This is called a "nonce"[1], and the method you've described will
give you marginally less awful security than submitting a plaintext
password or an unadulterated hash of the password, but, obviously, is
in no way a substitute for real SSL. For instance, if this password
puts the session in a "logged in" state, an attacker with the
capacity to sniff the password can also sniff the "logged in" session
ID after authentication. You can potentially bind the login to IP,
but will prevent users behind rotating proxies from using your
service and may not protect users behind non-rotating proxies, and
the source IP for a request can be spoofed. Alternatively, you can
require the password for any action requiring authorization (and
never put the user in a "logged in" state), but this will impose
substantial constraints on your design. And, of course, an attacker
can still observe any other data you transmit.
If you implement nonced password transmission, absolutely ensure that
an attacker can not alter the provided nonce. For instance, if Bob
sees Alice log in under nonce "abc123" (her PHP session ID), what
happens if Bob later executes a replay attack by mimicking her form
submission (username: alice, password_hash: def456, session_id:
abc123)? If he can gain access via replay attack at any time after
Alice's first login ([a] while her session is valid or [b] after it
has expired presumably being the critical periods), the system offers
no security over non-nonced password transmission.
On Mar 27, 2006, at 8:30 AM, Satyam wrote:
I know the answer to a secure site is SSL, but what if you are on a
shared host, SSL is unavailable and you still want some sort of
This is what I came by and I would appreciate any advice as to
possible security holes in it. There is a big hole I know, which
is the screen to change the password, I find no way to secure that
one. But lets go to what I do have.
I found at a Javascript
version of the MD5 algorithm.
I checked it against the PHP md5() function:
<html><head><title>MD5 test</title>
<script language="JavaScript" src="includes/md5.js"></script>
function enOnLoad() {
document.getElementById('prueba').innerHTML = md5_vm_test(); //
test provided by the library
$valor = rand();
document.getElementById('p2').innerHTML = hex_md5('<?=$valor?>');
</head><body onLoad="enOnLoad();">
<div id=prueba></div>
<div id=p2></div>
And the results of the Javascript and the PHP md5() functions are
the same (the JS source has a couple of parameters to play with,
but the defaults proved good enough)
So, my idea is that in the login script, PHP will send a random
number along with the login form. That random might actually be the
session_id() but if not, the random value sent has to be stored in
a session variable. (I really don't see any reason not to use the
On clicking on submit to send the login form, the password field
would be replaced by the result of
a) calculate the MD5() of the password, trimmed of whitespace.
This should be the same value stored in the user table of the
b) concatenate this value with the random number (or session_id())
provided by the server.
c) calculate the MD5() of this
d) replace it into the original password field and let the submit
On the server side, when the login data is received:
a) retrieve the password field from the user table on the
database. This should actually be the MD5-encripted of the actual
b) concatenate this value with the session_id() or whatever random
you generated before
c) calculate the MD5() of this
d) compare with received value. If they match, they come from the
same password.
Would it work?
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