@Michael Wojcik

I am using OpenSSL on Windows from: was expecting an exe installer directly by OpenSSL

The command though I would need to explore the suggestions in output. Also where can I see the standard umask table to use for the key usage type (incase required)

DH>> To generate the jointly established shared secret which is a symmetric key. Was wondering to achieve the same via OpenSSL, first generating the DH parameters and then using it further.
On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 1:00 AM Viktor Dukhovni <openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wed, Mar 01, 2023 at 08:06:06PM +0530, Newbie User wrote:
> Could someone share the standard commands to create these keys.
> Tried using OpenSSL for AES and it says deprecated key derivation used
> while creating AES.
> Also how can we achieve an entire use case of DH symmetric key while using
> asymmetric keys.