From: Mr Vandeley <mr.vandeley@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ULOGD: Log file size limitation?
- From: Eric Leblond <eric@xxxxxx>
- ULOGD: Log file size limitation?
- From: dstorvik <dstorvik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- -j LOG not logging to /var/log/messages
- From: "Ethy H. Brito" <ethy.brito@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- -j LOG not logging to /var/log/messages
- From: "Ethy H. Brito" <ethy.brito@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: ULOGD: suddenly not recording ANY connections
- From: dstorvik <dstorvik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ULOGD: suddenly not recording ANY connections
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: conntrack-tools compile error on both 0.9.10 and 0.9.11
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ULOGD: suddenly not recording ANY connections
- From: dstorvik <dstorvik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- conntrack-tools compile error on both 0.9.10 and 0.9.11
- From: dstorvik <dstorvik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to block proxing https connection ??
- From: Julien VEHENT <julien@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ulog: losing packets
- From: Nick <vbox.nick@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ulog: losing packets
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re[2]: ulog: losing packets
- From: Alexander Kolesnik <alexander.kolesnik@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Help with Cisco VPN client in ipsec/tcp mode and iptables FW
- From: Alex Samad <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to block proxing https connection ??
- From: Piyush Joshi <pj.netfilter@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ulog: losing packets
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Howto setup one machine for specific ip pipe?
- From: sean darcy <seandarcy2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Howto setup one machine for specific ip pipe?
- From: sean darcy <seandarcy2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Howto setup one machine for specific ip pipe?
- From: Brian Austin - Standard Universal <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Howto setup one machine for specific ip pipe?
- From: sean darcy <seandarcy2@xxxxxxxxx>
- ulog: losing packets
- From: Alexander Kolesnik <Alexander.Kolesnik@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Statistic module nth problem
- From: John Lister <john.lister@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: statistic module
- From: John Lister <john.lister@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- nf_ct_tcp_be_liberal and a clustered bridge.
- From: Michele Codutti <michele.codutti@xxxxxxxx>
- [no subject]
- From: fabbione@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Fabio M. Di Nitto)
- Re: IP forwarding on iptables router box no longer working after Debian upgrade; can ping but not get http request from outside hosts
- From: "Adam J. Kessel" <ajkessel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IP forwarding on iptables router box no longer working after Debian upgrade; can ping but not get http request from outside hosts
- From: Adam Kessel <ajkessel@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IP forwarding on iptables router box no longer working after Debian upgrade; can ping but not get http request from outside hosts
- From: Brian Austin - Standard Universal <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IP forwarding on iptables router box no longer working after Debian upgrade; can ping but not get http request from outside hosts
- From: Ralf <rm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IP forwarding on iptables router box no longer working after Debian upgrade; can ping but not get http request from outside hosts
- From: Adam Kessel <ajkessel@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH] netfilter: remove some pointless conditionals before kfree_skb()
- From: Wei Yongjun <yjwei@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] conntrack-tools 0.9.11 released
- From: Robby Workman <rw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Conntrackd and UDP
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Second failover failure with conntrackd - INVALID packets
- From: Yoann Juet <yoann.juet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] conntrack-tools 0.9.11 released
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] conntrack-tools 0.9.11 released
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Conntrackd and UDP
- From: Michele Codutti <michele.codutti@xxxxxxxx>
- Policy based routing with iptables
- From: Chris Henderson <henders254@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] conntrack-tools 0.9.11 released
- From: Robby Workman <rw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- NAT: re-route localhost to otherhost
- From: Bill Brelsford <wbrels@xxxxxxxx>
- IP identification field changing with stateless NAT
- From: "Barry A Rich" <barich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Second failover failure with conntrackd - INVALID packets
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with conntrackd: TCP RST sent on NAT connections
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] conntrack-tools 0.9.11 released
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Second failover failure with conntrackd - INVALID packets
- From: Yoann Juet <yoann.juet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] conntrack-tools 0.9.11 released
- From: Robby Workman <rw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] conntrack-tools 0.9.11 released
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] conntrack-tools 0.9.11 released
- From: Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] conntrack-tools 0.9.11 released
- From: Robby Workman <rw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [SOLVED] But how then does a transparent proxy works?
- From: Sebastian Roemer <tengaman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] conntrack-tools 0.9.11 released
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- But how then does a transparent proxy works?
- From: "Sebastian R." <tengaman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What does the redirect target in detail?
- From: Jorge Dávila <jorgedavilalopez@xxxxxxxxx>
- What does the redirect target in detail?
- From: Sebastian Roemer <tengaman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Translate a network - solved
- From: Walter <walter@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Translate a Network
- From: Walter.Laub@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Problem with conntrackd: TCP RST sent on NAT connections
- From: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Cannot get data out of the QUEUE
- From: Ralf <rm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with conntrackd: TCP RST sent on NAT connections
- From: Michael Schwartzkopff <misch@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - how to create a rule that expires automatically
- From: Michael Schwartzkopff <misch@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - how to create a rule that expires automatically
- From: Mart Frauenlob <mart.frauenlob@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - how to create a rule that expires automatically
- From: "G.W. Haywood" <ged@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables - how to create a rule that expires automatically
- From: "Gilad Benjamini" <gilad.benjamini@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - how to create a rule that expires automatically
- From: Ivan Petrushev <ivanatora@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - how to create a rule that expires automatically
- From: Peter Renzland <peter@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - how to create a rule that expires automatically
- From: Colin Davis <col@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - how to create a rule that expires automatically
- From: Peter Renzland <peter@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables - how to create a rule that expires automatically
- From: "Gilad Benjamini" <gilad.benjamini@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - how to create a rule that expires automatically
- From: Colin Davis <col@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - how to create a rule that expires automatically
- From: Simon Gray <iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables - how to create a rule that expires automatically
- From: Ivan Petrushev <ivanatora@xxxxxxxxx>
- iptables - how to create a rule that expires automatically
- From: Colin Davis <col@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH v2] Re: problem with IPoA (CLIP), NAT, and VLANS
- From: David Miller <davem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: problem with IPoA (CLIP), NAT, and VLANS
- From: Jarek Poplawski <jarkao2@xxxxxxxxx>
- Two WAN interfaces. Route traffic based on --uid-owner
- From: Ярослав Винницький <yaroslav65@xxxxxxx>
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