Re: Imposing a range on what is stored in a session variable

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On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Shawn McKenzie<nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Miller, Terion wrote:
>> On 7/27/09 9:40 AM, "Jim Lucas" <lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Miller, Terion wrote:
>>> I want to store only 1000 records at a time in the session variable thought I could use a range(1,1000....
>>> How would you do this, store the first 1000 , then the second on refresh etc
>>> My snippet so far
>>> -----------------------
>>>                                             // Process all results into $_SESSION array                                                                       $position = 1;                                                                            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))                                      {                                      $_SESSION['fullRestaurantList'][$position] = $row;                                      $position++;                                                                             foreach(range('1','1000') as $c){                                                   ($position == $c)
>>>                                                     $_SESSION['totalNumberOfRestaurants'] = $c;                                      }                                                                                                                                                    }
>> Use the mysql function for this called LIMIT.  It LIMITs the amount of
>> data returned.
>> SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT 1000
>> 1. it will make your SQL calls much faster
>> 2. it will use less memory
>> But that limits results right, if a query generated more then 1000 records how would a user be able to access 1001 ..put the query in a loop?
> Bastien gave you all the info:
> You should look at paging the data here with the OFFSET portion of the
> limit clause
> Select * from restaurant [where clause]limit 1000, $offset
> where the $offset value can tell you where to start in the 17K rows of
> data so that in effect you show records 1-1000, 1001-2000,
> 2001-3000...then on the page, just provide a set of links of navigate
> the recordset by the user  [ << < 1-1000 1001-2000 2001-3000 > >> ]
> ***
> So you would generate page that had the first 1000 records and a Next >
> link that linked maybe to the same page with ?start=1001.  Then use the
> $_GET['start'] to generate the next set of results staring at 1001.
> --
> Thanks!
> -Shawn
> --
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