Hello Geoff,
Try the following function, receive the serial number via the "pserial" pointer. But avoid changing the number via the pserial pointer because it points inside the OCSP_CERTID structure.
ASN1_OCTET_STRING **pikeyHash,
ASN1_INTEGER **pserial, OCSP_CERTID *cid);
Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards,
søn. 30. okt. 2022 kl. 23:50 skrev Geoff Swan <gswan3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Thanks Alexei,
I've got the OCSP_CERTID now, are there methods for getting the serial number as a string from this?
Something like this, which does not appear to work any more:
i2s_ASN1_INTEGER(NULL, cid->serialNumber)
- Geoff
On 2022-10-31 9:00 am, Alexei Khlebnikov wrote:
fre. 28. okt. 2022 kl. 05:25 skrev Geoff Swan <gswan3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
I'm trying to get the cert serial number (or the ocsp_certid structure)
from an OCSP single response
The following function gets you OCSP_CERTID from OCSP_SINGLERESP:
Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards,Alexei.