Chris a écrit :
nicolas figaro wrote:
I'm using php 4.3.11 on linux RH9.
I'd like to open a .Z archive with gzopen.
I looked at the options of gzopen, but I'm not sure there is a way to
specify the compression used by compress/uncompress.
Has anyone ever tried and done this yet ? (without a
system("uncompress $file")
Since a compressed file isn't the same as a gzipp'ed file I'd guess
this won't work.
This might:
but it doesn't mention .Z files specifically.
Hi and thanks for the answer.
The package contains an uncompress function, but the goal was to open
the file withuout uncompressing it
(like the zcat command or gzopen function).
Or I can ask the guys who generates .Z files to generate .gz instead.
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