Re: Broken IF behavior? (Changing the branch changes the evaluation)

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Matt Neimeyer wrote:
> Background: I'm converting a webapp from Visual FoxPro as a backend to
> MySQL... However one part of our app (a system status checker) is
> common code between the versions.
> I've got the following function... In English (in case it's not
> apparent), if the version of the app is 2.0 or higher, then use MySQL
> functions, otherwise use the ODBTP function to connect to VFP.
> function my_fetch_array($result)
> 	{
> 	global $Version;
> 	if(version_compare($Version,"2.0",">="))
> 		{ $Ret = mysql_fetch_array($result); if(!$Ret) { } else { return $Ret; } }
> 	else	{ $Ret = odbtp_fetch_array($result); if(!$Ret) { } else { return $Ret; } }
> 	}
> This feels like a hack but works perfectly. Data is returned and all
> is right with the world. Until I added in extra "error reporting".
> When I change the if(!$Ret) portion as such...
> 	if(!$Ret) { die("myError".mysql_error()); } else { return $Ret; }
> It ALWAYS dies... and I see "myError" on the screen... If I change it
> like such...
> 	if(!$Ret) { } else { echo "notError"; return $Ret; }
> I always see the "notError" on the screen and $Ret gets returned.
> WHY does adding the die() inside the { } change the way the if is evaluated?
> By the way I've tested this on 4.4.x on OSX and Windows, and on 5.2.5
> on Windows...
> Thanks
> Matt

I'm assuming that you are calling my_fetch_array() in a loop of some
sort and so at some point there are no more records in the result.


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