PHP Users
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- Re: DB calls vs Session solution, (continued)
displaying documents stored under web root,
Adrian Bruce
large file transfers,
Christopher Taylor
Extending a class with a static constructur (like PEAR::DB),
What is the effect of --enable-memory-limit,
Sockets ot smth like this, _-=MealstroM=-_
php-cgi limitations,
Max Schwanekamp
Understanding system multiple steps,
Mark Steudel
setting vhost or directory based options to php when using apache with php4-cgi, Christoph Anton Mitterer
the best way to get Apache/PHP to handle *all* requests, Nic
X-Mailer and headers when sending mail,
Angelo Zanetti
PHP + MMS Live Streaming + Protect URL.,
Gentil de Bortoli Júnior
Jon Morgan
Random permission strangeness,
Paul Scott
ebay/nusoap example?,
Make all emails links,
Benjamin Adams
Zoomable map,
php tests failures on windows,
Manish Marathe
preg_replace problem (or possibly bug),
Calling Curt Z, Curt Z to the white courtesy phone please,
.DAT file with PHP,
RE: .DAT file with PHP, jblanchard
Query : Facing Error,
Rahul sharma
Charsets ?,
Ruben Rubio Rey
Environment Variable,
test security of code,
Gregory Machin
Incremental Date Based ID,
Kevin Murphy
RE: LDAP and Single Sign On MORE THOUGHTS,
Building php-pcre extension on windows,
Manish Marathe
What am I missing?,
Gustav Wiberg
RE: LDAP and Single Sign On,
Shaunak Kashyap
max unique number,
Pieter du Toit
Poker stats GET/POST page devleopment,
The Doctor
Classes and OOP,
php and suid, Michelle Konzack
[Semi-OT] Online-Shops, Michelle Konzack
what is wrong with my big array,
include not working properly?,
robert mena
RE: LDAP - The Adventure Continues SOLVED, jblanchard
LDAP - The Adventure Continues,
Multiple directories in open_basedir, Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó
encrypt and decrypt in php,
suresh kumar
Re: Converting HTML to BBCode [SOLVED],
Mathematical CAPTCHA,
Louie Miranda
PHP Post to other Servers,
Robert Sandie
OpenSSL error:0E06D06C:configuration file routines:func(109):reason(108) ??!,
Daevid Vincent
Generating License Codes for Distribution, Bruce
PHP with FTP,
RE: Regexp matching in SQL,
Backing up emails and then forwarding them,
PHP4 with MYSQL5,
João Cândido de Souza Neto
X Tiger 10.4.5 + phpBB2 + MySQL 5 + Can't Connect Issue! - SOLVED!, m i l e s
X Tiger 10.4.5 + phpBB2 + MySQL 5 + Can't Connect Issue!, m i l e s
Is this possible with php,
Mace Eliason
Converting HTML to BBCode,
Detect where someone comes from,
Benjamin Adams
PHP4, domxml and xpath with Namespaces,
Markus Fischer
Convert all named entities into numeric character references,
Jacob Friis Saxberg
create xml root-element with xmlns and xsd link (using DOM),
Andreas Korthaus
How can I tell if an output stream is finished?,
Contact List Grabber, Ahmed Abdel-Aliem
help with this error message please,
[JOB] LAMP Developers, Los Angeles | 70-120k,
Beau Gould
[JOB] LAMP Developer, Washington, D.C. | 80k, Beau Gould
output Today's date,
Paul Goepfert
php/mysql/phpMyAdmin on an iBook?,
Paul Jinks
Is it better to return a multi-array, or an array of objects?,
Daevid Vincent
Mysql Rows,
Re: Mysql Rows, Miles Thompson
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: Mysql Rows, jblanchard
RE: Mysql Rows, jblanchard
RE: Mysql Rows, jblanchard
RE: Mysql Rows, jblanchard
RE: Mysql Rows, jblanchard
RE: Mysql Rows, Jim Moseby
Prepared statements,
Julius Hacker
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Prepared statements, Julius Hacker
Swedish sourgeforge for php-prg, Gustav Wiberg
Help with Acrostix, Jay Contonio
Coding Practice: Use global $var or pass in by refernce,
Mark Steudel
Beware of OS X PHP security update...,
Marcus Bointon
DOMElement::setAttribute() manual example question,
Andreas Korthaus
Problems with file(),
Julius Hacker
Displaying Form Errors,
Paul Goepfert
Only 4 of 5...,
Gustav Wiberg
APC and PHP 5.1.2,
LDAP confusion,
Backend selection (ADOdb lib), Olivier Cant
supressing warnings in error_log,
Jason Gerfen
Re: supressing warnings in error_log, Robert Cummings
echo'ing a variable and cat'ing text,
Adam Williams
System Administrator replies,
RE: Coordenates latitude / longitude on PHP,
How do I ...,
Anthony Rodriguez
Sendmail issue,
Dave Goodchild
PHP Calendar script,
Robin Hastings
url of code pasted, Remember14a
Php Setup Question,
Christopher Taylor
image in memory to mySQL,
subtract dates,
Benjamin Adams
binding adodb,
Raúl Castro Marín
internal error when mailing...,
Gustav Wiberg
preg_replace problem,
Benjamin Adams
Failed to open stream,
Mailto members..?,
Gustav Wiberg
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: Mailto members..?, Jim Moseby
RE: Mailto members..?, Jim Moseby
RE: Mailto members..?, Jim Moseby
ftp_get from an IBM Mainframe z/vm system ?,
Nils Reimann
leading slash in SCRIPT_NAME variable,
Roman Rumisek
PDO Changes from 5.0.x To 5.1.x,
Chris Drozdowski
Dynamic Form List - how to change values,
Editing an existing pdf?,
Jay Contonio
fopen failing, permission denied,
Dan Baker
Basic PDO Questions,
Chris Drozdowski
Different results in function on PHP 4 and PHP 5,
Stephen Lake
working with ini files,
Benjamin Adams
Session problem when upgrading from 4 to 5., Matthijs Dijkstra
usort(): The argument should be an array,
More CLASS help,
Jason Gerfen
About date & time...,
Gustav Wiberg
HOW update time and date-fields to mysql....,
Gustav Wiberg
html area,
Where to put my class files,
Peter Lauri
Strange slowdowns in PHP,
William Lovaton
move_uploaded_file and CPU wait state (IO),
Re: move_uploaded_file and CPU wait state (IO), Aleksandar Skodric
Optional pass-by-reference parameters?,
Class calling Class returning 'object',
Jason Gerfen
Sr. PHP Salary North Carolina,
Beau Gould
Expiring other resources with HTTP headers,
William Lovaton
classes and return values,
Jason Gerfen
URL output query,
Secure input,
PHP and Unicode, Foofy
Constant Scope,
Adrian Cid Almaguer
installing freetds, blackwater dev
Cookies in non-frame sites,
Parsing PHP variables in XML document,
Ivan Nedialkov
Atif Khan
Linux distributions and tools for Linux/Apache/PHP/MySQL dev,
Chris Lott
not sure, what now,
Expat + PHP Examples...,
Gustav Wiberg
Error compiling php 5.1.2,
Paul Reinheimer
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