I just posted a solution I used recently. Here it is:
One way to turn off magic quotes is to place a ".htaccess" file in
your root folder. It's simply a text file that contains:
php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0
php_value magic_quotes_sybase 0
php_value magic_quotes_runtime 0
It works for me.
It's at: http://www.weberforums.com/ftopic8718.html&highlight=
At 5:32 PM -0600 3/29/06, Chris Boget wrote:
I totally blew past that part with the sybase because we aren't
using sybase. I guess I should have paid more attention. I'm
curious why that directive affects general PHP code and not just the
sybase functions.
Oh, well.
Thanks for the heads up.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jasper Bryant-Greene" <jasper@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Chris Boget" <chris.boget@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: "PHP General" <php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: addslashes()
From http://php.net/addslashes :
"Having the PHP directive magic_quotes_sybase set to on will mean
' is instead escaped with another '."
Chris Boget wrote:
Can someone explain something to me:
<script language="php">
$string = "Bob's carwash's door";
echo 'addslashes(): ' . addslashes( $string ) . '<br>';
echo 'mysql_escape_string(): ' . mysql_escape_string( $string ) . '<br>';
addslashes(): Bob''s carwash''s door
mysql_escape_string(): Bob\'s carwash\'s door
According to the documentation
addslashes() should be doing exactly what mysql_escape_string is
doing above (namely, add backslashes in front of each apostrophe).
However, it's merely adding an additional apostrophe. Why?
I'm running 4.3.11 on Windows NT 5.2 build 3790.
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