Hi All I am having a bit of trouble with PHP arrays and would appreciate some help. I currently have the following piece of code $count=count($data->legs->leg); $k=0; while($k < $count) { $legrow[$k]=$data->legs->leg[$k]['legId'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['depApt'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['depTime'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['dstApt'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['arrTime'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['equip'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['fNo'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['cr'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['miles'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['elapsed'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['meals'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['smoker'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['stops'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['eticket']; $k++; } This works fine extracting the leg attributes from the legs array and putting the data into a new legrow array delimited by $VM. I can do a print_r($legrow); and I get the rows displayed correctly. I can also access any row by using $legrow[n] where n is the key number. What I want to do is to find a way of indexing the array using the legId as the key if possible. In other words I want to extract the row where the legId has a particular value where I do not know the row key. I have been thinking that this might be possible with an associative array but my attempts to do this have not worked. What I have tried is as follows $count=count($data->legs->leg); $k=0; while($k < $count) { $legrow["$data->legs->leg[$k]['legId']"]=$data->legs->leg[$k]['depApt'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['depTime'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['dstApt'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['arrTime'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['equip'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['fNo'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['cr'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['miles'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['elapsed'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['meals'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['smoker'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['stops'].$VM.$data->legs->leg[$k]['eticket']; $k++; } My thinking is that the $data->legs->leg[$k]['legId'] is the legId and I might use that as a key. This however does not work. I would appreciate some guidance on how I might get this to work. Regards Richard Luckhurst -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php