Minuk Choi wrote:
I can't seem to get pear to work correctly.
if I type
[/]# pear install DB
I get the usage printed out back(no error message, no action)
and if I go to the PHP-5.0.4/lib/php directory, I get
[PHP-5.0.4/lib/php]# pear install DB
<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined function: getoptions() in
<b>/usr/bin/pear</b> on line<b>34</b><br />
I tried with PHP-5.0.3 and PHP-5.0.2 with the same result. With some
google-assisted digging, I found that PEAR/Command.php doesn't have a
getOptions function defined... but instead of me trying to overwrite a
file or two, I'd like to ask this question
Is PEAR broken with PHP5?
I mean, I tried re-installing it... (only PHP-5.0.2 - PHP-5.0.4) and
pear or pearcmd.php doesn't work. It worked fine for PHP 4, so I'm a
little surprised. Any insight?
do you have only php5 version installed? If you execute
$ php -v
what version do you get?
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