Open SSL Users
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- Re: error: ASN1_mbstring_ncopy:illegal characters, (continued)
- Changing library names?,
Paul Spencer
- self test on demand,
Prasad, PCRaghavendra via openssl-users
- RSA Real World Implementation,
Dingsi Bumsi
- Endianness of EVP_PKEY_encryp output,
Viken Kondakji
- FIPS and default vs base providers,
Thomas Dwyer III
- Re: Nessus is labeling the severity as medium,
Joslin, Jack via openssl-users
- CMS decrypt using streams still gives malloc error,
Patrick Herbst
- How to get NID value of a custom provider, Hareesh Das Ulleri
- Does algorithm fetching falls back if provider does not support algorithm parameters?,
Afshin Pir
- OpenSSL 1.1.1t cannot decrypt 1.0.2k-fips files,
Gary Li
- OpenSSL seeks feedback on draft mission & values statement,
Hugo Landau
- Help needed: "setting OSSL_PARAM Param[] values", Hareesh Das Ulleri
- Can OpenSSL 3.1.0 be compiled without atomic.h ?,
Dennis Clarke via openssl-users
- Status of the openssl-users mailing list,
Hugo Landau
- Migrating low level ec APIs from openssl1.1.1 to openssl3.0.7 high level EVP APIs,
Vishal Patil
- OpenSSL 1.0.2k EVP_PKEY decryption failing,
Viken Kondakji
- Setting up a PKI Environment using OpenSSL,
Newbie User
- OpenSSL 1.1.1 End Of Life Blog Post, Matt Caswell
- mailing list vs github,
Kenneth Goldman
- regularly failing CI processes,
Michael Richardson
- Reconstructing X509_STORE_CTX from SSL object,
Akshath Hegde
- Optimizations for Apple Silicon?,
Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
- _stdcall dlls, Peter Sylvester
- openssl: relocation error,
Horst Simon via openssl-users
- Re: openssl-users Digest, Vol 100, Issue 43, Administrator, RedTile.Com
- Composition of DES_CBC_SHA,
Ren Yanyu
- Re: openssl-users Digest, Vol 100, Issue 34, Administrator, RedTile.Com
- OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list,
Tomas Mraz
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Claus Assmann
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, The Doctor via openssl-users
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Mark H. Wood
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Graham Leggett via openssl-users
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Michael Richardson
- RE: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Kenneth Goldman
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Martin Burnicki via openssl-users
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, David von Oheimb
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Olivier Mascia via openssl-users
- RE: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Michael Wojcik via openssl-users
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Viktor Dukhovni
- RE: [EXTERNAL] OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Sands, Daniel via openssl-users
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, doa379
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Alon Bar-Lev
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Stephen Farrell
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Jordan Brown
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, James Chapman
- RE: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Dr. Matthias St. Pierre via openssl-users
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, doa379
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Quanah Gibson-Mount
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Amarendra Godbole
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Christian Heinrich
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Tomas Mraz
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Anton Sviridenko
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Jonathan Day
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Jonathan Day
- Re: OpenSSL project is considering to close this mailing list, Michael Richardson
- OAEP padding, MGF1 and SHA256, Viken Kondakji
- 80-test_pkcs12.t ...... skipped: Non-Greek system locale,
Olivier Mascia via openssl-users
- OpenSSL version 3.1.0 published, Matt Caswell
- RE: Problems importing keys and certs in Android.,
- Clarifications on RSA timing attack CVE-2022-4304,
Girish Yerra
- Need help with OpenSSL static library,
Jonathan Day
- Problems importing keys and certs in Android,
- pkcs12 cert and mac algorithms, Frank Corrao
- issue with X509_issuer_and_serial_hash returning different values under OpenSSL 3 (SORRY, wrong subject),
- issue with X509_get_issuer_name returning different values under OpenSSL 3, adv2011
- Re: [openssl 1.1.1n] ... SSL server send 4 certificates ... the 3rd one has NULL algor in its public key., Viktor Dukhovni
- RE: OpenSSL 3.0.x + Python 3.9.x + Enable FIPS- Need help/inputs,
Prasad, PCRaghavendra via openssl-users
- Blog post about the forthcoming 3.1, Matt Caswell
- encrypted client hello and openssl custom client hello extensions, Stephen Farrell
- [openssl 1.1.1n] My application acts as a SSL client and SSL server send 4 certificates in its Certificate packet and only the 3rd one has NULL algor in its public key.,
Ma Zhenhua
- Help required on openssl 1.1.1s to openssl 3.0.7 upgrade - Encryption decryption failing, Bhargava, Shweta via openssl-users
- 回复: openssl-users Digest, Vol 100, Issue 9, Ma Zhenhua
- Attaching a cipher to a EVP_MD_CTX?,
Hal Murray
- stunnel 5.69 released, Michał Trojnara via openssl-users
- OpenSSL 3.0.7 + Kernel Crypto API,
Hareesh Das Ulleri
- [Openssl 1.1.1n] application core dump while calling sk_X509_pop_free(s->verified_chain, X509_free);,
Ma Zhenhua
- Openssl-devel,
Devatha Naga Puneeth
- Stapled OCSP responses for intermediate certs,
Akshath Hegde
- Creating AES 256 and Diffie Hellman keys,
Newbie User
- Is this a bug in openssl provider?, Afshin Pir
- Cypher data blank or corrupted when encrypted using openssl 3.0.7, Bhargava, Shweta via openssl-users
- Need Help on OpenSSl 3.0.x and FIPS enablement,
Prasad, PCRaghavendra via openssl-users
- Generating PFX with 3DES,
Newbie User
- ms vs. seconds error in ticket lifetime check?,
Stephen Farrell
- Windows WSAPOOL Timeout Not Accurate when dtls 1.2 is enabled, mahesh b
- libcrypto failure on Openssh,
Hareesh Das Ulleri
- Pre-Check User Certificate for TLS,
Kreissl, Jochen
- EVP_enc_null() and the FIPS provider,
Thomas Dwyer III
- EVP_default_properties_enable_fips(),
Thomas Dwyer III
- Re: openssl-users Digest, Vol 98, Issue 8, Samiya Khanum via openssl-users
- Using RAND_status(),
Jayme Mikko Ancla
- Openssl compilation fails on Windows with nasm error: parser: instruction expected, Helde, Paavo
- openssl and pluggable engine digests,
Eugene M. Zheganin
- Why this error (should, from what I understand, be ok),
Karl Denninger
- Re: openssl-users Digest, Vol 99, Issue 26, Pierre-Luc Boily
- When is EVP_MD_CTX_reset() needed?,
Hal Murray
- HSM engine login command, Martin via openssl-users
- IXWebSocket wss c++ client cannot connect to Node.js wss server using an ip address,
Pierre-Luc Boily
- OpenSSL 1.1.1: How to get signature algorithm id? (no EVP_MD_FLAG_PKEY_METHOD_SIGNATURE),
Andrew Lynch via openssl-users
- FIPS compliance in OpenSSL v3.0,
Afshin Pir
- Query on upgrade from openssl 1.1.1s to openssl 3.0.7 for an application,
Bhargava, Shweta via openssl-users
- Slightly confused about change to x400Address in GENERAL_NAME, Bruce Stephens
- Has someone (partially) worked on ARM64EC builds for Windows?,
Olivier Mascia via openssl-users
- stunnel 5.68 released, Michał Trojnara via openssl-users
- OpenSSL version 3.0.8 published,
- OpenSSL version 1.1.1t published, OpenSSL
- How to access keys on HW tokens via PKCS11 Provider?,
Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
- Build problems on Windows - openssl3.07,
Samantray Bhuyan, Madhusudan (GE Digital)
Provider implementation providing client certificates during TLS,
Ladislav Marko
Patrick Herbst
OpenSSL custom provider seg fault on multithreaded application, Hareesh Das Ulleri
Partial SSL algorithm fetching from providers,
Afshin Pir
MD5 and FIPS,
Sands, Daniel via openssl-users
Setting Up CertStore for TLS Verification,
Kreissl, Jochen
Basic question about difference between AES256 and ED25519,
Looking for "EC_GROUP_to_params" function in OpenSSL 3,
Oliver Mihatsch
ASN.1 macros for composite structures,
Ladd, Watson via openssl-users
Issue with decryption of password protected video clips,
Bhargava, Shweta (CSW) via openssl-users
Statically linking custom provider to libcrypto,
Deividas Mozūraitis
Steffen Nurpmeso
warning from openssl-3.1.0-beta1 with Coverty, Hal Murray
urandom shm attack?,
D. J. Bernstein
OpenSSL with Linux kernel crypto API,
Hareesh Das Ulleri
Query on Openssh,
Deepti Sharma S via openssl-users
question about how to make the ECDSA PKey, Fernando Elena Benavente
Re: openssl-users Digest, Vol 98, Issue 7,
Samiya Khanum via openssl-users
Replacement for AES_encrypt,
Samiya Khanum via openssl-users
OpenSSL v1.1.1s - Segmenation fault on older Linux (ARM), Ismir Čolović
SSL_read() fails when using manually managed buffers,
Christian Mazakas
OpenSSL failed to verify cms document, Yehor Semeniaka
Custom Provider - OpenSSL 3.x with SSHD,
Hareesh Das Ulleri
An issue with EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey()?,
Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
Verify signature using RSASSA-PSS padding in OpenSSL 3, Martin via openssl-users
Creating an indefinitely-valid self-signed x509 certificate,
Jeremy Saklad via openssl-users
3.1.0-beta1: util/,
Hal Murray
ECDSA_SIG not works,
Fernando Elena Benavente
Re: openssl-users Digest, Vol 97, Issue 18, Pierre-Luc Boily
Error with ciphers -V 'ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL',
Pierre-Luc Boily
openssl verify with concatenated CA,
Bala Duvvuri via openssl-users
OpenSSL version 3.1.0-beta1 published, Tomas Mraz
Re: openssl-users Digest, Vol 97, Issue 15, Pierre-Luc Boily
undefined reference to `__atomic_is_lock_free',
Samiya Khanum via openssl-users
Re: openssl-users Digest, Vol 97, Issue 13, Pierre-Luc Boily
How to fix "OpenSSL failed - error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failed",
Pierre-Luc Boily
Re: How to fix "OpenSSL failed - error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failed", Viktor Dukhovni
Re: openssl-users Digest, Vol 97, Issue 9,
Jochen Bern
RE: Openssl 3.0.7 in Centos 7.9,
Ariel R.
"num" parameter and expected output buffer size in EVP_CipherUpdate,
Wiktor Kwapisiewicz via openssl-users
Im triying to find the FIPS self-test source code for HMAC and ECDSA, Fernando Elena Benavente
Custom Provider - EVP_CIPHER_fetch fails,
Hareesh Das Ulleri
BIO_read() crash,
Zhongyan Wang
OpenSSL version 3.1.0-alpha1 published,
how to programmatically specify the path of fipsmodule.cnf and load it in application without using openssl.cnf in OpenSSL 3.0, Zhongyan Wang
Async I/o with Handling the Threads in openssl, udhayakumar
TLS1.3 change_cipher_spec as part of application data,
Neelabh Mam
How to read encrypted PKCS#8 format key file,
Satyam Mehrotra
OpenSSL FIPS certificate #4282,
Thomas Dwyer III
EVP_PKEY_get_params strange behaviors, ryan
Upgrading OpenSSL on Windows 10,
Steven_M.irc via openssl-users
Question about migrating from d2i_ECPrivateKey() to d2i_PrivateKey(EVP_PKEY_EC, ...),
Nico Williams
OpenSSL 3.0.x iOS support, madhu bajpai
Regarding TLS call failure on Openssl3.0 with cipher : ECDH-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384,
Raman, Ina
X52219/X448 export public key coordinates,
ORNEST Matej - Contractor via openssl-users
OpenSSL AES Decryption fails randomly C++,
WuJinze via openssl-users
EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key fails with OpenSSL 3.0,
Support for -fvisibility=hidden in openssl 3.0,
Helde, Paavo
RedHat 8.6 misses symbol EVP_KDF with openssl 1.1.1l,
Matthias Apitz
Not able to retreive session ticket both at server and client level,
Sethuraman Venugopal
TLS 1.3 Early data,
Dirk Menstermann
Using OpenSSL with Kernel TLS,
Michael Elf
OpenSSL 3.0.7 make failure on Debian 10 (buster),
John Boxall
RSA padding scheme for EVP_SealInit() ?, Norm Green
Output buffer length in EVP_EncryptUpdate for ECB mode,
Wiktor Kwapisiewicz via openssl-users
OpenSSL 3.0.7 make test failed on AIX 7100-04, Zhongyan Wang
How to upgrade openssl from 3.0.2 to 3.0.7,
Anupam Dutta via openssl-users
Worried about the vulnerabilities recently found in OpenSSL versions 3.0.0 - 3.0.6.,
Steven_M.irc via openssl-users
ungrade openssl 3.0.2 to 3.0.7,
Anupam Dutta via openssl-users
Re: CVE-2022-3602 and CVE-2022-3786 Critical OpenSSL 3.0.x security vulnerabilities,
Tomas Mraz
issues with OpenSSL 1.1.1n,
Ray Crumrine
an oldie but a goodie .. ISO C90 does not support 'long long',
Dennis Clarke via openssl-users
stunnel 5.67 released, Michał Trojnara via openssl-users
Re: PGP key, Tomas Mraz
New Blog Post: CVE-2022-3786 and CVE-2022-3602: X.509 Email Address Buffer Overflows, Matt Caswell
OpenSSL version 1.1.1s published, OpenSSL
OpenSSL version 3.0.7 published, OpenSSL
issue with 1.1.1n,
Ray Crumrine
Quantum-Resistant Cryptographic Algorithms,
The Doctor via openssl-users
Re: Getting cert serial from an OCSP single response,
Alexei Khlebnikov
webpages not available,
James Muir
OSSL api example to write DH params, Samiya Khanum via openssl-users
New book about OpenSSL: Demystifying Cryptography with OpenSSL 3.0, Alexei Khlebnikov
Proper way to "update" an expired CA certificate, Leroy Tennison via openssl-users
How to handle TLS alerts,
SSL_read empty -> close?,
Felipe Gasper
Forthcoming OpenSSL Bug Fix Release,
Ing. Martin Koci, MBA
Message not available
Setting a group to an existing EVP_PKEY in OpenSSL 3,
Martin via openssl-users
OpenSSL 3 ECC Key use question,
Martin via openssl-users
CVE-2022-37454 SHA-3 buffer overflow,
Job Cacka
how to use session ticketing at client/server level, Sethuraman Venugopal
Re: openssl-users Digest, Vol 95, Issue 27,
רונן לוי
Fwd: Proper API usage with DTLS over custom net transport,
Павел Балашов file not found,
Gahlot, Ashish Kumar
OpenSSL 1.1.1 Windows dependencies,
David Harris
Re: OpenSSL 1.1.1 Windows dependencies, Richard Levitte
Re: openssl-users Digest, Vol 95, Issue 24,
רונן לוי
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