Re: Random permission strangeness

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Paul Scott wrote:
On Fri, 2006-03-10 at 10:26 +1100, Chris wrote:

If you leave your browser open for 20 mins or something and then try to log in, does that replicate it?

Ah hah! The plot thickens!

It seems that I can:

1. Launch the app - thereby starting the initial session
2. Leave the session to time out
3. Log in - adding username and permissions to the *non-existant
4. Log out and voila! error.
So it seems that the session is timing out somewhere along the line, and
when it is going to be re-established, it can't because a fragment(?) of
it still kinda exists - in comes the error regarding cleanup of files.
If you can produce a small test case might be time for a bug report. It 
shouldn't give you "permission denied" errors.
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