chris smith schrieb:
On 3/28/06, Merlin <news.groups@xxxxxx> wrote:
Hi there,
I am wondering if there are already tools out there which do
create RSS feeds on the fly with the help of PHP.
My goal would be to create RSS dynamicly out of a LAMP App. to
syndicate the results.
Are there any tools you know about?
This might get you started:
Postgresql & php tutorials
Hi Chris,
thank you for that hint. That worked excellent. There is just one small thing I
can not figure out. Including images into that feed. Using your mentioned
classes I have following code:
$rss_channel = new rssGenerator_channel();
$rss_channel->title = 'test';
$rss_channel->link = '';
$rss_channel->description = 'test';
$rss_channel->language = 'en-us';
$rss_channel->generator = 'RSS Feed Generator';
$rss_channel->managingEditor = 'info@xxxxxxx';
$rss_channel->webMaster = 'webmaster@xxxxxxx';
for ($i=0;$i<=$results_num;$i++){
$item = new rssGenerator_item();
$item->title = $ad[title][$i];
$item->description = $ad[text][$i];
$item->link = $ad[link][$i];
$item->pubDate = $ad[date][$i];
$rss_channel->items[] = $item;
$rss_image = new rssGenerator_image();
$rss_image->url = '/g/p/logo.gif';
$rss_image->title = 'image';
$rss_image->link = 'no link';
$rss_image->width = 88;
$rss_image->height = 31;
$rss_image->description = 'test image';
$rss_channel->image = $rss_image;
$rss_feed = new rssGenerator_rss();
$rss_feed->encoding = 'UTF-8';
$rss_feed->version = '2.0';
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo $rss_feed->createFeed($rss_channel);
The image will not apear no matter how I try it. Any idea how to do that?
Best regards,
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