Re: Problem with IPv6 tunnel

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2009/6/19 Benedikt Gollatz <ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Friday 19 June 2009, 14:03 David Balažic wrote:
>> One more thing: Where is the timeout for this set ?
> /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_generic_timeout I presume.

I have no netfilter dir under /proc/sys/net

(linux 2.4)

>> After the mentioned ping, the world can contact me for hours.
> That's much too long for the default setting of a timeout. AFAIK the heartbeat
> client must send keepalive packets every 300 seconds so the tunnel and
> connection tracking timeouts may influence each other.
>> I want to lower the timeout to a minute or so, so I can test the
>> setting without the need to wait hours for the timeout to happen.
> Why do you want to conntrack proto-41 packets at all?

I don't.
That is why I started this thread: How do I make proto 41 not being
screwed by netfilter ?

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