weston@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Weston wrote:
$dte = DBToyExt::connect("mysql://weston_tssa:******@localhost/weston_tssa");
$dte will only have the return value of DBToyExt::connect() - it won't
allow you to access other methods in the class.
You'll need to:
$dbtoy = new DBToyExt();
Thanks! Works like a charm:
That's interesting. I think I just sortof expected that since the canonical
invocation is through a statically called method, calling it by dereferencing
a specific object wouldn't work.
In your example, $dte holds whatever DBToyExt::connect returns (whether
that's a connection resource, a boolean, a string - doesn't matter).
It's the same as:
function connect() {
return true;
$x = connect();
$x will only hold what 'connect' returns.
If you do:
It won't be an object, so you can't use that to reference other methods
in that (or the parent) class(es).
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