PHP Users
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- Re: Error loading module (zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex), (continued)
- pulling in template file in var and populating vars?,
blackwater dev
- Creating a Window without JavaScript that is on top,
Todd Cary
- Re: Regarding your class: POP/IMAP to RSS, Vedanta Barooah
- Reading data from SELECT in PHP,
- PHP 4.3.11, question about classes,
Michael Hulse
- HTTPS with NuSOAP,
Peter Lauri
- Howto Execute PHP as script owner/group without CGI?,
- PHP and Connection: Close,
Jon Anderson
- Is there a way to get multiple values for a single input in a form submission?,
- Function-returning array { OR } declare array at top of functions file?,
Michael Hulse
- RE: Advice updating MS Access data to remote MySQL host that only allowslocal access,
Brady Mitchell
- Standalone PHP Web apps procmail interface, Reuben D. Budiardja
- RE: Re: PDFLib or some free solution?,
Brady Mitchell
- open_basedir + Mass Virtualhost, DoM
- using DOM functions with embedded html / encoding,
- session vars,
João Cândido de Souza Neto
- Inserting data at runtime (php,mysql),
Peter Lauri
PEAR::SOAP on Windows not working,
Peter Lauri
is there a guide for pda friendly web pages,
Rick Lim
Re: is there a guide for pda friendly web pages, tedd
Message not available
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: Re: is there a guide for pda friendly web pages, Jay Blanchard
dunk $25 shipped,
2006-03-21 13:10:27
Retrieve large amounts of binary data from MySQL database in pieces,
Michael Thomsen
PERL Caller equivalent function,
Security in php/ajax scripts,
robert mena
Will PHP6 have threads (yet)?,
Daevid Vincent
Accessing data posted from a different URL,
René Fournier
- Re: Accessing data posted from a different URL, Manuel Lemos
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Accessing data posted from a different URL, Jay Blanchard
- RE: Accessing data posted from a different URL, Jay Blanchard
- RE: Re: Accessing data posted from a different URL, Jay Blanchard
- RE: Re: Accessing data posted from a different URL, Jay Blanchard
- RE: Re: Accessing data posted from a different URL, Jay Blanchard
- RE: Re: Accessing data posted from a different URL, Jay Blanchard
- RE: Accessing data posted from a different URL, Jay Blanchard
- RE: Re: Accessing data posted from a different URL, Jay Blanchard
- RE: Re: Accessing data posted from a different URL, Jay Blanchard
want authentic branded goods?,
2006-03-20 23:19:13
IntVal(float) Returns Different Values (Porting Delphi code to mix a block of data),
Get class name in static method,
Fatal error: Call to undefined function preg_match(),
array_search function bugged?,
je killen
SNMP problem is TCP,
Mail function problems,
Paul Goepfert
Leonard Burton
Paypal IPN and PHP,
Leonard Burton
showing any mysql query in a table, help!,
Merging two partially-transparent images results in black pixels,
Jason Young
no newline after "?>" in the resulting HTML,
Rostislav Krasny
Multiple inheritance: a technique, Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)
Updating a single line in a file,
PHP, SQL, AJAX, JS and populating a SelectBox?,
Daevid Vincent
- Re: PHP, SQL, AJAX, JS and populating a SelectBox?, David Dorward
- RE: PHP, SQL, AJAX, JS and populating a SelectBox?, Weber Sites LTD
- Re: PHP, SQL, AJAX, JS and populating a SelectBox?, Greg Beaver
- Re: PHP, SQL, AJAX, JS and populating a SelectBox?, dave
Re: PHP, SQL, AJAX, JS and populating a SelectBox?, tedd
Re: PHP, SQL, AJAX, JS and populating a SelectBox?, Manuel Lemos
set_time_limit(90*60) and still timing out after 5 minutes on Windows,
Dan Baker
$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] not set,
Jay Blanchard
Strangers characters and UTF-8 encoding, Arnaldo Gandol
Alright, how do you unsubscribe?,
Mike McGonagle
Converting a string,
Jay Blanchard
print page from php,
Reinhart Viane
PHP files in the SRC attribute of an SCRIPT element,
Karl-Heinz Christian Zeck
Re: Re: Date Question [SOLVED], Tom Chubb
RE: Re: How does one obtain the resolution of an image inPHP?,
Ford, Mike
Session from php in ASP,
making php code from db work,
double lines,
making a tutorial,
John Taylor-Johnston
testing 234,
John Taylor-Johnston
suresh kumar
Best practice to set up register_globals,
Nicolas Verhaeghe
MySQL NOT IN Query not working,
Kevin Murphy
VxWorks PHP port??,
Shawn N
IE quirk,
adding code and beginning and end without includes,
blackwater dev
RE: Two functions, one javascript, one php, one on_click event? [SOLVED], Jay Blanchard
Two functions, one javascript, one php, one on_click event?,
Jay Blanchard
yahoo webshosting,
help with setting menu styles with PHP,
Bruce Gilbert
How does one obtain the resolution of an image in PHP?,
Simon M. Campden-Main
umask is not being restored when each request is finished., Manuel Vacelet
Re: Re: REG-EXPR: Allowing limited number of special chars in usernames,
Holger Sunke
Detect calling function with debug_backtrace(),
Bikram Suri
Problems with SSI, Apache & PHP!,
Alberto Ferrer
Need shopping cart for online updating,
Lisa A
heredoc syntax vs Double-Quotes,
Chris Kennon
dumping array to file,
blackwater dev
HIgh score not up to scratch,
php 5 installation problem,
Message board integration with existing site,
CLI versus apache module,
Can I specify alternative php.ini in httpd.conf,
Re: RE: checking multiple URL parameters,
Class Variable Scope Question,
Mike Dunlop
regular expressions and Phone validation,
Paul Goepfert
GD2 gif resizing problem,
RE: [SOLVED] [PHP] date from YYYY-MM-DD to current date,
Shaunak Kashyap
date from YYYY-MM-DD to current date,
Dan McCullough
imap_mail_compose not working,
Karel Kozlik
Updating form,
Sugrue, Sean
how do i select this list,
REG-EXPR: Allowing limited number of special chars in usernames,
Holger Sunke
[NEWBIE GUIDE] For the benefit of new users,
Jay Blanchard
Last array element not found,
Roman Rumisek
to check idle time of users,
suresh kumar
string to integer conversion,
suresh kumar
dynamic form,
display array problem,
moving data from mssql to mysql on linux,
blackwater dev
Creating forms dynamically,
Paul Goepfert
PHP/Oracle : bug with accent...,
setcookie security concerns,
Is this password protection script secure?,
Execute a shell command using thttpd-php,
Nelson Carreira
Hostname Filtering,
Automatic authentication using browser's certificate, DeMZed
PHP code not functioning on search page, Bruce Gilbert
Looking for PHP SSO-engine,
Roger Thomas
array_search and multi-dimensional arrays,
Hidding HTML Input Elements values approach,
pedro mpa
Memory and BLOB's,
need a help to connect php to sql server . thanks admin.,
choe chii
Creating a unique index ID,
Re: Blogger post failed,
Jochem Maas
Re: [SPAM] [PHP] determining client's external IP,
Printing library in PHP ?,
robert mena
a .php that calls to itself (permission problems),
Andrés Cañada
php, fastcgi, mpm-worker and apache bottlenecks,
Dan Rossi
determining client's external IP,
David Calkins
Phone number validation,
Paul Goepfert
what would a c extension buy me,
mb_strpos index woes, joseph
PHP/CSS/Javascript question,
Paul Goepfert
recommendations for good breacrumbs script,
Bruce Gilbert
php_connect_nonb(), _-=MealstroM=-_
session register(),
suresh kumar
Why Session can't be timed out!,
王 振江
Possible hacker using php script to send e-mails?,
equivalent of perl's ithread,
database connection pool,
mktime month,
Mark Steudel
PDOStatement::execute() Return Values,
DB calls vs Session solution,
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