Jay Blanchard wrote:
Aarrrggggg -- no disrespect meant.
I'm totally and absolutely clueless and frustrated. It must be my age
because I haven't seen a command line since my Apple][ days -- let
alone one while doing web work.
I'm sitting in front of my computer accessing my remote web site via
ftp (GoLive) writing code and trying to set up a cron job using
cpanel to run that code.
Now, I have no idea of where I should type in "which php" -- I've
tried putting it in my cpanel cron jobs "command to run" box, but
that doesn't do anything.
Does anyone have any reference material of where a "command line of
the host" is?
Dagnabit! Contact your host provider, they will tell you.
If they offer a shell account. I *shudder* to think that as recently
as 1999 I was administering a remote mail/webserver in the Pac
NW from the center of the country via telnet.
Possibly they offer access via ssh (Secure Shell), but a lot of hosts
don't any longer --- many customers wouldn't know what to do with
it anyway (heh, their loss), and some customers who *do* know how
to use it are a tad too curious sometimes, I expect. I know I've seen
more than one big hosting company act like such things didn't
Kevin Kinsey
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