PHP Users
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setting cookie doesn't work,
Grega Leskovsek
file upload question,
Radio buttons problem,
how to pass variable argument list in a childconstructor to parent constructor, ideas wanted,
Ralph Deffke
newbie: how to return one iteration *per unique date (DAY!)* in a timestamp column?, Govinda
PHPGitAdmin Project Brainstorm, Daniel Kolbo
Notification system,
Dušan Novaković
PHP programming strategy,
Newbie: can't access a return value.,
clean url problem .htaccess,
Problem: Writing into Files?,
Parham Doustdar
Script to Compare Database Structures,
Matt Neimeyer
Can a range be passed to a query?,
Miller, Terion
Clean break.,
Paul Halliday
Namespace resolution performance implications, Andrew Mason
ForEach Range Problems,
Miller, Terion
String to Date Conversion Problem,
Alice Wei
2 ifs embedded?,
Miller, Terion
PHPBB Speed Issues,
Ashley Sheridan
Extract an element from XML,
Angelo Zanetti
PHP 5.2.9 + NCurses, Martin Scotta
Better Formatting Options?,
This isn't infinitely recursive is it?,
Matt Neimeyer
Formatting plain text file,
Skip Evans
PHP 5.3 IIS 5.1 not!, Fred Silsbee
regex - filtering out chinese utf8 characters,
Merlin Morgenstern
Freeing Memory,
Anton Heuschen
Word and UTF-8 (cyrillic, chinese, ...), Sascha Meyer
stdClass - A newbie question,
fileinfo returning wrong mime type for Excel files,
Christoph Boget
Page or URL function?,
Miller, Terion
Expand Variables in String,
Daniel Kolbo
Locating Bad Image Files, Floyd Resler
Asterisk anyone?,
Skip Evans
Getting rid of extra lines,
Miller, Terion
preg_match too greedy,
Ridiculous ..won't print or echo ...,
Miller, Terion
How to Install Roadsend Compiler on Fedora,
Javed Khan
Recall: Access Denied, Ernie Kemp
Access Denied,
Ernie Kemp
Message Board Recommendations,
GeoIP Character Encoding,
Argh Date problems,
Miller, Terion
Nitro PDF Form Element,
Dare Williams
Broken IF behavior? (Changing the branch changes the evaluation),
Matt Neimeyer
Creating/printing array issues,
Allen McCabe
str_to_date equivalent in PHP,
First of my Quark/php generated Questions,
Miller, Terion
Multiple MySQL Queries,
Making several variables into 1 variable,
Miller, Terion
Font problem,
Dušan Novaković
newbie: problem with $_Post[],
Single Quotes in Form Inputs,
Ben Miller
Imposing a range on what is stored in a session variable,
Miller, Terion
How to pull window to the foreground - Window Focus,
More on "JS alert that links to file",
tony mount
Correct code ?? PHP Basic pw athentication with mysql,
Jason Guritz
Saving server side file to local machine with JS,
Skip Evans
JS alert that links to a file,
Skip Evans
OOP Design Software,
Daniel Kolbo
scandir() permissions, kranthi
Language translation,
Skip Evans
prepending concatenating assignment operator,
Daniel Kolbo
PHP as Language,
Martin Scotta
Tidy question about the config args, Al
This is the kind of [expletives deleted] answer that is certain to prevent bugs being reported.,
Per Jessen
A form and an array,
Jason Carson
PHP: Writing to CD/DVD?,
Question on code profiling,
Andrew Ballard
Compare PHP settings of two different servers,
Dave M G
Renaming all variables in a repository,
Eddie Drapkin
[Fwd: Re: Undefined Index ...confusion],
Kyle Smith
Undefined Index ...confusion,
Miller, Terion
Structure of PHP files,
Sándor Tamás (HostWare Kft.)
Mediawiki's url confusion,
How to build an FF extension,
Javed Khan
help with stream filter, 白浩平
Calculating number of checkers (draughts) possible positions, דניאל דנון
newbie question - php parsing,
Sebastiano Pomata
unsetting a referenced parameter in a function,
Tom Worster
Client Side PHP,
Javed Khan
Session Confusion.,
Dare Williams
putenv usage,
Manoj Singh
Replace in a string with regex,
newbie - Is there a calendar module for date entry?,
Back again with query problems and row problems,
Miller, Terion
Doubt regarding session_destroy() in PHP 5,
Converting SQL Dialects,
Matt Neimeyer
Search Query on two tables not working,
Miller, Terion
Traffic throttling,
Michelle Konzack
require/include fails with APC enabled, Ian Maddox
pre-screening pages before served?,
Chris Payne
file_set_contents() do several times?,
Martin Zvarík
PHP and FoxPro,
Floyd Resler
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