function toCamelCase( $string ) { return str_replace( ' ' , '', ucwords( strtolower( strtr($string, '_', ' ') ) )); } echo toCamelCase( 'this_is_not_properly_written' ); You can use this simplest function to translate a string to camelCase. The process could be... 1) parse by PHP 2) translate tokens to camelCase 3) writte the file with changes You can easily parse a php file using On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Eddie Drapkin <oorza2k5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hey all, > we've got a repository here at work, with something like 55,000 files > in it. For the last few years, we've been naming $variables_like_this > and functions_the_same($way_too). And now we've decided to switch to > camelCasing everything and I've been tasked with somehow determining > if it's possible to automate this process. Usually, I'd just use the > IDE refactoring functionality, but doing it on a > per-method/per-function and a per-variable basis would take weeks, if > not longer, not to mention driving everyone insane. > > I've tried with regular expressions, but I can't make them smart > enough to distinguish between builtins and userland code. I've looked > at the tokenizer and it seems to be the right way forward, but that's > also a huge project to get that to work. > > I was wondering if anyone had had any experience doing this and could > either point me in the right direction or just down and out tell me > how to do it. > > Thanks so much > --Eddie > > -- > PHP General Mailing List ( > To unsubscribe, visit: > > -- Martin Scotta