I hate to ask a simple question, but I have two issues installing PHP. I have XP SP 2 with IIS. When I ran the install php-5.2.3-win32-installer.msi, it said it could not access "httpd.config" and I would have to configure the web server manually. I could not find anything on the internet containing the error message. I get the same error when installing IIS API and IIS CGI. The other problem I have is when I attempt to display a page containing PHP, the browser displays an error. The error I was getting said "PHP has encountered an Access Violation". Now it's changed and says "No input file specified." Weird. If someone could shed light I'd appreciate it. Thanks -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php