On 5 Nov 2005, at 19:37, Ross wrote:
I have a setup question for php for mac.
I have shared my windows folder 'wwwroot' across the network but
when I
preview my .php file it connot find it because the specified php
folder on
the mac is
I suppose I have to change the php.ini to include the networked
folder as a
php location but i cannot find it.
I am not so sure of the file system with mac (just got it) and
cannot find
this folder/usr/local/php5. I can find 'User' and 'myname'
folders.Does Mac
have a show hidden system folders function like windows??
Any help with how I can run php files on the networked folder or
about the
mac folder system will be a great help.
about the mac:
you can user terminal to get there:
whereis php # maybe try this first
cd /usr/local/php5
or open finder and apple key + shift + g and type it in there.
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