Re: still can't route using fwmark

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Thanks for the reply, Thomas.  I've got iptables 1.3.8 because I downloaded it (and the patch-o-matic stuff) quite a while back when it was the most current version.  I'm using it because my kernel is not the stock Etch kernel (it is in fact a Ubuntu kernel, necessary to get a module that Debian removed over licensing issues).  I recompiled my kernel and installed itables 1.3.8 out of desperation, since I have studied this load-balancing  stuff pretty thoroughly and it seems what I have ought to work.

My kernel does not have a CONFIG_IP_ROUTE_FWMARK configuration setting!  Has this been absorbed into another configuration setting?  How can I be sure fwmark is working?  Judging by my setup, which is very simple, packets and connections are being marked, but routing is not affected by fwmark.

I have the kernel config options IP_NF_CONNTRACK_SUPPORT and XFRM_SUB_POLICY both set OFF.  Might this be a problem?


On Sat, 18 Apr 2009 02:23:15 -0600, Thomas Jacob <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:40:49PM -0600, Lloyd Standish wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am still having trouble doing load balancing over ppp0 and ppp1 for a Debian Etch PC (kernel, iptables 1.3.8).  I used patch-o-matic to update my kernel sources and recompiled the kernel, and compiled and installed iptables 1.3.8.  Also all the netfilter-related kernel configuration options I need are set, I believe.
> Why the strange versions? There are neither the ones that comes with Etch nor
> are they anything current? Anyway, Etch's stock kernel and iptables (2.6.18/v1.3.6 based)
> are fine for what you want to do.
> You need the iptables (conn)marking stuff, and advanced router + policy/fw routing,
> and that's all part of stock packages.
> /boot/config-2.6.18-6-686
> # CONFIG_IP_FIB_TRIE is not set
> dpkg -L iptables | grep -i mark
>  /lib/iptables/
>  /lib/iptables/
>  /lib/iptables/
>  /lib/iptables/
>  /lib/iptables/
>  /lib/iptables/
>  /lib/iptables/
>  /lib/iptables/
>  /lib/iptables/
>  /lib/iptables/
>  /lib/iptables/
>  /lib/iptables/
> Here's what I used some time ago to do something similar (either with Etch
> or maybe even Sarge), sending outgoing packets back to the router the
> corresponding incoming packets of a connection came from, for a single machine.
> #!/bin/sh
> iptables=iptables
> $iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -m mac --mac <ROUTERMAC1> -j CONNMARK --set-mark 1
> $iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -m mac --mac <ROUTERMAC2> -j CONNMARK --set-mark 2
> $iptables -t mangle -N TONET
> $iptables -t mangle -F TONET
> $iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -o <DEVICE> -d ! <LOCAL_NET> -j TONET
> $iptables -t mangle -A TONET -m connmark ! --mark 0 -j CONNMARK --restore-mark
> The route/rule stuff was more or less what you've got. If you want to
> forward packets for other hosts, this need to go into PREROUTING of
> course.
>     Thomas
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