Hi all,the -aes256 part does not apply to generating RSA keys
What is the real difference between doing:
- openssl genrsa -aes256 ...
In general,
openssl genrsa
is the same as
openssl genpkey --algorithm rsa
- openssl req
- openssl x509
- openssl pkcs12
and doing:
- openssl genpkey -algorithm ED25519 ...
- openssl req
- openssl x509
- openssl pkcs12
for the creation of a self-signed PFX file ?
- Is the second way (ED25519 curve) a valid way of working?
- The purpose is to use the PFX file for encrypting emails with s/mime. Will the PFX created with ED25519 work equally well in a email client? Why?
most *modern* email clients will accept ED25519 keys but there are no guarantees. It will depend also on the CA used to sign the certificate in the step `openssl x509` . Also keep in mind that the receiving party will need to trust the CA certificate for the mail to be considered "secure".