PHP Users
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- Re: Re: Zend + Eclipse + Standized Framework, (continued)
- please shed some light on SQLsyntax error,
Bruce Gilbert
- Output_Buffer problem,
Todd Cary
- mod_rewrite and include paths,
Marcus Bointon
- Seg fault in PHP 5.0.5, Dean Householder
- Printing to a buffer,
Todd Cary
- php/linux user groups in the east bay area..,
- Recommendations for the Zend PHP Certification,
Gustavo Narea
- url query problem,
- emailing MySQL list not working,
Bruce Gilbert
- Question about session,
Bagus Nugroho
- What is the purpose of sessions extension?,
- fopen on windows,
Jay Blanchard
- Re: fopen on windows, Jasper Bryant-Greene
- Re: fopen on windows, Richard Lynch
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: fopen on windows, Jay Blanchard
- RE: fopen on windows, Nathan Tobik
- RE: fopen on windows, Jay Blanchard
- RE: fopen on windows, Ford, Mike
- RE: fopen on windows, Ford, Mike
- RE: fopen on windows, Jay Blanchard
- RE: fopen on windows, Jay Blanchard
- REQ: DOMDocument needs a way to format XML code,
Daevid Vincent
- arrays question,
cybermalandro cybermalandro
- Changing databases from MySQL to Oracle,
Janet Smith
- Cannot find bison and Flex even when those are installed,
- php session in ie,
sunaram patir
- sending/notifying a server process,
tony yau
- wanting to get host name instead of ip,
matt VanDeWalle
- xml-rpc and xml-rpci,
Alex Duggan
- Inserting a NULL value into MySQL via PHP,
- a code question..??,
- FORM not printing,
Chirantan Ghosh
- RE: FORM not printing, Jay Blanchard
simplexml_load_string always FALSE,
Scott Klarenbach
Text between two tags,
undefined index and php,
post and variables,
mod_rewrite, apache2, php5RC1 and osx bsd,
Dan Rossi
Error in reading and writing bytes,
kumar kumar
Gotta learn,
Joseph Szobody
Select and $_POST,
Unknown Unknown
Unable to send variables to MySQL table,
Stewart Priest
java .vs php,
R: [PHP] Using the echo tag..., Alan D'angelo - Media Beat Information Technology
PHP 5 && OO && performance && exceptions,
security code,
comment more than a question,
matt VanDeWalle
$pieces = explode(",", $_POST["fieldtype1"]);,
John Taylor-Johnston
Re: CascadeSelectAssoc, Vedanta Barooah
Session's across Domains...,
Tony Di Croce
Re: Session's across Domains..., Richard Lynch
Re: Session's across Domains..., James Benson
Attachments and SendMail(),
Todd Cary
A question...,
Tony Di Croce
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: a question..., Daniel Brown
PEAR on PHP 5+?,
Minuk Choi
Use of auto_prepend_file inside an Apache directory container,
Dan Trainor
Determining Built Configuration,
mail return-path problem,
Eric Butera
Query regarding total count of pages in a site....,
Suresh Pandian
php5 / php4 - MySQL/SQLite,
Command line vs Cron,
Dan Seibert
PHP 5 XML/XSL problem, Daniel Lowes
Security Issues - Where to look?,
Strange pg_escape_string behavior,
Using the echo tag...,
Paul Williams
Gustav Wiberg
Re: FileExists?, Richard Lynch
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: FileExists?, Jay Blanchard
form question??,
off, Freebird
Catch the WMV first frame picture in PHP script?,
張 峰銘
Creating PDF from a Image,
Manoj Kr. Sheoran
Mcrypt 3DES encrypt/decrypt Help,
Making functions available from another script,
Richard Leclair
Mysql & php & Load Data Infiles, Vizion
Line breaks in mail function?,
Murray @ PlanetThoughtful
PHP 5.1 release ?,
Dan Rossi
use SMB share to run php files,
italic, bold and underline with GD ?,
filemtime doesn't always copy correctly,
David T. Kotchen
phpmyadmin problems with quoting exported text,
Chris W
preg for unicode strings?,
Andy Pieters
php mac folder,
Template style question,
Leonard Burton
Re: Template style question, GamblerZG
Re: Template style question, Stephen Leaf
Re: Template style question, Richard Lynch
Adding to a numeric variable, how?,
Dotan Cohen
How can I track the value in php,
How to read Byte Stream,
kumar kumar
match by relevancy,
John Taylor-Johnston
Unsubscribing from several PHP lists, Murray @ PlanetThoughtful
Register Globals (more),
John Taylor-Johnston
No forums?,
Re: No forums?, John Nichel
Re: No forums?, Curt Zirzow
Re: No forums?, James Benson
Re: No forums?, Pranav Negandhi (concept-I)
Re: No forums?, Richard Davey
Re: No forums?, Richard Lynch
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: No forums?, Finner, Doug
Re: No forums?, Jay Blanchard
PGP 5 start up issue,
protect password?,
Bing Du
extracting from path/to/file.php/,
Leonard Burton
reg ex help,
conditional motion
Re: [PHP-DEV] php version of GD lib, Jochem Maas
[php] dependable combo boxes with mysql database,
Bhoomi Vora
PHP 4.4.1 on Apache 2.0.x issue,
Max Belushkin
to the freelancers!!,
client server question, bruce
Classes and Functions and If's (Problems Again),
Unknown Unknown
small windows odd problem,
matt VanDeWalle
Convert fake Unicode to real UTF-8,
Andreas Jakl
Can figure out whats wrong,
Anders Gjermshus
Re: Re: PHP from the command line, php
if statement help,
Jason Gerfen
SSL & normal sessions stored differently?,
Jesse Guardiani
PHP from the command line,
Robbert van Andel
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