PHP Users
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- Re: microsoft PHP ?, (continued)
Re: microsoft PHP ?, Kevin Waterson
Re: microsoft PHP ?, Ryan A
PHP AJAX Framework - Suggestions Please,
Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru)
utf8_encode failes?, Merlin
iconv returns blank string, not false,
MySQL close connection, what's the purpose?,
Martin Zvarík
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: MySQL close connection, what's the purpose?, tedd
Re: MySQL close connection, what's the purpose?, chris smith
Database Connections (cont..),
Ryan A
Image resizing problems,
John Nichel
File Types for Upload,
Kevin Murphy
Going loopy with arrays.....,
Jay Blanchard
- Re: Going loopy with arrays....., Anthony Ettinger
- Re: Going loopy with arrays....., Chris Boget
- Re: Going loopy with arrays....., Jim Lucas
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Going loopy with arrays....., Jay Blanchard
- RE: Going loopy with arrays....., Jay Blanchard
- RE: Going loopy with arrays....., Jay Blanchard
- RE: Going loopy with arrays....., Jay Blanchard
- RE: Going loopy with arrays....., tg-php
- RE: Going loopy with arrays....., Jay Blanchard
- Re: Going loopy with arrays....., tg-php
- RE: Going loopy with arrays....., tg-php
Failing to write to a file when a class is being implicitly destroyed,
John Wells
setting the same value to multiple variables,
charles stuart
dynamic loading and build configurations,
Mike Milano
Database connections,
Ryan A
I have a mktime problem,
Jay Blanchard
PHP: Fatal error: Allowed memory exhausted,
Instalation problem,
Mauricio Masias
HTTP status code,
Bronislav Klucka
HAXPLORER - any info?,
Charles Kline
Can "output_buffering" be set in a script?,
Todd Cary
Diana Castillo
upgrade of PHP failed,
Overloading Limitation- Can Someone Confirm?,
PHP 5 and XSLT again, MA
PHP4: calling method on returned object,
Karl Glennon
Outputting text "<?" how to?,
parent constructor,
A Problem!,
Tom Wong (Yakang Accessories)
FastCGI and --enable-force-cgi-redirect, Jimmy Scott
Chris Boget
Object oriented design,
Richard U
Array Question again,
cybermalandro cybermalandro
IP Address Filtering,
Rahul S. Johari
CURL_OPTION in foreach statement, Jose Lopez
one-liner with strtolower and array_walk()?,
Marten Lehmann
ojbect substitute for array map?,
Mark Steudel
Can't get XSLT on PHP,
White label with PHP?,
RE: private $foo [GONE WILD],
Jay Blanchard
validating ereg patterns,
Jared Nedzel
Array Question,
cybermalandro cybermalandro
Download problems,
Jay Blanchard
Word to txt,
Ministério Público
Date addition problem,
Adrian Bruce
[Fwd: Re: Re: Problem with IE and not displaying the correct images...],
Jochem Maas
require_once hell,
Adrian Bruce
Problem with IE and not displaying the correct images...,
Gregory Machin
About "wrapping" a forum into your own design.,
Script to sanitize variables,
Matt Arnilo S. Baluyos (Mailing Lists)
Not sure if this is a php problem or a mysql problem,
Paul Goepfert
Strange math results,
Random value from ini file,
Benjamin Adams
Div-element at same vert. position?,
Gustav Wiberg
private $foo,
Anthony Ettinger
php error reporting problem,
ngwarai zed
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: php error reporting problem, ngwarai zed
RE: php error reporting problem, Ford, Mike
RE: php error reporting problem, Ford, Mike
FW: php error reporting problem, Ford, Mike
PHP installation determination,
Bronislav Klucka
Re: PHP installation determination, Mike Milano
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: PHP installation determination, Shaunak Kashyap
PDO, Persistent Connections,
Jarratt Ingram
Dependent selections,
Raúl Castro Marín
Strip Tags and Content,
Ministério Público
imagecreatefromjpeg() uses too much memory,
Fredrik Enestad
Templates and partial rendering?, Sunstorm
call a php script in a php script,
nicolas figaro
object oriented syntax in php,
why is this newsroup server so slow?,
Problem wih mail() and attachment,
Dennis N.
How to create RSS feeds with PHP?,
page expire error,
suresh kumar
unset a constant,
word matrix,
Mike Dunlop
Text encoding,
David . Martinez
PHP|FLASH hit counter,
Tom Haschenburger
file_get_contents / url wrappers,
Mike Dunlop
$i vs. $r,
Kevin Murphy
--enable-radius, not found,
Mike Milano
where php at?,
- Re: where php at?, Warren Vail
- Re: where php at?, John Meyer
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: where php at?, Jay Blanchard
- RE: where php at?, Jay Blanchard
- RE: where php at?, Jim Moseby
- RE: where php at?, Jay Blanchard
- RE: where php at?, tedd
- RE: where php at?, Jay Blanchard
- RE: where php at?, Ryan A
- Re: where php at?, Rory Browne
- Re: where php at?, Ryan A
- RE: where php at?, Ryan A
- RE: where php at?, Ryan A
- RE: where php at?, Jay Blanchard
phpmailer subject line wierdness,
Mark Steudel
Why Should I Use Zend Optimizer?,
Jonathan Duncan
Pause script,
Pieter du Toit
cron via cPanel,
OT? - newbie php/xml/xsl question, ksmeeks
Irritating nayeem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Ryan A
Is there a mysql newsgroup like this php.general ANYONE?,
protecting passwords when SSL is not available,
Three quickies anyone?,
Ryan A
mysql query/$post problem,
mysql_fecth_array() and function call as parameter,
Paul Goepfert
array_search function bugged update errata, je killen
array_search function bugged? update,
je killen
Err wrong reply addr, PHP Mailer
Problem with app, condition not working.,
PHP Mailer
Oject passed via session error,
Peter Lauri
Creation and transfer of object thru session,
Peter Lauri
PHP Links,
Thomas Bonham
Test email,
PHP Mailer
deleting muliple feilds from a table using an array,
colored text in images,
Marcus Gnaß
Re: xdiff, Leonard Burton
Apache/PHP/MySQL/OpenSSL upgrade question,
Jason Gerfen
Fwd: Re: WG: Bitte weiterleiten,
Thomas Munz
opening .Z compressed file with php, nicolas figaro
How to ping a webserver with php?,
opening .Z archive with gzopen,
nicolas figaro
Re-arranging elements in an associative array, Fred Riley
security risk by using remote files with include(); ?,
Parents constructor,
Peter Lauri
PHP / Query trouble,
PHP Mailer
Formatting a Time field,
Todd Cary
Clinton, Rochelle A
Why does this work on one server, but not another?,
Re: Why does this work on one server, but not another?, Richard Lynch
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: Why does this work on one server, but not another?, tedd
RE: Why does this work on one server, but not another?, tedd
RE: Why does this work on one server, but not another?, tedd
help with smarty+cms,
Switching to UTF-8. Need help.,
RE: Letters in Loops,
why is PEAR::DB constantly initting connection?,
GD Library or PHP Function,
brian dichiara
undefined function error with lost password script,
Atrributes and NuSOAP,
Peter Lauri
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