All you need is in the file. My cheatsheet follows. The big thing may simply be the no-shared switch in 5) below. If want to install to c:\Program Files (maybe you do maybe you don't) run VS2022 Developer Command Prompt for VS2022 as Admin Then (where opensssl3_x64_rel is at C:\prj\openssl3\opensssl3_x64_rel): no-shared for static libs (or at least no VCRUNTIME140.DLL) 1) new admin cmd (I believe this is only if doing a default nmake install which goes into "Program Files" so THAT would need admin) 2) gox64.cmd 3) vcvars64.bat <----------- or: vcvarsall.bat amd64 4) cd C:\prj\openssl3\openssl3_x64_rel 5) perl ..\openssl-3.0.x\configure no-shared VC-WIN64A 6) nmake 7) nmake test 8) nmake install DESTDIR=..\openssl3_x64_rel_DESTDIR where C:\tools\go>type gox64.cmd c: cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build" and 3.0.x where x is say 7, or 8.