[snip] If the form is submitted from a web browser, the POSTed data IS available/visible (print_r) in the new web page. If the form--that is, any form--is submitted from an email client (any email client), the POSTed data IS NOT available/visible in the new web page. So... I can think of three explanations: 1. The email client (Mail or Outlook Express) is stripping the POST data on Submit. [/snip] Try it with a different mail client, such as Eudora, to confirm. [snip] 2. The web browser (Safari, Firefox) is stripping incoming POST data if it's coming from outside the application. [/snip] There would be no 'incoming' POST data to a browser. That is not how HTTP works. [snip] 3. PHP somehow knows if the form data is being POSTed from inside the web browser or not (and fails on the latter). [/snip] Doubtful. PHP knows nothing except for what it sees. If there is POST data, it sees it, if there is no POST data, it will not. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php