Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
Jochem Maas wrote:
Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
Jochem Maas wrote:
I think its a misunderstanding on the one side and a limitation on
the other,
you can't use overloading directly on items of an overloaded array e.g:
echo $tc->arr['a']
this is triggers a call to __get() with the $key parameter set to
something like
(I'm guessing) "arr['a']"
No, I'm pretty sure (too lazy and tired right now to test...) that if
you guess wrong :-) .. I couldn't resist testing it:
php -r '
class T { private $var = array();
function __set($k, $v) { $this->var[$k] = $v; }
function __get($k) { var_dump($k); }
$t = new T;
$t->arr = array();
$t->arr["a"] = 1;
echo "OUTPUT: \n"; var_dump($t->arr); var_dump($t->arr["a"]);
That's weird, because I did get around to testing it before I saw your
mail, and in my test it works as *I* expect (PHP 5.1.2)...
a couple of things: I tested on 5.0.4 yesterday (should have mentioned that)
- just tried on 5.1.1 and the behaviour there _seems_ to agree
with your premise ... but not completely; the outcome is expected but the
code doesn't do what I believe it should be doing with regard to
guarding against arbitrary crap into an object via __set() - I assume people
use __set() to protect variables, in the same way as 'normal' setters
are often used. I modified you test code a little - notice how __set()
is only called once (the second 'set' is actually a 'get'!):
class T {
private $array = array();
public function __get( $key ) {
echo "Getting $key\n";
return $this->array[$key];
public function __set( $key, $value ) {
echo "Setting $key\n";
$this->array[$key] = $value;
$t = new T;
$t->insideArray = array();
$t->insideArray["test"] = "testing!";
var_dump( $t );
Setting insideArray
Getting insideArray
object(T)#1 (1) {
array(1) {
array(1) {
string(8) "testing!"
I personally feel that the fact that $t->array['insideArray']['test'] is
being set (why does __set() seem to return a reference) is unwanted ...
it circumvents any variable checking logic I might have in __set()
how do like them apples? ;-)
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