<,snip> > You can also do this right within MySQL without needing to create a variable. This should work: $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT restaurants.ID, name, address, inDate FROM restaurants, inspections WHERE restaurants.name != '' AND datediff(curdate(),inspections.inDate)>=30 GROUP BY restaurants.ID ORDER BY 'name' "; Take care, Floyd Ok I have to do the same thing again but with even more variables posted from a form I have a form where a user can choose a date range currently the form returns 6 variables (bmonth, bday, byear, emonth, eday, eyear) now I have to take those and get them all formatted together (well the bmonth, bday, byear together) in the mm/dd/yy format Wait can't I..... $month = $date(m, $bmonth) like that but then I still end up with 3 $month, $day, $year.... Does that work like that $date(m/d/y, $month, $day, $year) -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php