I'm sure this is quite basic. Nonetheless I'm new to PHP so I haven't
figured it out.
I'd like to set each variable to the same value (without having to
set that value individually for each variable).
Thanks for the help.
if ( 1 == 1 )
$goodToGo = 0; $errorArray[] = "You must declare some goals on
Activity 1.";
// this block of code does not set each variable to "class=\"errorHere
$readingGoalsEnjoymentLabelClass &&
$readingGoalsInformationLabelClass &&
$readingGoalsAlphabeticLabelClass &&
$readingGoalsPrintLabelClass &&
$readingGoalsPhonologicalLabelClass &&
$readingGoalsPhoneticLabelClass &&
$readingGoalsComprehensionLabelClass &&
$readingGoalsVocabularyLabelClass &&
$readingGoalsInstructionsLabelClass &&
$readingGoalsCriticalLabelClass &&
$readingGoalsCommunicateLabelClass = "class=\"errorHere\"";
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