Benjamin Adams wrote:
$file = dog.txt;
$today = date("Ymd");
function incDate($new, $date){
//$date = settype('int');
return $new.($date++);
$getOldValue = parse_ini_file($file, 1);
$newValue = $getOldValue[$today] + 1;
$oldDate = $today . " = ". $newValue;
$newDate = preg_replace('/(\d+\s\=\s)(\d+)/ie', 'incDate("$1","$2")',
file_put_contents($file, $newDate . "\n");
This works with one file but with multi lines I'm having trouble:
if the file has:
20060301 = 34
20060302 = 3
the file after script will be:
20060302 = 4
I want it to preserve the previous lines
so output should be:
20060301 = 34
20060302 = 4
Help would be great, thanks
The easiest way would be to get incDate to add the newline back on the end.
You could also try:
preg_replace('/(\d+\s\=\s)(\d+)/ie', 'incDate("$1","$2")' . "\n", $oldDate);
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