ah, perhaps you don't have a shell account. With a shell account you would
telnet to the server and enter the which command on the command line right
after your prompt, once you were logged on.
try creating a file called "which.php"
have it contain the following;
$result = exec("which php");
echo $result;
Upload it to your website and execute it in your browser. I uploaded it to
my RedHat Linux server and it showed the following;
good luck,
Warren Vail
At 11:05 AM 3/27/2006, tedd wrote:
Warren Vail said:
Looks like you have a unix machine, if you have a shell account you may
be able to use the command;
which php
to identify it's path.
John Meyer said:
If you're on a linux box, have you tried "which php"?
Where do I type in "which php"?
I'm dealing with a host account and I'm simply trying to find out where
php is so I can set up a cron job.
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