PHP Users
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- Re: Passing objects between pages, (continued)
- What is <?=,
- session cookies, domain (host:port) issues, anirudh dutt
- [ANNOUNCE] Proposed 5.1 Release Announcement, Ilia Alshanetsky
- Where is utypes.h ?, 张顺
- Regexp trouble,
Andy Pieters
- understanding session vars ?,
Gregory Machin
- http protocols defining what gets sent between web server and browser,
- readfile and get_file_contents don't work,
Richard K. Miller
- Code generators,
- preg_match_all for dummies,
Kristen G. Thorson
- Re: Is there an alternative for $_FILES['guildimage']['type'], eric van blokland
- Accessing Arrays in HTML,
- Autodeleting news when it has become yesterdays news,
- mysqli unclonable object,
Matt Monaco
- PHP and email,
Angelo Zanetti
- Is there a way to determine wich browser a visitor uses in php?,
- NTLM, PHP and Apache,
Joe Wollard
- Is there an alternative for $_FILES['guildimage']['type'] == "image/jpeg",
- Re: Is there an alternative for $_FILES['guildimage']['type'] == "image/jpeg", Andy Pieters
Unclonable objects, Matt Monaco
Execute a program from PHP CLI and allow user interaction,
Jasper Bryant-Greene
Sending Mail (newbie),
syntax checking?,
Bing Du
Assistance debugging php 5.x.x,
- Re: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, Curt Zirzow
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, Jay Blanchard
- Re: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, Eric
- RE: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, Jay Blanchard
- RE: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, Eric
- RE: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, Jay Blanchard
- Re: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, Eric
- RE: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, Eric
- Re: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, eric van blokland
- RE: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, Jay Blanchard
- Re: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, eric van blokland
RE: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, Jay Blanchard
RE: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, Jay Blanchard
RE: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, Jay Blanchard
RE: Assistance debugging php 5.x.x, Jay Blanchard
how to exist within the context?,
Bing Du
can bind but cannot search?,
Bing Du
readdir and mime types,
Graham Cossey
calling static methods of variable class names,
Ahmed Saad
GLOB sort order,
Mark Lucas
cms type session - how to ?,
Gregory Machin
PHP 5.0.5,
Ashley M. Kirchner
Including classes,
Philip Thompson
security question... "man in the middle attacks",
username format when binding to Active Directory?,
Bing Du
forking problem and logging off - solved, matt VanDeWalle
php 5.1rc6, oci8, and ldap, Robert Hopson
Regex for balanced brackets?,
Jeffrey Sambells
Trying to send data via POST,
Anders Norrbring
forking off in php,
matt VanDeWalle
Decision table/business rule parser?,
Geoff - Creative Living
Re: Decision table/business rule parser?, Jochem Maas
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: Decision table/business rule parser?, Jay Blanchard
PRINTing Problem with CheckBox, Chirantan Ghosh
Uploading more than one file,
RE: Cookie problem with IE,
Jay Blanchard
Sorting users geographically...,
Tony Di Croce
php5 call by refference,
Georgi Ivanov
Deployment and maintenance of php software,
Andy Pieters
Can't execute external program,
Voip tech
new to sessions, but learning,
matt VanDeWalle
Some good framework for new website,
Local PEAR install confusion,
Colin Andrews
imagecopyresized just copies,
Andy Pieters
showing in pages selecting result?,
Problem with the fwrite function (not as simple as it sounds though),
Łukasz Hejnak
Darwin Streaming Server and PHP, Graham Anderson
POST headers empty when using SSLProxyEngine,
Compile a stored code with php,
Khorosh Irani
shell command,
John Taylor-Johnston
I can't see my msgs..., xkorakidis
how can I CALL a PHP script from different TEXT LINKS with different PARAMETERS?,
how can I CALL a PHP script page from a TEXT LINK?, xkorakidis
Re: [PHP-DB] Drag and Drop with PHP and MySQL,
Joe Harman
Variables in Variables?,
Marquez Design
problem in create new diretory..,
ganu ullu
using ($test)?$true:$false in a string,
Problems with PHP5 & phpMyAdmin,
Russ F
Testing on the local server,
recursive queries-tree view implementation,
blackwater dev
testing on a local server,
add more features on working php?,
Bing Du
Real-Time Form Updating,
Sessions with IE Security Settings, James Whitt
Cookie problem,
Kristen G. Thorson
Leonard Burton
another simple array question,
cybermalandro cybermalandro
PHP 4.4.2RC1, Derick Rethans
Dynamic DB query - form display,
Adrian Bruce
Version question on WAMP setup,
SESSION expiry time setting,
Angelo Zanetti
php error message,
Edward Martin
Mail Injection- Which Mail function Parameters CORRECTED,
Chris Drozdowski
Mail Injection- Which Mail function Parameters, Chris Drozdowski
php + cURL issue,
Nate Nielsen
Does anyone here use the pecl extension APC?,
Jochem Maas
php related segmentation fault with Apache 2.0.55,
kristina clair
checkng if string is a number,
blackwater dev
Re: OS Detection, Rahul S. Johari
Suppressing Notices from imap_headerinfo()?, Mike Walsh
plese help,
Aftab Alam
Server Client Architecture, best parctice,
Yaswanth Narvaneni
Loading Images from PHP broken on Redhat Enterprise,
Kevin Smith
Permissions problems with Windows Authentication in IIS, Paul Kane
How to build a XML DTD on "the fly"?,
Erik Franzén
Formatting of a number,
Scott Parks
PHP PDO functions,
Yonatan Ben-Nes
Error Messages, Windows, and Tequila,
Jay Blanchard
better way to mix html and php code?,
APC caching keys.,
Jochem Maas
Portability, Compatibility and short tags, Jochem Maas
Query about gzinflate,
kumar kumar
Set Timezone to localtime in php.ini,
The Doctor
random row,
John Taylor-Johnston
include/include_once php_check_syntax() / E_PARSE errors,
Thiago Silva
Shared Memory Problem,
Yaswanth Narvaneni
Regex for Amateur Radio Callsigns,
Leonard Burton
Error "Command failed for target 'ext/xml/xml.lo'" during make process (Solaris 8),
Age Bosma
Catch warnings,
Mariano Guadagnini
wierd error,
Virtual Directory Support,
Brad Glonka
Deatailed Email Publishing Record, Chirantan Ghosh
Validating Email addrs,
Leonard Burton
网络商机能与传统商机结合起来吗?BA188,上网别忘了我, lqztgsxxz3
Is echo tag reasonably portable?,
Roman Ivanov
compiling php to use imagettftext,
Newbie to PHP5,
ignore: this is a test, adriano ghezzi
Template Question,
Leonard Burton
test, ignore, Roman Ivanov
Can't use secure file wrappers - Windows,
Chuck Anderson
Miles Thompson
Easiest way to user DomDocument->getElementById()?,
Erik Franzén
Walking through a bunch of MySQL Records,
Phillip S. Baker
Create a numeric hash from a text string?,
Brian Dunning
PHP Install problem,
split or explode quoted strings,
Ördögh László
Virtual includes of PHP into SSI pages.,
Neil Hoggarth
Help with Reverse Tree Traversal using Recursion ..,
Greg Schnippel
Changes from 5.0.4 => 5.0.5 (_SERVER variabes not defined)., Sean O Sullivan
PHP / MySQL Authentication class,
Alan Milnes
file get contents,
Savant question, Ligaya Turmelle
Good user comment system?,
Guy Brom
Page Update Script, Wolf
Zend + Eclipse + Standized Framework,
Dan Rossi
please shed some light on SQLsyntax error,
Bruce Gilbert
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