Re: Second failover failure with conntrackd - INVALID packets

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Pablo Neira Ayuso wrote:
Pablo Neira Ayuso wrote:
Please, add the following line here to your scripts:

conntrackd -B -C /etc/conntrackd.conf

Let me now if that fixes your problem.
Updates? I'm intrigued with your problem. Some more info for
troubleshooting. You have the commands:

display internal cache (states that belong to this node)
# conntrackd -i

display external cache (states that belong to other nodes)
# conntrackd -e

While trigering fail-overs, you should see the same states in the
active's internal cache and the backup's external cache. If that does
happen, there's a problem somewhere.

I'm about to release 0.9.11 but before I'd like to close pending issues.

The issue is solved by adding "conntrackd -B" to my script. According to 
the logs, such instruction sends bulk update. What is it for exactly ?
Best regards,
fn:Yoann Juet
org;quoted-printable:;DSI Universit=C3=A9 de Nantes
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