Block outgoing spam from a network using iptables?

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I´m using iptables on a gateway for a lot of computers. I want to block spam that goes out through the gateway, namely, I want to block certain traffic to dport 25.

Scanning the contents of the emails is not an option, so I need some kind of rules that say something like "If ip-adress X sends more than Y emails within Z minutes, that ip will be logged and blocked from sending mail for C hours, and if the sending persists for D minutes, log that too".

I´ve googled my problem but have been unable to find much. I don´t expect a complete solution, just suggestions and hints. Although, a complete solution would be nice to study and learn from, if someone here is able to do it.

Maybe logging how many emails is impossible. If so, what is the best solution you can think of that doesn´t involve scanning the contents?

I found this but I don´t understand how it does what he says it does. - :

modprobe ipt_recent ip_list_tot=32 #ip_list_tot - defines the size of ip_recent file iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp –dport 25 -m recent –name SMTP –seconds 30 – update -j DROP iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp –dport 25 -m limit –limit 1/second –limit- burst 5 -j LOG –log-level info –log-prefix “smtp-log ”
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp –dport 25 -m recent –name SMTP –set -j ACCEPT

If this is the wrong list and I should look for help somewhere else, please say so.

Kind regards, stromberg--
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